How to Scale to 6-Figures and Leave Your 9-5 in Under 12 months with Taylor Slango

Episode 377: Show Notes

Welcome back to the show all you lovely listeners! Today we have a great guest who we cannot wait to share with you. Taylor Slango is an online business coach who helps women looking to grow their empire without compromising the things that are important to them! Her focus is on helping clients align their energy and strategy, in order to have more fun, make more money and ultimately make more sales! She started her business just one year ago and has since scaled to six figures and managed to leave her 9 to 5 in under 12 months. Impressive, right? This path is exactly what we will be talking about today!

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We are sure you all have a million questions around this transition. What it looks like, what to watch out for, how to know you're ready, the mindset to aim for and so on. Do not fear, we cover it all! We think the fact that Taylor is so fresh into this journey herself makes this an amazing opportunity to get her perspective! Taylor will also be at our upcoming summit, which we hope all of you have your free tickets for and if you do not yet, go get them! Her presentation is titled, 'How to Plan Your Next Sold Out Launch Without Stress, Overwhelm or Burnout'. This fits perfectly into today's conversation and we think you all need to hear it, so join us as we dive in! 

An Introduction to What Taylor Does

Taylor gave her notice at her day job in June and after that, she admits she experienced some imposter syndrome. She has been full time in her own biz since August and despite the doubts, she has been killing it! Taylor attracts dreamy clients and helps them to sell out launches so they can go full time, just like her! She started the business last year in August and it is pretty mind-blowing, for her and us, that she managed to quit her 9 to 5 in just over 8 months. She has a great relationship with her previous boss and one of the reasons she initially took that job was so that she could learn about working from home and running a business. In the past, Taylor has worked at a gym, a criminal justice office, a furniture workshop; so she has pretty much done it all. It took doing these different jobs to find her lane, and the support from her family and partner helped a lot too.

How Taylor Made the Switch from Day Job

She started as a mindset coach and her first launch brought in 10k! This inspired her to just go and do it again and the second time she had a 25k launch! This snowballed and pretty soon she had 40k saved in the bank and almost did not know what to do with it. At this point, she decided to make the shift away from just mindset, to the role of a business coach. She took the jump and the next launch she broke the 30k barrier! With no ads! Taylor admits this course of events has been somewhat surprising but she also has a tremendous amount of belief and commitment to what she is doing. In response to these successes, she had people around her, including her accountant, telling her to go it alone. It is never easy to make this jump and there are always sacrifices to be made, being ready is difficult and it is ultimately a mindset. We all feel different about where we are at, on different days but realizing the power of your own decisions is what makes the more tricky parts manageable. Taylor urges us to ask ourselves why we make the decisions we do. Are we doing things from a place of fear and how positive are we being about our own agency?

The Foundation for the Service that Taylor Provides

In college, Taylor's first major was entrepreneurship. She shifted to a few other things but she had always wanted to help others, so it was natural for her to find her way back to where she is now. Her friends and family have always come to her for advice and her work behind the scenes on other businesses' big launches showed her a gap in the market. She wanted to work with people to show them the power of their decisions and since she has started doing it, she has become obsessed with this role! Taylor reminds us how you have to show up, especially in the beginning and the vital importance of consistency when building a company and brand. There is also the task of getting out and doing it, there are so many buzzwords out there at the moment but we are seeing more and more how important genuine connection to an audience is. Markers and goals are valuable but what is the ripple effect of having a 10k launch? Think about the actual effects of hitting these targets! 

Economic Consideration Around Going Full-Time

Now is the best time to go out and do your thing! People want someone who is embodying what they are teaching. This is how Taylor motivates herself to stick to her plan and you can too! She was quite loose with her financial thresholds due to her unwavering self-belief but she aimed to replace what she was making and also looked at what her bare minimum could be. She prepared herself to be frugal if necessary and she reminds us that if you are scared to leap, it is a good practice to know what your rock bottom number is. This experience is quite similar to Abagail's husband's recent transition to self-employment. Taylor is all about the energy! She believes and has seen how things show up when you put yourself out there. It is necessary to be disciplined and find your own flow due to the lack of structure that comes when you are answering to yourself and even though it is not always pretty, Taylor really feels she is living out her dream. And you can too!


Quote This

Ready is a mindset, it is not a reality.

—Taylor Slango



  • An Introduction to What Taylor Does! [0:04:02.4] 

  • How Taylor Made the Switch from Day Job. [0:09:36.7]

  • The Foundation for the Service that Taylor Provides. [0:17:45.2]

  • Economic Consideration Around Going Full-Time. [0:30:40.8]

#TalkStrategyToMe [0:40:01.9]

  1. Detail Your Perfect Day.  

  2. Write a List of Current Habits. 

  3. Meet Your Vision Half Way!


Taylor Slango

Website | Instagram | Facebook

I love beaches, iced coffee, and books. I’m a dog mom to the cutest pup (Marley) and I’m an ENFJ. I get to help people have more fun, make more money, and live life on their own terms for a living.  I believe we live in a world of overflow where there is more than enough abundance, opportunities, love, money, and space for everyone. I also believe we create our own reality and can write our own rules in life to experience it however we want to.  I started learning about the Law of Attraction when I was 9, and even though I fought my mom in the car when she continuously played “The Secret” on an audio disk – I’m BEYOND grateful for it now. That message resonated long-term.  I quickly and fiercely started to believe that I could be, do, and have anything I set my mind to.  I did the whole sha-bang. I went to college, got a degree, landed a decent paying 9-5. But I’ve always had the entrepreneurial bug in me. Over the years, I tipped my toes in Network Marketing, created and sold wedding favors, birthday party decorations, and dabbled in furniture restoration.  Now, I’m here. Teaching other women to NEVER settle for less than their wildest dreams and become obsessed with their life.


Mindset, Transition, Scale, Full Time, Self-employment


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