We Have a New Podcast: Here's How to Listen

Episode 568: Show Notes

Are you tired of hearing our voices yet? We hope not because guess what just launched? Another freaking podcast! More words for your ear boxes in our voices. It's been so exciting to watch people’s reactions when they hear this is a thing. They'll say that they’ve been listening to the show for years, but then the questions start rolling in about the new show, “Where is it?” or, “I can’t find it,” or “How do I get access?” So, we are here, on our current podcast, to tell you about our new podcast that’s just launched, and we want to talk to you about how you can get access and what’s all involved because this is big news folks. We will talk about some high-level deets and what you can do to get inside.

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Introducing The Nugget

So, the new podcast is aptly named The Nugget. If you are wondering why this is the name it’s because we are providing actionable nuggets to force you to do the things you have been saying you want to do. Episodes drop only once a month for members of The Creative Shop Co-op. So, for members, you not only get unlimited access to all of the templates, and one-on-one time with your wing woman, but you also get exclusive listening rights to The Nugget, and on top of it all, you still have this glorious podcast to listen to. So, after launching the Co-op, we saw that there was a lot of feedback that asked for strategies on how to utilize the amazing templates in the Shop. Because we can’t shut up about strategies, we saw a gap in the market and decided to get those top tips straight into your ear holes. There is no point in having beautiful marketing that doesn’t convert. You can have marketing that looks really great AND does the job.

What You Get When You Tune Into The Nugget

We love this show because it lets us talk about anything and everything, but in The Nugget, we are getting into some drilled-down strategies. Along with that, it’s paired with our dedicated community, so you can talk about what you have learned on the show. It will literally be hundreds and hundreds of people who are implementing the same strategy at the same time. Not only this, but it is our first community where you will actually be able to share links to get input from other creatives and small business owners. Just to clarify, this show is not going anywhere. We will not bring any guests to The Nugget. Instead, we walk you through specific templates you will get in the Co-op.

How to Make the Most of a Co-op Membership

So, what is the best way to take advantage of the Co-op membership? If you haven’t joined yet, now is literally the best time. Because everything is themed, you will be guided through what to do in your business each and every month. You should look at this as an investment in your business growth. Think about what would happen if you took twelve months to implement strategies you undoubtedly know will work to grow and market your business? We can guarantee your life would look really different if you dedicated this time to expand; you will see results. At the end of the day, our goal is to help women and femme-identifying-owned businesses to create a sustainable business without having to put in full-time hours. We want you all to have easy, predictable income that feels accessible, simple, and fun.

Gaining Exclusive Access to The Nugget

We have done something really cool with how you gain access to The Nugget. Firstly, you have to join the Co-op. When you sign up, you get an invite to the community along with an invitation to subscribe to the show. You will not be able to find The Nugget on any streaming platform. It will be on a feed specifically tailored to you. The cool part is that you can listen to it on whatever platform you already use. This means you don’t have to open any new accounts or anything. The framework we have created is that you should listen to the podcast, then the next day, you will get the templates we spoke about. After that, about a week and a half later, you will have your Flock and Learn, your accountability group. Everything you need to thrive is within this community, and we could literally cry looking at what we have created. These communities are the reason the Boss Project even exists! For ages, we have wanted to create a new show, but we could not really find something that aligned with us. We have a really cool way we have managed to make it private, like partnering with Hello Audio. All this to say, you need to listen, which means you need to become a Co-op member today!


Quote This

Who cares if your marketing looks super if it’s ineffective?



  • Introducing The Nugget. [0:03:08.1]

  • What You Get When You Tune Into The Nugget. [0:07:00.1]

  • How to Make the Most of a Co-op Membership. [0:11:00.1]

  • Gaining Exclusive Access to The Nugget [0:18:38.1]


Abagail & Emylee

The Strategy Hour Podcast

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We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.


New podcast, The Nugget, Strategies, Growth, Dedication, Niche, Membership, Actionable tips




Creative Shop Co-op

Hello Audio


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