How to Grow Your Service-Based Business with a High-Touch Signature Service

Running a 1:1 service-based business isn’t all flowers and rainbows, and we know you’re ready to grow your biz and take it to the next level. You’re ready to finally:

  • Free up your hours and stop wasting precious time on so many low-paying clients

  • Achieve those 5-figure months you’ve been dreaming about since you started

  • Feel confident in your client onboarding process and overall client experience

  • Have systems in place like a well-oiled machine instead of feeling like everything is on fire all the time

Well, the best way to accomplish all of those things is by growing your service-based business with a High-Touch Signature Service™. In this blog post, we’ll explain how developing one is the key to unlocking your goals, working less, and making more.

Your Goals vs. Reality

Your goals and what’s actually possible with where your business is right now are likely on opposite ends of the spectrum. We want to reel you (gently) back to reality by asking you this one question:

With what you’re currently charging for your services, how many clients would it take to hit your goals?

The answer is probably a lot. Much more than your capacity can even realistically allow you to take on. Because of this, so many service providers are turning to other ways to grow their businesses with things like low-ticket digital offers and memberships. 

Spoiler alert: That isn’t a viable path to go down either. And we may have already ranted (out of love) about why. In a nutshell, courses, digital products, memberships, etc. just equal more work and leave you much less time that you had to begin with, especially if you don’t already have a large, engaged, dollars-in-hand audience ready to buy from you.

Double Your Income Without Doubling Your Time

Say you’re doing fairly well for your services and business model. Your average package is $1000. Five clients would put $5000 in the bank. But the thing is, you’re offering up a lot of your time in that one package. Once you add up all of the hours you’re putting in, those five clients are actually barely cutting it.

Instead, flip those numbers by offering $5000 packages. Now, you only need one client to make that money. Just think about the time you’d get back in your day! Even taking on just 3 clients would bank you $15K. Depending on your business goals, you could easily live off of just those 3 clients per month. (Hello, vacations!)

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There Are Clients Willing to Pay

We know the hesitation because we’ve heard it a million times, yet we’re always able to prove it wrong: There are clients who are willing to pay that kind of money. There are clients who won’t even bat an eye when they hear your pricing because they’re used to buying premium things. After all, that’s what your High-Touch Signature Service™ is– a premium, luxury service with the value and concierge-like client experience to go with it.

Let Us Do the Math For You

We’d love to hear the price point of your current service and your revenue goal for the next 12 months! Go DM us Instagram right now @bossproject (Yes, seriously!). You’re going to get to chat with Katie on Team Boss Project, who’s going to help you do the math, so you can figure out exactly what you need to be charging in order to reach your goals with the hours that you currently have available to work with clients!


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