P.S. We Also Run an MLM Business

Episode 128: Show Notes

Surprise! We also have another business that’s not TCC! If you haven’t already heard, the truth is, we are actually oily, hippie weirdos. The cat’s out the bag and this is what we are going to be talking about today; our discovery, love and business venture into Young Living Oils and how it blends into our full-time job at TCC. Young Living Oils has been life-changing for both of us. We started using them to help with our migraines, insomnia and recurrent illnesses. They helped us feel amazing, be healthier and make clearer decisions in all aspects of our lives. Then, we realized, “Hey, wait. There could be a business opportunity in this.”

P.S...We Also Run a MLM Business
Abagail Pumphrey & Emylee Williams of The Strategy Hour

So today, we are going to be sharing our unique strategies for our side business in oils, how it has become a creative outlet for us and changed the way we live. If you are wanting to improve your approach to brands and products as well as your side-hustle, then this is an episode for you. Get those notebooks out and start writing, babes!

What Is An MLM Business?

Tupperware. Avon. Mary Kay. Ring any bells? These are businesses that really thrive off of having small independent business owners who sell a product line. They all have the same product line and build teams to sell that same product line but it focuses on one company’s mission and the products they have available for them. Essentially, they are building a sales force, which is why they call it direct sales. People treat it like a totally different kind of business but when you treat it like every other business out there and you focus on the core values and foundations, it’s not only going to work better but build faster. We love the shift to mostly women making money and changing lives by just believing in a product because it has changed their own lives. There is a new type of people who are changing the landscape as to how these businesses are marketed. We are really proud of the movement that is led by some amazing women out there. So let us share our journey with you into Young Living Oils, our MLM business.

Why We Chose To Use Young Living Oils And How They Changed Our Lives

Oils have been a part of Emylee’s life since she was a child. Her mom was a “put-crystals-on-the-sidewalk” type of hippie so oils and natural medicine were something she was accustomed to. Emylee was battling some extreme hormonal migraines in 2012/2013 linked to her infertility. She was in so much pain and one day got chatting with a friend on a photo shoot. Her friend gave her a roll-on of oil she had with her, encouraging Emylee to try it. She used the blend and it was amazing. She started learning everything she could about these oils and getting to the root of the issue; the root of her migraines, anxiety and stress. It was life changing for her and she began to do a ton of research on various oil companies and how these brands are different to the ones in the grocery store. She kept coming back to Young Living; their quality, effects and results.

Abbie, on the other hand, was raised conservative and remembers when she met Emylee, she was using oils. At the time Abbie and Emylee met, Abbie was having severe insomnia and constant illnesses. Emylee began to bring up the oils and Abbie decided to try them. The first time she tried them, she slept through the whole night. Then her husband fell in love with it and they began introducing the oils into their household rather than using harsh cleaning chemicals, they switched to natural products. They started getting sick less often and Abbie became a believer! Abbie and Emylee started exploring other products within the Young Living brand; everything from the oils, to makeup, to cleaning products, to body wash. What they learned might just shock you.

Do Your Frikkin’ Research: How Daily Products Could Be Harming You

Abbie and Emylee began doing their research on all the everyday products in their homes. They were using the help of an app called Think Dirty, which rates the danger level / health risks of your products by simply scanning the ingredients. If there is only one message you take away from this entire episode, let it be this: do your frikkin’ research! We are so easily sold. We trust so many companies with our health and our lives. We give that power to so many other people and we forget, at the end of the day, it is up to us. It is our responsibility. We can either house a living space of toxicity or we can choose not to. This journey with oils helped us to avoid dangers of medicine. It begged us to ask the question, “Well what else in my day-to-day could be harming me if the prescription medicine is?”

People may think it is more expensive to buy these products and that it’s more effort but we can’t tell you how much money we have saved. Emylee has not visited the health and beauty department at Target for two to three years! Think of all those things when you are browsing the aisles for a new shampoo, mascara and concealer. Fragrance perfume, for example, is the only industry in the world that does not have to say what is in their product, what makes up that fragrance. To them, their ingredients are their copyright. You’re taking that unknown substance into your lungs and your skin. Do your research and question everything you’re being sold every day! Honestly, it could save your health and change your life like it did for us.

The Difference Between Residual And Passive Income

Young Living Oils has unlocked a different type of income opportunity for us. At TCC, we’re all about that passive income but Young Living Oils creates residual income. Passive income is the thought that you do something once and you don’t have to touch it again. Residual income is building a way where you are creating recurring income. You build it and educate. Then, people start buying over and over again. You can create sustainability on that and it just builds from there. We want to encourage and support you on your journey to do big and amazing things. That’s seen in how Young Living Oils really works, where if we give you the proper tools, support you and provide an amazing space for you. You are going to go and do big, amazing things! And then, it supports someone on my team. For example, if Abbie’s mom is successful, then Abbie is successful. It’s like profit sharing. If we help our students succeed, we succeed too. Interested in joining? You can.

Young Living Oils As A Creative Outlet

Young Living Oils serves really great purposes for us, outside of income and the overall well-being. The business is a creative outlet for us outside of TCC. We can make a graphic, a recipe and a photo. We can show everyone on our own personal Instagram accounts. It is sharing the way we want to do it, personally, rather than the voice of TCC which is something we have both been craving. Young Living Oils is still run by mass a majority of women, but Abbie and her husband have both taken it on. It has led them to further both of their interests. Abbie’s husband is super into horticulture, growing plants and learning about their properties. Plants are, of course, what oils are made from so it makes sense that the two go hand-in-hand. They are both exploring ways of starting an organic soap business and it has led them to explore their interests and passions outside of their daily jobs. And you can do this too.

If any of this is ringing bells for you, if you’re interested in healthy living, wellness, natural medicine and minimalism – we want to hear about it! You can join our group at facebook.com/groups/chatsimplyhome to chat and share. We’re here for you. This is exciting so please come and ask more questions!


Quote This

Do your frikkin’ research!



  • What exactly is an MLM business? [0:04:00.1]

  • Why we chose to use Young Living Oils and how they changed our lives. [0:07:40.1]

  • Do your frikkin’ research: how daily products could be harming you. [0:21:00.1]

  • The difference between residual and passive income. [0:31:45.1]

  • How we use Young Living Oils as a creative outlet. [0:35:50.1]


Abagail & Emylee

The Strategy Hour Podcast

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We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.


Natural medicine, Clean living, Organic, MLM business, Young Living oils, Natural oils, Side business


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