Selling Without a Website: Strategies to Land High Paying Clients (Even if You Don’t Have a Website)

Episode 405: Show Notes

For those of you that do not know, we used to work directly with clients, Emylee as a photographer, Abagail as a graphic designer and then as a branding and marketing company together! When you work with clients in this way, selling packages and presenting offers there are strategic ways to do this that can improve your results and help you sell for higher price points. 

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This is where we started before diving fully into the online education space. In today's show we want to help you get better at this selling process and here's the good news, you don't even need a website to do it! Listen to this episode to get going, growing and making more money and make sure to listen to the end when we drop some info on two great tools we have set up for you and your business!

How Emylee Upgraded Her Photography Business

Emylee started her photography business like many people, and only got serious and dedicated after a while. The first thing she learned was about selling and the psychology of pricing, packaging and bundling offers. This is all about the language you use to communicate with your client. Once she figured this out she was able to 32X her sales! At this point, she really knew she was on to something! It's about how to make your offer more than just a family picture or little thing you are selling. At every point, you need to add touch-points, something branded and personal to remind your clients that you are offering them an experience. For Emylee, this process meant taking a bunch of strategies from bigger companies and applying it to her face-to-face interactions with clients. There are so many different ways to do this, using social media and the internet, but Emylee is very happy that she started with in-person customers and then went online! Social cues are great for getting to know your customer base, while email and social media make this a little harder. There are so many tools for this and you already know we love Dubsado for crafting offers!

Strategies for In-Person Selling

One of the best pieces of advice we can give you is to offer solid packages. You do not need to customize your offer for each different case. You need to think about your goals and how much money you are trying to make, if you can get that down, everything else grows from that. We are not going to speak too much about pricing today, but just remember nailing down what you are selling is the first step. The key here is to stop thinking you are selling 'things'. You are not selling, websites, photographs, earrings or a coaching package. You are selling solutions to peoples' problems. They want the results, so if you can show them how you will give them those, you are in! In order to do that you need to identify the issues you are addressing and doing this allows you to have client conversations that turn into sales more often. It is not hard to trace this back to the end result. If you can create a well-rounded experience to this end and present it with the right attitude these meetings will go so smoothly. The process is simpler than you think, whether it is face-to-face on a call or through email, it stays the same. You can make use of discovery calls and customer vetting — these are important pieces of the puzzle, and remember, talk about them, not about you!

The Right Sequence of Sales Meetings

When we compare now to back then, we see how and when the important conversations happen. The ideal situation is to do the work first and have the sales meeting after you are already down the road. Allow the customer to fall in love with your offer and then be able to purchase it. You can continue your awesome service by closing the deal! Another great point to keep in mind is to know your minimums going into a meeting. If you are clear that you will at least earn a certain amount, an amount that you can up-sell, then you can feel a certain level of safety too. You can go over the dates and specifics of the offer as if they have already signed if you know your customers well. This confidence shows them you have everything they need at this point. And once everything is in line you want them to sign and pay all at once, get it out of the way easily! The way you present during these meetings makes all the difference, whether it is on a Zoom call or in-person if you look professional the business will flow right in!

Amazing Templates and Lessons to Get You Going

To aid you in this mission, we have put together three great proposal templates for your business! Each is distinctly styled to match your needs and all it takes is a one-click upload to your Dubsado account and you are ready to go! If you do not already have Dubsado, you can start your free trial right now! It is as easy as popping in your text, adding a photo and we have video walkthroughs on how to customize the template to your brand. If you use this method in your sales conversations we guarantee you results! On top of these great templates, we are also bringing back our 5 Days to Launch Challenge! It is 100% free and revamped! We listened to the feedback from the last iteration and have made it that much more simple to get you launched and selling. We will be right there for you to help you and at the end of the week, there is a scholarship opportunity too! It will not all be easy and we are going to push you a bit, but we promise it will be worth it!


Quote This

When you hear other people talking about what they want and you can reflect that back to them, you can be so powerful.



  • How Emylee Upgraded Her Photography Business. [0:03:50.2] 

  • Strategies for In-Person Selling. [0:10:55.6]

  • The Right Sequence of Sales Meetings. [0:27:13.3]

  • Amazing Templates and Lessons to Get You Going. [0:38:01.8]


Laura Charelle

Balanced Bombshells

Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

Laura Charelle is the founder of Balanced Bombshells, a health and lifestyle brand for high performing women. Laura teaches women how to use hormones to benefit their active and busy life. Hormones are way more than your period, fertility, or your mother’s menopause problems. They are the internal messages controlling our thoughts, mood, energy, and waistline, and are the driving force behind a woman performing at her best all month long. Through cycle syncing, women can match their food, fitness, and daily habits to their four distinct cycle phases. When a woman lives in full alignment to her cycle, she can achieve sustainable energy and focus, while improving her relationships at home and in the office. After leaving numerous doctors offices in tears and without answers, Laura sought a different approach to her health. She has become an expert in women’s health after 10 years of research and testing how to use hormones to her advantage. Her mission is to teach as many women as possible how they can do the same so they can have the confidence to lead their full lives.


Cycle-Syncing, Womanhood, Periods, Alignment, Self-Awareness, Supplements


How to Cycle Sync Your Business with Laura Charelle of Balanced Bombshells


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