The Truth about Launching a Podcast

Episode 026: Show Notes

Today on the podcast we are getting into a little inception. We are talking about podcasting whilst on a podcast, which is going deep, you guys. In today’s episode we are revealing the truth behind podcasting, why we even started, how much all this should cost, and our entire process of how we go from idea to getting it uploaded to iTunes, on the blog, and all of that good stuff.

The Truth about Launching a Podcast and Why We Started One in the First Place
Abagail Pumphrey & Emylee Williams

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Whether you are looking for fast growth, or to build a foundation by starting a podcast, keep in mind, it’s going to cost you an arm and a leg to make it happen. So if this is something that you’ve been mulling over in your head, maybe we can be the voice of reason. Let us tell you just what is in store, and whether or not this is the right move for you and your business.

Why We Started Our Podcast

We started our podcast because it was a good time in our business and our brand, and we wanted to reach a new audience. We had worked really hard to build up the blog, our Instagram, and our online community, but those people were all coming from the same spots. We knew that if we wanted to up level, and if we wanted to reach people who hadn’t ever heard of us, we needed a new spot. Talking out strategy is something that we both really, really enjoy. So we knew that this podcast would be right up our alley, in that sense. We’ve gotten to interview some really amazing guests and it's given us the chance to open up those new relationships.

The Hustle Before the Launch

It’s been a heck of a lot of fun, but it definitely has not been easy. There are a lot of steps that go into making a podcast smooth. Obviously, there's all the front-end stuff like branding, picking a name, getting your graphics for iTunes, getting approved for iTunes, which is not as easy as you would think. We hired on, from day zero, someone to help us figure all of that out, because; A, we didn’t have time; and B, that stuff hurts our brains. Even before going live, so much has to happen, including deciding what kind of show you want to have, who you want to have on, and getting all your equipment figured out. Next is doing sound checks, and making sure all of the tech stuff is figured out if you have guests on the show. You also need to consider what needs to happen once the episode is done, and finally, create a launch plan.

Setting Intentions for Your Podcast

Another conversation you have to have with yourself is to determine what kind of quality you are hoping to achieve. This is where equipment comes in, and it can be a hefty investment so you have to be really clear on what exactly it is that you want to achieve. In our case, we wanted as high a quality as we could get within our own means, not knowing what we were doing. We're only halfway through podcasting, and we’ve already invested in other equipment to help make the sound even better. Oftentimes you don’t know what it sounds like until it is actually out there, so a lot of it comes down to tweaking and readjusting where necessary to reach your desired outcomes. Podcasting is definitely not your average blog; it requires way more steps.

Our Step-By-Step Process of Podcasting

The very first step in our process is coming up with the initial idea for the episode. Then, we outline the episode, record the episode, and create notes for our editor. We then upload the episode to Dropbox and then send all the files to the editor who uses the notes to edit the episode and then sends us back a transcript, the finished episode, and the show notes. They also upload it to our RSS feed to get it into iTunes. Then we take the transcript and upload it to ConvertKit so that people can sign up to get a copy of it. We also take the show notes, re-uploading those to docs, and edit them for tone. Then our internal editors look at them before our VA uploads them manually to our website. We also have a graphics person, who creates all of the graphics for every episode and gives those to our VA. Then finally, if all of that runs smoothly, we also have to promote the episode.

Extra Steps When We Have a Guest Feature

With a guest, we obviously have to pitch them. We are typically sending out 5 to 10 emails at a time to people who we’ve researched, who we really want on the show, and who we feel could bring value to you guys. Once an interview is scheduled, we hop on Google Hangout or Skype, because we like to see each other while we’re doing the interview. This helps with conversation flow, especially when there are three or more people on a call. Once we say goodbye, we record the intro for that guest. Then we export all the files and combine all the audio files into one. We then listen through the episode to make our notes for the editor and find the placement for the sponsor messages.

How We Choose to Invest In Our Podcast

Each month it costs us over $1,300 to put out 12 episodes for the podcast. This includes having the episodes edited and transcribed, show notes written, hiring a blog editor, VA, and graphics person. Then there is also paying for the licensing of the recording software. Plus, our initial investment in the sound equipment to get our podcasting setup ready for action. Although we were very frugal in our purchases, along the way we have also made equipment adjustments to improve sound quality. We do this all for the love of you guys and your earholes.

Our “How-To” Guide For Recording A Podcast

After trying out a few different recording softwares, we now use Zencastr, which records native audio without needing any prompting. Native audio is audio that’s recorded directly on your computer. It’s not recorded over the internet. So if there are any sort of internet interruptions or your signal changes, it is not affected. One important tip for guests is that if you are native recording, is that it is super important to have headphones plugged in so that your speakers do not pick up the echo, and only records your voice. This makes such a difference to overall sound quality from the start.

Real Results and Making the Top 15 Business Podcasts List

Within the first 24 hours post-podcast launch, we hit the top 15 business podcasts in all of iTunes. This ranking is based on the largest number of new subscribers in the last 24 hours. This definitely felt pretty amazing! We had so many new subscribers that we were outranking thousands and thousands of business podcasts. As far as other results, the actual downloads per episode, in the first 30 days, we were getting about 2,000 downloads per episode, which was far beyond our initial goal. We were ecstatic with that. Probably, the most surprising result is that our website exploded. We went from 42,000 views to over 70,000 views in a month. We are so looking forward to seeing what else the results will bring and can’t wait to share it with you all.


Quote This

It was easier for them to press play instead of getting their eyeballs out and reading the blog.



  • Find out why we started our podcast, and why it made sense for our business. [0:03:10.4]

  • Understand the work that is needed even before you get a podcast off the ground. [0:07:10.9]

  • Knowing how to set intentions and specific goals for your podcast to use as a guide. [0:08:45.6]

  • Hear our step-by-step process of podcasting and how we run our podcast behind the scenes. [0:10:36.9]

  • Discover all the extra steps to take when you have a guest feature on the podcast. [0:12:48.9]

  • Find out how we choose to invest in producing our podcast and what it all costs. [0:17:26.7]

  • Hear about our “How-To” guide for recording a podcast. [0:22:43.3]

  • Our real results and how we made the top 15 business podcasts list. [0:33:34.5]

#TalkStrategyToMe [0:46:00.7]

  1. Come up with a launch plan.

  2. Purchase podcasting equipment without overspending.

  3. Go back to one, and stockpile recordings to stay ahead.


Abagail & Emylee

The Strategy Hour Podcast

Instagram | Facebook

We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.


Reasons to start a podcast, Hard work before launching a podcast, Setting intentions and goals for your podcast, Step-by-step podcast production, Interviewing guests, Investing in a podcast and overall costs, How-To record a podcast, Making it into the top 15 business podcasts list


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