Using Your Thoughts to Transform Your State with Tracy Litt

Episode 577: Show Notes

Welcome back to The Strategy Hour Podcast! This week we get together with the multi-talented Tracy Litt: a mindset coach, spiritual advisor, rapid transformational hypnotherapist, best-selling author, and TEDx speaker. She is the founder of The Litt Factor, a company that supports high-achieving female leaders and entrepreneurs to understand and leverage their personal power. In our conversation, we delve into the life-changing effects of leaning into ease and finding calm. We unpack how the spiritual elements of your humanity impact not only our thoughts but also your potential business growth. While the format may be a little different from our typical show, we encourage listeners to take it as an opportunity to relax and lean in! Tuning in, you’ll be exposed to tangible takeaways for you to focus on getting more in touch with who you are and making life just a little bit calmer. We also discuss the transformational power of painful events in life and what it means to allow yourself to connect to your higher self and how it can transform your life and your business.

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Why Worrying Is Not the Answer

So many of us are primed to worry, whether it’s modeled for us by the adults in our lives as children or it comes from adverse life experiences. But by constantly letting your brain be obsessed with worrying thoughts you are perpetually focusing on what you don’t want. Tracy explains how worrying is a habit, which means it’s something we can change. While worrying is an all too human response, it prohibits us from connecting to our higher selves and tapping into our full joy and potential. In fact, it’s part of the reason so many of us can feel trapped by our everyday lives. When we get trapped in this lower level thinking we are constantly making things harder for ourselves, and all Tracy wants for the amazing women she works with is for them to make their lives easier and get in touch with their higher selves.

Learning To Slow Down and Be More in Touch With Your Thoughts and Feelings

When we think about the easiness our society has primed us to have, there are plenty of negative connotations associated with it, like laziness, or being unproductive, or that you aren’t seeking out challenges to grow, or any other number of things. With all of these obstacles, how do you unravel these unhelpful assumptions and give rest the credit and space in your life that it deserves? While you can choose to lean into ease, it can also come as an external catalyst, whether it’s in the form of health challenges or an intense life event, which is much more sudden and painful than choosing to change your thinking. Tracy and Abagail share how life circumstances forced them to prioritize rest and how it changed their entire outlook. Of course, leaning into ease doesn’t mean you do nothing. Tracy explains that ease is an energy, a way of being, a way of living, a way of leading, and a way of responding.

The Art of Change 

Change is undeniably difficult, and this is also true of your thoughts. While we believe in dismantling the patriarchy, living that truth in our everyday lives can be unbelievably challenging. The habit of conforming and contorting ourselves in order to please those around us is ingrained in so many women. And this also prohibits us from leaning into ease and calm. When something is unfamiliar our body and mind rebel against it. With the confluence of historic inequality, and messaging that women are weaker than men, it’s almost impossible not to internalize the belief that women need to work twice as hard as men to be successful, which is even more true if you are a woman of color. As a result, we are practically groomed to embrace stress and worry instead of ease.

By first acknowledging our inner environment we can start to challenge and change these habits and ways of being. While things are indisputably more difficult for a lot of people, your inner environment doesn't have to match that challenge. When we let external circumstances govern our inner lives we are abdicating our power.

See How Letting It Be Easy, Impacts Business Growth

We're often so focused on the business of life and the business of getting from day to day, that we don't take the time to reflect on how we're feeling and getting truly in touch with ourselves. Regardless of whether you would consider yourself spiritual or not, it’s important that we find ways to be more self-aware and get more in touch with our inner being. Identifying the tools that will help you achieve that is essential! Whether it’s yoga, meditation, or taking nature walks, you just need to find what works for you. Many of us are intimidated by meditation because we have a misperception of what it’s supposed to look like, and being a zen monk who is perfectly at peace can seem incredibly unachievable! Tracy explains why this perception is totally wrong, how you should be approaching meditation, and why all you really need to do is learn to come back to your breath time and time again.

Simple, Actionable Steps to a Become a Better Self-Listener

The first step to finding calm and being at ease is deciding that you are willing to shift your paradigm and play in a new space. The second step is growing your ability to notice. Noticing is akin to raising your consciousness and gaining more self-awareness because you cannot shift or change what you do not notice. Tracy explains why the best way to grow your ability to notice is to learn how to interrupt your nervous system because the way you’re currently operating is almost certainly a more jacked-up, chronic stress version of yourself.  

One of the easiest ways to interrupt your nervous system and live in a more parasympathetic state is through breathing. Tracy gives a step-by-step guide to box breathing and explains how it helps you access the lower lungs and induce calm. Step three is becoming aware of what you’re thinking. A great exercise for this is writing your thoughts down when you notice an energy dip. It’s especially important that you do it from a non-judgemental space and become detached from your thoughts.


Quote This

Regardless of if you consider yourself spiritual or not, I think it's important we find ways to be more self-aware or get more in touch with our inner being. Your thoughts, your feelings, and finding the tool to get there is important.



  • Why Worrying Is Not the Answer  [0:09:24] 

  • Learning To Slow Down and Be More in Touch With Your Thoughts and Feelings  [0:15:17] 

  • The Art of Change [0:21:14]

  • See How Letting It Be Easy Impacts Business Growth [0:28:47]

  • Simple, Actionable Steps to a Become a Better Self-Listener [0:37:53]


Tracy Litt

The Litt Factor

Website | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn

Tracy Litt is a mindset coach, spiritual advisor, rapid transformational hypnotherapist, best-selling author, and TEDx speaker. Her company, The Litt Factor, helps high-achieving, female leaders and entrepreneurs understand and leverage their personal power so they can elevate into the highest versions of themselves, becoming congruent to their vision. She is the creator of Mind Magic ®, a proven methodology that marries metacognition and spirituality, healing and energetics, enabling her clients to seamlessly elevate their prosperity, fulfillment, and impact to new and incredible heights. Her work has served thousands of women across the globe and has been featured in Entrepreneur, FastCompany, Thrive Global, and Her book Worthy Human is a #1 best seller in Spiritual Growth and Mindset.


Paradigm Shifting, Ease, Meditation, Breath Work, Box Breathing



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