How to Set Goals and Achieve Them in 2022

One of our favorite activities to do in our business is goal setting. We love planning where we want our business to be in the coming months, quarters, or years. There’s just something so refreshing and exciting about envisioning hitting those milestones!

However, we don’t set goals by just making up a financial number that we’d like to see our business hit. We really dig into our numbers and use our lifestyle/business wants and needs in tandem with evaluating our current offerings to give us a number that’s realistically reachable.

Keep reading if you want to learn our process of goal setting, so you can actually achieve them in 2022!

Identify Your Year End Financial Goal

This is where your lifestyle comes into play because you’ll be looking at what you currently need to make annually in order to live comfortably. This, obviously, varies from person to person. Some people just need to be able to buy groceries and pay one or two bills, some need to pay off their mortgage and pay all of the bills.

Once you have that number, double it to account for taxes and business savings/expenses. So, if you needed to bring home $75k, now it’s $150k. Don’t freak out just yet! We know that seems like a big number, but it’s totally doable.

Break It Down into Quarterly Chunks

Let’s make that number more manageable by breaking it up into quarterly chunks. So, that $150k now becomes $37.5k each quarter. If you want to, you can break that up even more just to get a grasp on the number. ($12.5k per month doesn’t seem too large now, does it?)

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Evaluate Your Current Offering

Does your current offering align with where you need to be headed to reach your goal? That quarterly or monthly break down probably seems like a lot when you’re barely breaking even. Like, how can you possibly hit $37.5k quarters when your highest package is $750 and you can only realistically take on a handful of clients per month? (Spoiler alert: You can’t, so something needs to change.)

Calculate the breakdown of your current price point, conversions, and how many clients you've worked with. What needs to change? Do you need to raise your prices? We’d venture to guess that’s a big piece of the solution. If you can only take on 4 clients per month, you’d need to at least quadruple that highest package price.

In fact, it’s called developing a High-Touch Signature Service, and it’s exactly what we teach inside of The Incubator. We’re working with all types of clients to help them exponentially grow their businesses in a sustainable way and get those premium offerings on the market. We’ve worked with dancers, financial advisors, digital marketers, copywriters, healthcare professionals, and beyond.

You can go ahead and apply for The Incubator right here. After you apply, we’ll have a chat in your DMs to make sure you’re the right fit. If you are, you’ll get invited to watch an exclusive training we’ve put together just for approved applicants! Inside the training, we cover:

  • What it takes to grow a 6-figure business sustainably

  • The exact steps needed to build a life-first business, and 

  • A real-life example of what your new work week could look like

Once you apply for your invite, come tell us that you’ve applied over on Instagram @bossproject, so we can move you up in the queue!


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