Using NLP to Perfect Your Sales Language, Change Your Deep Beliefs and Rewire Neural Pathways with Jen Casey

Episode 371: Show Notes

Today we are super glad to welcome business and NLP coach Jen Casey to the show! Hailing from NYC, Jen is focused on helping coaches sell profitable group programs by incorporating psychology into their sales techniques. She also has her own podcast called the Inner Boss Podcast, so make sure to check that out! As you probably know, here at The Strategy Hour we are pretty obsessed with psychology! Jen is all about perfecting sales language for webinars and in-person meetings and uses her techniques to change deep-rooted beliefs and alter the neural pathways that hold us back. 

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She has action steps for repeating patterns that create new pathways and habits that are more in line with our goals and ambitions and by learning these ideas you can help your customers do the same thing! This is a long episode with lots to think about, so you might want to grab a notepad to take part in the exercises! Make sure to share your experiences on our Instagram, we love hearing from you!

What is NLP and Why Is it Useful?

NLP stands for neuro-linguistic programming and it describes the tools, systems, and techniques that help us understand and sort through our language. The study involves looking at the brain's connection to language and how it is stored. From a young age we hold on to memories and stories and as entrepreneurs, a lot of this old baggage can come up, especially when we are trying to grow and improve. If we think about our minds like a computer, these old limiting beliefs can be seen in a similar way to a virus that is halting the processing power. So we need tools and strategies to reprogram and the frameworks of NLP allow us to do this! When applying these ideas to sales, there are always beliefs that have to be changed along the way. You want your customers to take action and have to remove objections to these actions. This makes people much more receptive to your pitch and will obviously result in more sales!

Using these Methods in For the Wrong Reasons

As you might be thinking, this could be used in a manipulative way. Jen has had exact experience of this and believes strongly in a mutually beneficial and ecological philosophy towards NLP. You can always tell when someone is approaching sales and pitching with a lack of integrity. Jen had a very icky experience at a conference not too long ago where a certain speaker started using very suggestive imaginary while employing some overtly synoptic tactics, all while trying to get people to sign up for their mastermind! Needless to say, Jen was not impressed! This is how coercive these frameworks can be, but Jen stresses it is so unnecessary to go that route. In the end, you are trying to allow a customer to find what is right for them, not buy something that they do not actually want to purchase. NLP can be a way to facilitate an open-minded decision from a customer but some people seem to be using it a scary and dangerous way. All we can say to you on this is that the right intentions go a long way and what you put in will eventually come back so there is no need to worry if you work with integrity. That being said, it is worth noting the somewhat negative connotation NLP can have for certain people.

Getting to The Optimal State in Oneself Using NLP

All of us are constantly taking in information and our brains narrow down this information into processable amounts. This creates our internal representation of our experiences, something we as business owners must recognize and understand. While explaining and selling you never want to break down the rapport you have with a person and knowing exactly what you are offering to your clients will help with that. You want your idea and their idea of your service or product to be aligned and to never trigger any negative feelings from them around it. Jen really emphasizes the importance of the state someone is in when they are either buying or selling. If you effectively manage your own state in your business you can make a big difference to your success. We only have so much energy each day and if we pour ourselves into fruitless endeavors you can burnout and feel completely alone. When we are tired and feel at a loss is the exact time that NLP can come in handy! We need to rewire the way to think about and do the thing. Pathways that fire together, wire together! If we can regain control of our unconscious processes and thoughts we can start to reconfigure our habits and ultimately our success rate. Changing habits can be really tough and it is okay to fail but once you make the decision to change a process for real, you may be surprised how easy it is to follow through!

Changing Can be Tough and Why We Cave In

We have all had experiences where we are trying to break in a new health habit and have to say no to going for an unhealthy dinner or a round of drinks or whatever it is that clashes with your new plans. These choices are never fun and often it is this displeasure that makes it really hard to evolve as we want to. We fear we are missing out and that we may lose friends or a part of ourselves in the process. It is the same with all unconscious processes, the brain has resistance to starting anew and having to make the effort. This push-back is natural and takes some mindfulness and commitment in order to be overcome. We all need support during these times, it is not just a single step, it is a process. The brain does not like the unknown! It will build stories around your identity and safety rather than create a new uncomfortable habit. Here at Boss Project, we are here for you! If you are ready to change things up a bit and start telling yourself a new story, let us know, we want to help and so does Jen! Remember, you build the pathways your mind will later want to walk on, so put your energy into the right ones now!


  • What is NLP and Why Is it Useful? [0:03:55.4] 

  • Using these Methods in For the Wrong Reasons. [0:14:11.2]

  • Getting to The Optimal State in Oneself Using NLP. [0:24:12.7]

  • Interrupting Negative Patterns and Rewiring Habits. [0:32:55.5]

  • Changing Can be Tough and Why We Cave In. [0:41:50.6]

#TalkStrategyToMe [0:47:27.2]

  1. Write down your beliefs and triggers.

  2. Ask yourself if these beliefs are true.

  3. What do you want to be true?


Jen Casey

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Jen Casey is a business & NLP coach from NYC. Through her programs and the Inner Boss podcast, she helps online coaches build & sell profitable group programs using psychology.


Linguistics, Clarity, Pathways, Reinforcement, Habit Forming


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