Marketing that Feels Good, Is Marketing that Works with Brit Kolo

Episode 438: Show Notes

Today on the show we are so excited to have Brit Kolo joining us once again! She is the creator of the Marketing Personality Type Framework to be found at Through her framework, Brit has designed a match up system that works to find the best marketing strategies built for you based on your Myers-Briggs personality test! You guys know we love personality tests, so it is not shocking that Brit is back on the show but today, there’s a twist! 

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In this episode, we are throwing out a lot of what we have been raised to believe in this online marketing world about finding your ideal avatar. Today, we explore how maybe the concept of an ideal avatar is actually not what we should be paying attention to at all! So, be sure to listen to this episode to find out what Brit thinks you should value more than your ideal client or avatar, and how you can best filter marketing strategies that feel comfortable, good, and fun, so you can be super effective!

Tailoring Your Marketing to Fit You Rather than Your Avatar

We spend a lot of time talking about the ideal avatar or customer and adapting marketing strategies to capture them. Brit drops a bomb on this framework though by asking whether it is as important as we think. Identifying and marketing based on your avatar is an attractive idea but Brit sees people falling into the trap of endlessly chasing this ideal customer around the internet. She instead asks whether the person doing the marketing might matter more than the customer! Instead of focusing your marketing efforts, strategies, mind, and brain on who your ideal client is and then chasing them down, Brit proposes for you to start where you are at – with who YOU are. Identify what your innate strengths are and what marketing strategy and tactics are going to feel good for you, because if you can start there, regardless of who your ideal client is, you’re going to develop a better marketing strategy that actually works. When you can show up feeling good in your marketing strategy, you are the most magnetic you possibly can be. When you’re feeling fake, sales-ey, awkward, or doing what you think your ideal client wants to see, you’re not as magnetic – and marketing is all about magnetism! 

Ideal Marketing Strategies for Myers-Briggs INFJ Types

Brit’s framework uses the Myers-Briggs personality test as a foundation. While there are 16 personality types in Myers-Briggs, we take some time to speak to what Brit’s framework has to say for the INFJs, because Abagail and Emylee both fall under that category! INFJ types are deep thinking and prolific by nature, meaning they thrive publishing long-form, indoctrination type content such as blogs, podcasts, and videos. For INFJs, the format is less important than the purpose though. INFJs want to make sure they aren’t rushing their customer so that by the time they pitch, the customer is already far down the funnel and more qualified to buy. INFJs can really pump out the content if given the space to do so, and this is proved true by considering the fact we are already on episode 438 of this show!

Gut-Checking Tips and How to Use Effective Strategies You Don’t Like

This concept of being in alignment first is great; you don’t have to do all the marketing strategies out there to be successful! When coming up with a strategy a two-part question is necessary: where is your audience and which of those places feel best for you to reach them? We get into some gut-checking strategies for newbies who might be trying too many channels at once, and Brit suggests to simply sit down and make a list. Write down how many marketing efforts you are doing per week or month and then ask yourself which of them you’re doing because you think you should because somebody told you that’s what to do. ‘Should’ leads to shame and that is not magnetic! We consider a caveat next though which is what if you do something you don’t like but it ends up working really well? Brit suggests in this situation it’s a good idea to ask yourself what parts about that strategy did feel good. If you are going to show up on a platform you don’t enjoy which produces great results, then the question of how to do that in a way that feels the best is really important! We hear from Abagail and Emylee about the annoyance of keeping up with Instagram’s changing algorithms next. At first, they loved the platform and it worked for them but its constant evolution makes it hard to keep doing the same loved strategies! Emylee also talks about how transparently sharing about Boss Project in the way she shares about her own business on Instagram feels less natural and Brit makes a great suggestion for how to resolve this bottleneck. At the end of the day, no matter the platform you’re on, zeroing in on lessons a guru taught you won’t work if you don’t feel them, but there is no harm in trying them out for size in a way that is less time-consuming!

Drilling Down on Your Avatar After Finding what Feels Best for You

At this point we have reached the question of how one’s ideal client ends up fitting into all of this. If you have found your personality type, you’re using strategies that feel good and tweaking ones that don’t, how can you be sure that you’re reaching your ideal client? Brit suggests you first have to identify who that client might be, and once you know that, use the intel to shape what you say and how when you are showing up on your different platforms. Speak to that avatar and you can be sure your messaging will attract them. Abagail and Emylee share how this fits into the strategies they have used over time, where they have definitely tended to cast the net wide. Brit’s thoughts on this are that when our hosts began their business, there was more space for a broader message. Moreover, while niching is more important now than ever, Abagail and Emylee’s platform has now become big enough they can afford to speak to a wider range of types. Abagail speaks to her husband’s following which is small but highly engaged versus hers which is large and less engaged and she recommends a higher engaged audience from a sales perspective. Abagail’s approach naturally casts a wider net because she tends to want to help everybody. Emylee shares about her personal approach to her business too, which involves following her gut the whole way and doing what feels right for her. Brit’s thoughts on their different approaches are that one should not compare with the other, even though they fall under the same personality type. If they can just keep searching themselves and doing what feels right, that would be the best approach!


Quote This

When you can show up feeling good in your marketing strategy, you are the most magnetic you possibly can be.

—Brit Kolo



  • Tailoring Your Marketing to Fit You Rather than Your Avatar. [0:03:23.1] 

  • Ideal Marketing Strategies for Myers-Briggs INFJ Types. [0:11:15.6]

  • Gut-Checking Tips and How to Use Effective Strategies You Don’t Like. [0:15:46.8]

  • Drilling Down on Your Avatar After Finding what Feels Best for You. [0:35:35.8]

#TalkStrategyToMe [0:49:01.6]

  1. Consider the idea that you matter as much or more than your avatar.

  2. Realize that marketing that feels good is marketing that works.

  3. Go to and find out what your strategy includes.


Brit Kolo

Marketing Personalities

Website |Instagram | Facebook

Brit Kolo is the Creator of the Marketing Personality Type Framework at and the host of the Marketing Personalities Podcast. If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner who is sick of feeling fake and sales-ey when marketing and are looking to market and grow your businesses, Brit is the person to speak to. Through her framework, designed to match you with your best marketing strategy based on your Myers-Briggs personality type, she works to shake up your approach to marketing and inspire you to grow your business in a way that feels great.


Marketing that feels good, Personality types, Avatars, Gut-checking


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