Feel in Control: How 4 Minutes Can Transform Your Emotional Health with Tera Wages

Episode 899: Show Notes

There is an emotion behind almost everything you do, and you experience emotion all day, every day. The more you experience them without recognizing and processing them, the more they flood your brain. When your emotions fire, your thoughts fire, and that is what leads to your behavior: what you’re presenting, how you’re showing up, your confidence, how you speak, and so much more.

Today, I am joined by an inspiring entrepreneur and CEO who has spent over a decade working alongside some of the digital marketing industry’s big names! Tera Wages’ work with Connection Codes has helped her master the art of emotional regulation, which has entirely changed her life, marriage, and business. In this discussion, we are diving deep into how to understand and regulate those emotions so that we can be empowered to show up stronger in our personal lives and business. This episode helped me identify some of the things I want to work on, and I am confident that it will give you some incredible tools to do the same. Let’s get started!

Feel in Control: How 4 Minutes Can Transform Your Emotional Health with Tera Wages
Abagail Pumphrey of The Strategy Hour Podcast

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The Four-Minute Tool to Help You Regulate Your Emotions

So many people don’t even know how to identify the emotions they are feeling, and then they end up being weighed down by them. And if you can’t even name an emotion you’re feeling, how can you expect your nervous system to be able to process it? The Connection Codes has created an incredible tool called the Core Emotion Wheel with eight core emotions that all of our complex emotions break down to in order to help you practice identifying feelings.

Tera wants you to go through the wheel and think of a recent/big time you have felt each of the emotions and do this exercise habitually so that you can re-learn what each emotion actually feels like. This only takes four minutes, and it’s the best way to figure out how to name what you’re feeling. It teaches you the language of emotion and how to communicate it in a way that many people weren’t ever taught. 

How These Tools Can Help Business Relationships and Communication

A business partnership is not far off from a marriage, and in a marriage, communication is key. There is no difference when it comes to business partnerships. Tera wants you to learn how to communicate with a business partner in the same clear and respectful way you would communicate with your life partner. This is imperative in understanding each other so that you can support one other and, ultimately, run a successful business. If you approach conflict with how it made you feel instead of blame, people tend to be far more compassionate and understanding. Tera takes it a step further and encourages you to use the core emotions when expressing yourself in relationships so that the other person can empathize with those feelings. 

Emotional Awareness Improving Leadership and Business Growth

When you become emotionally aware, you are no longer weighed down by your emotions. Shame and fear used to control how Tera showed up in business settings, and now, they don’t have a hold of her, and she is able to take risks that she was never able to take before. She is able to speak truth into any fear or imposter syndrome she may feel and is able to show up in a way that makes her feel confident and lead her business. The more you practice regulating, the easier it becomes and the less those emotions control you.

Tera also believes that co-regulating is incredibly helpful to help you regulate your emotions as it uses far less energy than when you try to regulate alone. Your emotions are your own. They belong to you entirely, but in your relationships, you need to be able to hold space for each other to feel those emotions. The Four Minute Tool helps you practice handling emotions so that you get better at processing emotions so that they don’t feel as heavy no matter when they hit you. 

How Identifying Your Emotions Helps with Burnout

When you experience burnout, you often attribute it to the number of tasks you have to get done, but what you often don’t consider are the emotions tied to those tasks. If you don’t recognize that there is emotion tied to the list of things you have to do, it makes it feel like an even more difficult task. But if you can identify what each thing makes you feel, you can also figure out what you need at that moment. At the end of the day, emotions are our messengers, and behind every message is a need.

Processing the emotion takes away a good portion of the spiraling that comes with overwhelm and helps you get clear on what needs to be done to organize your tasks in a way that ultimately helps prevent burnout. Life interferes with work so much, and Tera wants you to know that when you can process the emotions of life, your work will flourish in a whole new way. So many women carry the weight of way too much in their lives while feeling like nothing they ever do is good enough. I really hope this conversation helps you process what is going on for you so that your emotions can be a weight lifted off your shoulders. Let’s work through our emotions so we can create the lives we want and build the businesses that will help us do that! 


Quote This

“The power of regulating and co-regulating is that the more you do it, the easier it becomes, and those emotions don’t take as much of a hold on your body.”

— Tera Wages



  • The Four-Minute Tool to Help You Regulate Your Emotions [0:08:33] 

  • How These Tools Can Help Business Relationships and Communication [0:17:58]

  • Emotional Awareness Improving Leadership and Business Growth [0:23:28]

  • How Identifying Your Emotions Helps with Burnout [0:32:02]


Tera Wages

Website  |  Linkedin  |  Instagram  |  Podcast

After working in the digital marketing space for over a decade, working with top entrepreneurs like Marie Forleo and Amy Porterfield, Tera Wages developed a passion for helping female entrepreneurs experience confidence, clarity, and focus.When she learned the power of emotions and how to regulate them, she found the key.

Now, as the CEO of Connection Codes, she understands that under every decision there is emotion. And when our brains are flooded with emotion, productivity, self-esteem, and communication suffer. She teaches a 4-minute tool to learn how to identify and regulate emotions so women can stop playing small and show up with confidence and the clarity they need to dominate in their field.


Abagail Pumphrey

Abagail on Instagram

Boss Project on Instagram | Facebook

Abagail hosts the twice-weekly podcast, The Strategy Hour, which is recognized by INC and Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs.

Key Topics:

Emotional Awareness, Emotional Regulation, Emotional Health, Relationship Building, Business Growth

We Mentioned:

Download the Core Emotion Wheel

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