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If you run a business online, then this is the show for you. Listen in as your host, Abagail Pumphrey delivers semi-ranty business strategies touching on everything from building a profitable offer to scaling sustainably to growing an ethical culture and everything in between.

top 10 business podcast | 4 Million+ downloads | 750+ episodes

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Semi-ranty business strategies for successful small business owners.

Hey, it’s your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m on a personal mission to help more small business owners become financially free.

I like to nerd out on all things business, marketing, and most definitely the numbers. I’m talking all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business.

I like to share it all and no conversation is off the table. We talk actionable strategies, biz challenges, and all the things life throws your way - grief, anxiety, loss, and resilience are all topics you’ll find here.

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Our $15k Mistake (And How You Can Avoid Making It Yourself)

Today on the show, we’ll be telling you a story about a $15k mistake we just made. We are finally at a place where we are no longer blaming others for this mistake, and we are able to reflect on it and share it with you. So, we are going to talk to you about a concept we had hoped to implement in our business, the mistake we made, the giant role we played in allowing the bad crap to continue happening – and most importantly, how you guys can avoid making the same mistake in your own business!

Our excitement to create a successful, automated funnel in our business last year led us to hire an outside marketing team. After numerous red flags and no deliverables, we eventually had to cut ties with the team and call it a day. But at that point, it was already too late and we were at a $15k loss! In this episode, we explain how we got ourselves into this situation in the first place, exactly what the red flags were, what we should have done differently and how we are going to bounce back from this ever so slight hiccup. In addition, we walk you through the nitty-gritty of contract negotiation, KPI’s and managing the social dynamics of a new team. We hope that you will learn some lessons from our own sad story and takes this as a friendly reminder to always be the BOSS

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Copyright, Copy Cats and What Creatives Can Do to Protect Themselves with Autumn Boyd

Today on the show we welcome Autumn Witt Boyd. Autumn is an experienced lawyer who helps ambitious and creative business owners, such as yourself, reach their big scary goals. She owns the law office of Autumn Witt Boyd where she guides online and e-commerce businesses as they grow. She has special expertise in copyright and trademark issues and her firm offers full legal support to creative businesses. Autumn is also the host of The Legal Road Map podcast which teaches business owners to protect their rights and stay out of legal hot water!

A lot of entrepreneurs and business owners tend to shy away from legal conversations, particularly when it comes to copyrights. These situations can get complicated, awkward and are often just downright confusing! But they shouldn’t have to be. This is why we’ve brought Autumn on - to simplify our lives and ensure that we’re all on the right track and protecting our booties! In this episode, you’ll hear more about the biggest legal mistakes that creative and online business owners are making and get some special insights related to copyright, trademarks and dealing with copycats. To top it all off, you’ll get to hear Emylee go off on a tangent about people stealing our sh*t!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

What's a CEO Supposed to Be Doing – Our Journey of Figuring It Out

We have both been on a very personal journey to try and figure our sh*t out and a lot of it has had to do with determining what our role is within our own company. So, what does a CEO look like and what is a CEO actually supposed to be doing? This is the golden question we’ll be tackling in today’s episode. The role of CEO looks so different in every company. It is a role that can be completely unique and takes a while to find your groove. So no matter where you are in your own business, the episode will give you additional tools in finding where you belong. Your role as CEO, what you take on and what you don’t, is a personal decision at the end of the day and takes time and a lot of trial and error to figure out. Trust us, we know!

In this episode, we discuss how our role as CEO’s have evolved as we’ve slowly started outsourcing more, dropping certain tasks and hiring more. We also take a look at what other women have said about CEO’s, what their roles should be and how they can be so different. We don’t have it all figured out just yet, but as we said, this is a process and we’re getting there! So no matter where you are in your own business, come with us on this journey as we discuss where we’ve been, where we are, and where we want to be as CEO’s of our own company.

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Podcast, Services Guest User Podcast, Services Guest User

Becoming a Wellness Guinea Pig with Monica Woodhams of 45 Fairmount

Today on the show we welcome Monica Woodhams. Monica is a success coach & lifestyle expert with over half a decade of experience in the blogging industry. She assists influencers and creative entrepreneurs in conquering the work-life balance needed for success and is also the host of the Influencer Lifestyle Podcast. Today we speak with Monica about about health and success and how the two go hand in hand. As business owners, and especially as women business owners, we have a tendency to want to accomplish great things. Taking care of yourself, mentally and physically, is not something that you can just check off your list and it’s done. It is an ongoing practice and because of this, we tend not to prioritize it because the benefits are not immediate.

We want to see the clients coming in, the money coming in and your health is not necessarily a tangible accomplishment within your business. In your business, you are proactive about so many things, so why are you not proactive about your personal life and personal health? In this episode, Monica shares with us the benefits of slowing down and how taking care of yourself leads to added self-worth and added confidence in your business. Monica gives us four tangible steps to taking better care of ourselves and how to turn personal care into a habit. In this fast-paced world with burnouts and breakdowns around the bend, there is no better time to look after yourself so that you can in turn, look after your business and those around you.

