Creating a Right Now Routine for Creatives, Neurodivergents and Avoidants with Shunta Grant

Episode 547: Show Notes

Today on the show we welcome Shunta Grant an incredible soul who helps women live lives with intention. Through her company, Best Today, Shunta equips women with resources to be both proactive and intentional with their time. Shunta begins with time because it is the container that holds our days in our lives. She also offers a Best Today Guide, which is a 14-week undated guide that helps women plan their days with intention through her signature process, The Right Now Routine, which is what we are talking about today — how to create realistic routines that last.

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We are super excited to break down this conversation for you today, while Abagail shares her journey of going through the program and how it deeply impacted her life, and the examples of how she has used it. Then Emylee shares about the program and why she has avoided going through it because of her misconceptions about routine and what it might mean for her in her day. Shunta does a really amazing job breaking down those hesitations and how routines can still work for creatives, for neurodivergents, and for people who don’t want a lot of structure in their day. We know you will get a lot of great ideas from this episode, so stick to the very end to find out more about all of Shunta’s amazing resources that you can dive into today to learn how to create a routine that’s perfect for you!

How Shunta Came to Be the Routine Queen

Before Shunta thought about being a business owner, her friends would always come to her when they needed help getting organized and arranging their time. When she left her law career, she was all-consumed by her work, which for a long time, she thought was ok. Yes, it is fine to love what you do, but that does not mean you have to work 24/7. When she took a step back and realized that she did not have to do it all, Shunta understood just how important it was to be intentional. What is especially great about Shunta’s approach to routine is that it is rooted in habits and consistency. So, then what do you do if you are someone who struggles with creating habits in the first place? As Shunta points out, you have to first change your mind about why habits and routines are important before you incorporate them into your life. You might not even realize just how creative you are because you don’t have a routine. Routines free your mind, give you more time, and help you solve so many of the common complaints you have in your life. You have to first understand what routine is not; it is not rigid or controlling. Instead, you should realize that you are in control, which means you can do what you feel works for you on a day-to-day basis.

Routine Isn’t What You Think It Is

Although many of us are naturally good at getting through what we need to in a day, this does not mean that we will not benefit from a routine because it just gives us more options. It is so common for us to be resistant when people tell us to make a change, even if that person is us! You know what? You can try something, and if it doesn’t work for you, then you don’t have to stick to it. It is totally up to you. Routine is not always about more things to do; it is about the person you want to be. This means that if you want to be someone who prioritizes rest, then create a routine that has that built into it.  For Abagail, she was in a bad space with her sleeping and realized that her days were not the best they could be because she was sleep-deprived. Another crucial routine that helped Abagail was taking the stressors out of her life and marriage so that she could find time and space when she wanted. An example of this is meal planning and thinking about food differently. Before, food was a big time and energy waste in Abagail’s house. But by simplifying it, not only has she saved herself so much time, but she has become a lot healthier as well. Routine impacts so many aspects of our lives, from health to our relationships; nothing is unaffected by how we choose to spend our time. When you make a decision one time, like in the instance of meal planning, you have so much more space in your brain to dedicate to other things. So many people come to Shunta thinking they need a better morning routine, but this isn’t necessarily even the problem. There are so many other issues that are probably causing you to have a bad morning, and once you solve the root causes, you will find that things will become easier for you.   

Start Small to See Big Changes

A part of the problem with routines is that we have been sold the idea that there is a one-size-fits-all method. So, Shunta’s approach is not to have routine be another potential source of stress. This is especially helpful for people who have ADHD or who may struggle with perfectionism. You can start your routine with a small step, like waking up early. You should not be afraid to start small because you need to build that habit muscle first. This means that you might have to try something that may not work out, and for those of us who have a fear of failure, this can be super scary. But life is about doing things, collecting data, and going back to the drawing board. So, try to build a routine that matches your current level of commitment. Do not plan to run a marathon if you currently don’t have an exercise regimen in place because you are setting yourself up for failure. Meeting your commitments, no matter how small they seem, will add up and help you get to where you want to be. In the moment, it can be hard to see what we have done as creating a routine, so try to reflect on how far you have come. Once you do this, you will build confidence and maybe even look forward to something you didn’t like before.

Intention is the Key Ingredient

So many of us hold this belief that we have to be incredible at everything the first time we try it, but this often stops us from trying in the first place. It is the same with routine. We might not get it right the first time, which is why it is so important to take small steps. Yes, it is not sexy to only run for a minute, but how will you be able to run a marathon if you don’t have a solid foundation first? There are so many lies we tell ourselves and limits we put on ourselves, which is why Shunta implores us to be honest and understand why we are the way we are. There are probably some things we want to change about ourselves, but nothing will change if we are not going to change our minds first. Most of us probably have routines already, but there is a difference between doing something innately and doing it intentionally. We want to get to a place where the choices we make in our day are intentional and will help us create better lives. 


Quote This

We all have routines. The goal is to create intentional, healthy routines that aid us.



  • How Shunta Came to Be the Routine Queen. [0:01:26.1] 

  • Routine Isn’t What You Think It Is. [0:10:06.1]

  • Start Small to See Big Changes. [0:22:30.1]

  • Intention is the Key Ingredient. [0:32:51.1]

#TalkStrategyToMe [0:40:10.6]

  1. Ask yourself what your current beliefs around routine are.

  2. Figure out how you can invite routine into your life as it stands now. 

  3. Get clear on what is blocking you when it comes to implementing a routine. 

Shunta Grant

The Best Today Brand

The Best Today Brand Website  | Website | Right Now Routine | Twitter | Facebook | Podcast

In a world telling women that they have to “do it all,” Shunta Grant is on a mission to free women from the overwhelm, tension and discontentment of a life marked by busy. Shunta teaches women how to live a life of intention by helping them (1) get clear on who they are and what they want (2) create a vision for their lives and (3) put practical steps in place to be proactive and intentional with their time. Through her company, Best Today™, Shunta equips women with resources to be proactive and intentional with their time. Shunta begins with time because it is the container that holds our days and our lives. From the Best Today™ Guide, a 14-week undated guide that helps women plan their days with intention through it’s signature 3-step process, to Right Now Routine™, an online program that teaches women how to create realistic routines that last, Shunta’s work has impacted thousands of women from all across the globe.


Routine, Flexibility, Freedom, Health, Habits, Intention, Mindset





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