What's At Risk if You Don't Change Your Business Action Plan

Episode 242: Show Notes

There tends to be this thing that happens. This thing that has been happening for a while now. This thing where everybody tries to implement the exact same strategy, at the same time. What  ends up happening is everybody starts to look, sound and feel pretty much the same. Have you noticed it? This is where things start to get icky and this icky-ness is what we’re going to be bringing to the surface today.

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In this episode, we’ll be highlighting some of the common mistakes we see businesses making. We’re here to help you cut the crap, stop following fickle trends and really get back to laying the foundations of basic business practice. Here we’ll be walking you through our PANCAKES Method to help you identify where you are at in your business and how you can reach those upper-level results. If you need a reality check, a kick in the booty and an actionable gameplan to ground your business for the long haul – then you’re going to love this episode.

Put The Breaks On, Cut The Crap And Hone In On Your Guru

We don’t believe that you need to be 100% “unique” in your approach. However, there is a balance between paying attention to the foundational aspects of what works for other businesses and copy-pasting very specific marketing strategies that other people are telling you to do. These are the ones based on trends, hype and popularity. We know you are getting bombarded with strategies and tactics. We get the overwhelm. But there is a line that you need to draw. So, start to identify who you like learning from and who you have found results from. If you can do this, then pause on everything else and just pay attention to one person at a time. We are bombarded by information all day long but whose choice is it to check in on those things? Yours! You choose to open the email, to check Facebook, to read this post or that. So, we suggest to put the breaks on. Find that one person, business, organization and soak up everything they offer – free and paid. Instead of hopping around from one thing to the next. When you can stick to your guns and stick to the basics of business rather than trends, this is when you really start to get results and truly shine.

Stop Expecting Upper-Level Results From Lower-Level Strategies

We need you to know that what you have done to get you to whre you are right now, will not get you to where you want to be in the future. We want you to take action. Don’t just listen to the podcasts or read the blog posts – that’s all great – but really, you need to implement what you are hearing. Are you expecting upper-level results from lower-level strategies? You need to take responsibility for your own growth and invest in the resources and actions that are going to help you get those upper-level results. The amount of money, people and resources that we have invested in to up-level our business is kind of ridiculous. Your roadblock is going to come, and it is going to come more than once. When that roadblock does come, you need to find new ways to deal with it. Rather than thinking, “At some point, things will change.” Again, what you have done to get you to where you are right now, will not get you to where you want to be in the future. And this applies to every single business!

The PANCAKES Method: How To Ensure Sustainable Cha-Chings

If you can focus, like we said, on one person, one business, one organization, one podcast and implement what you have learned – it will take you places. This isn’t going to happen in six weeks, a month, a quarter because this is what building a sustainable business is about. It takes time and it takes pancakes. Our PANCAKES Method will help you to identify where you are in the great climb of your business and help you recognize all the things you need to do in order to get your shit out the door. The “P” in PANCAKES stands for Prelaunch. The “A” stands for Actually Launch… That Shit! After you’re actually making money from actually launching, comes “N” – Nurture Your People. This is your messaging, your storytelling, your vlogs, all of your content, your social media game.

A lot of you are at this point, right? And you are going to stay there if you do not do something different. Content is never-ending and you will get stuck there forever if you do not have your foundation first. The “C” stand for Cha-ching! This cha-ching is not your first cha-ching, it is your sustainable and potentially passive cha-ching. The next “A” is Always Pivot because things are always changing and freedom only comes with pivoting. We seem to have left the “K” out in this episode, but the “E” here stands for Efficient Automation. We want you making money before you have everything perfected in your business. This might go against what everyone else is telling you but trust us here. The “S” stands for Squad Goals – your VA’s, your outsourcing, etc. This is the opportunity for you to be the CEO of your business again.

We Want To Call You Out On Your Bullsh*t And Give You A Gameplan

This may seem like a lot of information, but we really want to help you to focus and get this roadmap so that you can follow it and steer growth in your business. We want you to have your foundation set so that your business is not going to flop overnight. We have laid this all out for you in our step-by-step free training where we go really in-depth into what we have touched on today. Here, we also share with you the top three mistakes that we see businesses making all the time and how you can avoid them completely and what you should be doing instead. So, if you want to be called out on your bullsh*t and be given a gameplan for the future, then go sign up for our PBR Masterclass on the link below.


Quote This

Probably one of the best things we did for our business was stop paying attention.



  • Put The Breaks On, Cut The Crap And Hone In On Your Guru. [0:04:10.1]

  • Stop Expecting Upper-Level Results From Lower-Level Strategies. [0:12:00.1]

  • The PANCAKES Method: How To Ensure Sustainable Cha-Chings. [0:20:45.1]

  • We Want To Call You Out On Your Bullsh*t And Give You A Gameplan. [0:36:35.1]


Abagail & Emylee

The Strategy Hour Podcast

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We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.


Entrepreneur, Small business owners, Women entrepreneurs, Marketing, Online business, Strategy, Trends, Gameplan


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