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Podcast, Scaling Guest User Podcast, Scaling Guest User

Inventing Your New Possibility

On today’s show we’re doing things a little differently and taking you through a process that we believe can make a world of difference in your life! This episode will be all about inventing a new possibility in your life, and you’ll see just what a shift this can make. Abagail tried out this exercise recently and found it super helpful and enlightening, so we could not resist sharing it with our listeners. Full disclaimer though, it might be a bit of bumpy ride because let’s face it, most things that help you grow are not pain free. But we promise you’ll thank us in the end!

Emylee will be going through the guided exercise for the first time during the episode and you can join in with he. We can all get down to the nitty gritty together! A lot of the time we deal with the positive and negative aspects of our lives in repeated patterns of behavior that do not allow for very much progress. The process we will be detailing is simple and straightforward, yet it provides a lot of insight and hope into how small adjustments can change our lives in big ways. So if you’re game, grab your favorite notepad and buckle in, we’re going deep!

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Podcast, Project Management Guest User Podcast, Project Management Guest User

Planning Ahead For 2018 and Eliminating 50% of My Workload with Sarah Peck of Startup Pregnant

Today on the podcast we have Sarah Peck, who is a writer, startup advisor, and yoga teacher based out of New York City. She is the Founder and Executive Director of Startup Pregnant, a media company documenting the stories of women’s leadership across work and family. Inside today’s episode we are talking all about planning ahead for this year, how to eliminate 50% of your workload, and we’re going through the process of the system she used to really figure out how much time she realistically had so she could plan accordingly.

If you’re a momma, or you’re busy, or you’re a human, then you just need to pay attention because we will take you step-by-step through an exercise to reduce your to-do list in a cray way so that you can have a happier and more fulfilled life. Sarah is an incredible human being with a lovely soft radio voice that we often try to mimic, so we really think you are going to enjoy this episode just because of the sound of her voice alone. Don’t miss out!

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Podcast, Project Management Guest User Podcast, Project Management Guest User

Beginner Business Series – Part 5: Launch, Launch Baby

In this episode, we’re addressing the stage where most people give up and why you are not going to be one of those people. So let’s recap – by this point in the Beginner Business Series, you’ve created a product from something you are already amazing at doing. You’ve got it out the door and up quickly, you’ve validated your dreamies, you’ve packaged it, you’ve priced it, you’ve created a plan to market it and you’ve created a website landing page so that someone can pay you. (Wow! You’re crushing it, babe!)  This is also the point where sometimes, for SOME people, their plan fizzles and they lose motivation after all their hard work and planning.

Sounding like you? Well, guess what? This is NOT the time to scrap everything and start over! You are so close to seeing success and in this episode, we’re going to help you get through this last leg of the journey and recognize your worth. Sure, it might be easier to quit but you can push through! We are going to help you get over your fear of re-launching by giving you actionable steps that you can implement. A lot of that comes back to your personal attitude about your own product or service and today, we’re here tell you why you have to believe in your product and yourself, just like we do.

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Podcast, Project Management Guest User Podcast, Project Management Guest User

The Dangers of Procrastinating with Abbi Perets of Successful Freelance Mom

Today on the podcast we have Abbi Perets. Abbi is passionate about showing moms how to have it all and create a business from home. She is the founder of, teaching moms how to break into freelance writing and create high paying jobs for themselves where they can continue to work from home with their kids. Abbi has a cutthroat approach to procrastination and today, we discuss this dreaded demon we all face. In this episode, Abbi touches on the all the things you are dangerously procrastinating on – the things that are wasting your time and energy, the things you should be working on in order to see profit and clients faster and to create that business – even when you might have a slew of kids at home, mental illness or family issues.


Whatever excuse you choose to make, the chances are, you’ve made it over and over again and so have many other moms in your position. We want to help you get out of that rut and just do it! Abbi has a bunch of crazy issues she’s been put through with her family and she touches on these to show you it can be done. It will be done and you are the one to do it today! If you are looking for a new mind shift toward tackling your tasks, this is the episode for you. We are all super passionate about this topic so don’t be scared. This episode is really fun.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Finding Strength in Adversity: Revisiting Our Past in a Past Episode

We're taking a break from #BBS to reflect and share with you where we've come from and to remind you that no matter what you have been through in life, you CAN accomplish great things. We're jumping back to an old episode, so have a glass of wine while you’re listening to us. Kick back in your PJ’s, just chill, and be with us for a second. We are getting super real today. Not that we are any less real any other day, but we are taking it way back.

We hear so often that lives on Instagram look fancier than they are, and that Facebook portrays a certain façade. However, we are also really are in tune with being authentic for you guys and portraying our real selves as much as we can. We show our real selves as we are now and I think sometimes we forget where people have come from and what they have gone through in order to get to be where they are today. So that is exactly what we are doing today.

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