Crafting Your Perfect Sales Pitch (without being icky)

Episode 482: Show Notes

We remember our first good sales experiences so well! It can be one of the best feelings in the world and it does not have to have that slimy and sleazy feeling to it at all. Today we are talking about what we are actually doing and the process for having more efficient, successful sales meetings, that just feel better. No one one wants to feel icky and coercive when they are pitching and the truth is you really do not have to! What you really need to learn how to do is to let people fall in love with your offer, so it is less about selling and more about showcasing your process. If you follow these simple pointers the actual sales pitch will be a home run, we promise!

Crafting Your Perfect Sales Pitch (without being icky)
Abagail Pumphrey & Emylee Williams of The Strategy Hour Podcast

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We have spoken at length on the podcast about locating your ideal and appropriate clients and this episode is essentially what to do once you have found them. Bad experiences in this department can make you feel terrible so we are trying to steer as far clear from these as possible. You do not want to be word-vomiting your way through nervous, un-researched meetings. These can leave you feeling like a wreck and with no more money to your name! Let's rather get strategic and get selling! 

How to Set Up Your Sales Meeting

The first and most important lesson here is to only spend time with qualified leads. Before you sit down with anyone, make sure they are the right type of client and that they will be ready to book and move forward. This means vetting clients first, so do your research, make some calls and do not forget about discovery. The sales pitch, when you get to it, must be focused on sales, not on getting to know them and what they like. The particulars of this process are up to you, let your business and personality lead the way! B2B and B2C will definitely look a bit different at these stages but the general rule here is to guide your clients through the process. That's your job! So have the discovery conversation first and find out as much as possible. You can let their answers lead the way and if you do this right you will be able to find the right fit for everyone involved. They do not always have to be your absolute ideal client but it is so worth knowing whether it is a workable relationship. You can start by figuring out important things like deadlines and expectations.

Moving Forward from the Vetting Process

Be upfront about what it is you provide so you can move forward as quickly as possible. The less time you can waste on dead ends the better for everyone. Remember, in-person meetings should be reserved for qualified leads so you can go straight into talking solutions and particulars. If you start laying the foundations early in the experience you can prime for the sale in advance. You should also be asking loads of questions, the more you know the better you can serve. It only takes a little bit of good listening and attention to make your clients feel really special and heard, so do not cookie cut the conversation. You probably know yourself what it feels like to be heard by someone when you explain your situation, this is what you are trying to foster. Try and make things specific and personal for them, it is not too hard to get to know someone well enough for sales quite quickly. Good conversation and a little bit of inquisitive digging go a long way! This can take the so-called 'selling' out of what you are doing and bring the human element back into things!

 The P.I.T.C.H. Method!

The front end work will pay off later, trust us! If you can remember important things to your client they will really love you for it. Retelling them their own story at a sales meeting will be so impressive and will surprise them in the best way. Reflect their energy and align with the person and you will be bonding in no time. So to take the sleaze out of the sale and skip the invoicing process and get straight to check signing, you can follow the following steps we have devised. First, prove that what you have is what they need, then iterate their words back to them. Next, talk them through the process and then clarify the process and next steps. If you can get very clear on expectations you will be setting the tone for later, and your later self will be eternally grateful. You are probably better at selling than you think, so by walking your clients through everything you can prevent any future roadblocks and will be booked out really soon!


Quote This

You’ve got to be mindful of who it is you are ultimately talking to.



  • How to Set Up Your Sales Meeting. [0:04:31.4] 

  • Moving Forward from the Vetting Process. [0:11:35.6]

  • Good Conversation as the Foundation. [0:21:05.2]

  • The P.I.T.C.H. Method! [0:23:35.8]


Abagail & Emylee

The Strategy Hour Podcast

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We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.


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