The Kinda Crunchy Movement & Why We Love You The Way You Are.

Episode 247: Show Notes

Today on the show we’re talking The Kinda Crunchy Movement. You must be thinking, “What the french toast does this have to do with business?” Well, half jumping on a movement or half doing anything is freakin’ common and we think it only makes you human. But how can we identify those things and either make a decision that, it’s okay that you’re not going all the way or just decide that you want to make changes? Are you beating yourself up about some of the decisions you’re making or not making? Don’t worry, you’re not alone; We half-ass a lot of stuff!

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Now you’re thinking, “How does this relate to other parts of my life?” Today we’re identifying it and recognizing where we’re doing it and where we want to make changes for the better. The common highlighter we’re talking about is our own flaws and our own ways, because we aren’t quite full anything just yet. Also, there is power in calling stuff out on what it is, so let us call out all the bullsh*t that we still do and don’t do so maybe you can feel a bit more normal.

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

Jumping on the health crunch was something Emylee started a couple of years ago. She started off slowly getting into natural living, natural health, oils and DIY’ing a lot of stuff, even paying attention to labels, brands and ingredients. While following people who did the same thing and led that kind of lifestyle, she found herself judging them whenever they stepped out of their so-called ‘natural/health ways’. We realized that just because people make certain decisions here doesn’t mean that they still can exist in this space. This happens in business as well. We kind of put people on this pedestal of behaving or making certain decisions or acting a certain way and when we ‘catch’ them doing something else we judge them for that or we think their business is less than because of that decision.

Abbie Getting on The Crunchy ‘Health’ Movement alongside Emylee

Emylee is definitely the reason Abbie is Crunchy. Emylee slowly converted Abbie to her ways and despite some resistance from Abbie, she succeeded in converting her. From using oils and more natural medicines and eventually incorporating that into our everyday lives. We have become more conscious of what we buy. We also went from eating the fat unhealthy stuff to growing our own veggies and using the more ‘healthy’ oils and butters available. Our spend on health and beauty has significantly decreased and we are living more healthy lives.

The Crunchy on Drinks

We’re coffee and tea lovers. We’ve tried a variety of different brands and flavors, one of the latest being Mushroom Coffee. A nice substitute if coffee gives you bad heartburn or if you need a creamer substitute. We’ve also given Premier Protein a go - we kicked it up a notch and added it to cold brew. OH MY, it tasted like a latte. Abbie doesn’t drink any alcohol but misses beer so went on a Kombucha bender for a while. On the water front, Emylee definitely drinks more water now that she’s working out and she loves putting oils into her water. Abbie on the other hand is very interested in the chemistry that goes into water and she doesn’t mind drinking tap. Water filtration systems, we’re on the fence. Maybe just because we don’t understand it?

Some Things We Don’t Do

Emylee definitely eats at places that aren’t ‘Crunchy” — f*ck salads! We love meat and no you don’t have to be vegan to be fully crunchy. That’s just the fundamental belief. We do buy organic meats, get stuff from farmers markets and try buy local whenever we can. Never been a pop drinker so that’s not a problem. One of the things on our list that we truly want to change that we’re having a really hard time with is our love and addiction for fast fashion. Carbon emissions is also something people are becoming more aware of although we’re both still happy driving the cars we have. We’ve also watched a documentary on the beef industry and how the way in which we are raising animals is not sustainable for the environment to continue.

Being Kinda Into Something Relating to Business

The main takeaway we want you to take away is that we want you to give yourself a break. Just because you aren’t the poster child for the ‘crunchy’ movement, the business movement, the online movement or any other movement, just because you don’t feel like you’re checking all the boxes doesn’t mean that you don’t belong there. If you feel that you’re living your best life by doing something then keep doing that. We feel so often the pressure to be all in or not. You can be somewhere in the middle and own it.


Quote This

Give yourself a break for just a little bit.



  • Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself [0:04:00.1]

  • Abbie Getting on The Crunchy ‘Health’ Movement alongside Emylee [0:05:41.1]

  • The Crunchy on Drinks [0:13:40.1]

  • What are Some Things We Don’t Do. [0:26:16.1]

  • Being Kinda Into Something Relating to Business. [0:35:00.1]


Abagail & Emylee

The Strategy Hour Podcast

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We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.


Check Yourself, Crunchy Health, Crunchy Drinks, Don’t Do’s, Relating To Business


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