My “I’m Done” Moment

Episode 819: Show Notes

I’ve been avoiding telling you a really important story. It’s one I was scared to tell, but I know you need to know this so that you don’t feel so alone. Somewhere along the way, I lost myself in my business, before I re-focused and got back in the “feel-good” zone. 

In this episode, I want to remind you that business can be fun, exciting, empowering, and encouraging! Following your intuition to make your business feel good is going to inspire you in so many ways. It’s going to give you the kind of contagious energy to pursue things in a way that will not only improve your mood but also attract people who want what you’re offering.

Since the clock struck midnight on January 1st, I have been in that “feel-good” zone. This year has felt amazing because I’ve allowed myself to focus on things that I genuinely care about, feel good about, and want to see people benefit from! My energy has been the most contagious it has been in years. I’d almost forgotten what it felt like! 

Regardless of how frustrated or burnt out you feel right now, there is lightness on the other side, and it is so life-giving. You have so much to look forward to, but first, I want to tell you how I got to this moment.

My “I’m Done” Moment
Abagail Pumphrey of The Strategy Hour Podcast

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The Turning Point That Changed Everything

I had lots of these kinds of moments last year, but one in particular was a giant freaking wake-up call for me! I was sitting next to my 95-year-old grandmother and she hadn’t eaten for days. She was in the hospital with COVID. I had been so careful, and I hadn’t gotten sick for multiple years. But I flew in an airplane in September of ’22, and on my birthday, I tested positive for COVID. She got it despite us being so careful and getting so much extra help. 

I had to wait weeks to see her because I was still sick. When I did, she was lying in her hospital bed, barely conscious. She wanted to die. I begged her to eat. I wasn’t ready for her to go! And in that moment, I was also snapped back into reality. I thought about all the things I had to get done; client deliverables, emails, content, and all of the things that society and business tell you you owe to other people. I was so done. 

What I Needed to Hear When I Wanted to Give Up

A year after I had my traumatic brain injury, I had a similar moment, where I didn’t know how to keep going. I knew I wanted my business to look and feel a certain way, but somewhere along the line, I lost sight of why. I know there is a way to create a business that makes a deep impact by doing what you love and supporting you in prioritizing your life first because I’ve done it twice. This time, I’m staying freaking focused!

My grandmother was taken to hospice and made huge improvements until she broke her hip, was taken to a care facility, and ultimately passed last June. It was so painful, but I still had a business with obligations and contracts and people to care for. I knew that the business I had and the business I wanted were not the same thing, but it took a full year from the day she got COVID to the day that I felt like I knew what to do.

Why it Doesn’t Have to Feel Like Climbing a Mountain

You didn’t start a business to feel trapped by it. You did it so that you would have more choices, more flexibility, and more financial freedom. I had slowly added in so many complications that the flexibility had been eaten away. I felt obligated to be at my desk every day, all day because my overhead was so exorbitant. I had to make more in a single month than my entire salary before I left corporate. It didn’t feel good, to say the least.

I’m not saying that you can’t build a business that’s easy. I’m talking about finding ease around it. It can feel like you’re climbing a mountain, or it can feel aligned. I was climbing a mountain. You don’t have to! You can take that moment in time and say no! You can reclaim where you want to go. I want to tell you that you can have a business that will fully support you, that will fully take care of you financially and allows you to walk away and prioritize your family.

How My Business Began to Make Money While I Put My Life First

In the five hours since I walked away from my business last night, it made $900. From the time my head hit the pillow to 8 AM this morning, it made another $1,200. This is not because I’ve been in business for the amount of time that I have. I’m also not saying that you have to follow the same path that I have. You have to figure out the path that’s going to feel good for you and allow you to pay attention to the things that make a difference. 

You can still grow and have more ease, have it feel good, and not be working 40 hours a week. You can still grow and have fewer one-on-one clients. I know how hard it can be and I want to be there to support you! I know how rewarding and life-giving it can be. I’ve had many of those, ‘Oh my God, everything is different now,’ moments, and I could pretend that those things didn’t happen. But I kept going back to what makes sense for the season I am in. 

What it Looks Like For Me to Make it Easy

I have far less one-on-one work, I am selling almost exclusively one-to-many, I’m a multi-seven-figure business owner, I live in my dream home, completely debt-free with no mortgage, I’m a millionaire with the option to retire at 44. Those things did not happen overnight, but they did happen because I focused on consistently prioritizing the people I love, taking great care of my team, and ethically supporting them. 

I could only have imagined this was possible for me at the beginning of all this. I thought the only way was to hustle. But there isn’t just one way! All these marketers out there are trying to sell you on their way. They’re trying to say, this is what I did, copy-paste, and you’ll see the same results. If their way lights you up, it might work for you too. But my goal isn’t for you to duplicate my journey. It’s to see you find the way that works for you. 

How I Can Help You to Live a Life You’ve Only Dreamed Of

A couple of years ago, I started the Incubator because I wanted to pour into people. I wanted to make a deep impact and see them grow. It freaking works! But because of how that program was built, it was only accessible to people making more than $10,000 per month. I know many of you are at earlier stages and still desire this life that I’m talking about. So I made some changes to the Co-Op to make it more impactful, by adding in strategy. I’m finally ready to say out loud that you can get access to my coaching in a group environment. 

I used to charge $1,500 per month to be in my Incubator program. My C-Suite Program was $2,500 per month. My one-on-one coaching starts at $5,000 per month. You now have an option to get bi-weekly group coaching with me for $297 a month. Literally, if you make one sale because of being in this room, it will be worth it. I have been behind the scenes of some of the greatest names, and it doesn’t have to be that hard! I want to help you to live a life you’ve only dreamed of.


Quote This

If you’re anything like me, you didn’t start a business to feel trapped by it. You did it so that you would have more choices and more flexibility and more financial freedom.



  • The Turning Point That Changed Everything [0:05:36] 

  • What I Needed to Hear When I Wanted to Give Up [0:09:35]

  • Why it Doesn’t Have to Feel Like Climbing a Mountain [0:13:43]

  • How My Business Began to Make Money While I Put My Life First [0:17:33]

  • What it Looks Like For Me to Make it Easy [0:21:15]

  • How I Can Help You to Live a Life You’ve Only Dreamed Of [0:24:13]


Abagail Pumphrey

Abagail on Instagram

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Abagail Pumphrey, the Co-Founder & CEO of Boss Project, has been a driving force in the creative entrepreneur industry since 2015. With a passion for empowering service-based business owners around the globe, she became internet-famous after the launch of the transformative training, "Trello for Business." This innovative system revitalized the operations of over 10,000 business owners, making a significant impact on the online business landscape.

Under Abagail's leadership, Boss Project has been featured in prestigious publications such as Forbes, Marie Claire, INC, and HuffPost. Her twice-weekly podcast, The Strategy Hour, is a staple in the business community, continuously topping Business and Management Charts on Apple with millions of listeners from around the world.

Abagail's superpower lies in her ability to break down complex concepts into easy-to-implement, duplicatable systems. As an expert in online sales and a data-driven strategist, she has turned a layoff into a 7-figure work-from-home business. Abagail's mission to help more female founders become financially free, without letting their businesses take over their lives, continues to inspire and guide entrepreneurs on their path to success.

Key Topics:

Changing Direction, Turning Points, Life First Value, Business Planning, Strategy, Financial Planning, Time Freedom


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