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Grow, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey

How to Take Action When You’re an Overthinker

We’ve talked before on our podcast about what it means to be the type of person who immediately takes action versus someone who tends to overthink before doing something, if they even do it. In the past, we’ve used the terms “be-er” and “do-er” to describe these two types, and then we learned there’s actually a more scientific Scholarly-level phrase– having a cognitive bias towards action or thinking.

If you have a cognitive bias towards thinking (a be-er), you’re someone who needs to, well, think. A ton. We believe that be-ers need to believe something specific about themselves first before they take action. (Like that you’re actually a productive or organized person before purchasing a planner. Or that you are the type of person who goes to the gym before you actually go to the gym.)

Is it possible to change your cognitive bias and become an action-taker when you’ve historically been an overthinker? Keep reading as we dive into the how-to!

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Grow, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey

The Problem With Burnout (And Why It’s Not Actually The Problem)

If you’ve been following Boss Project for a while then you know we like to reclaim words and then redefine their meanings to what aligns with us AND for you (business owners). We’re at it again and this time we want to take back the word “burnout”.

Burnout has been given a negative reputation and business owners are running away from it as fast as possible. However, we’ve come to find out that burnout isn’t this big, bad thing everyone makes it out to be. In fact, burnout has helped change our business for the better.

In this blog, we’re going to tell you what burnout means to us and how you can reclaim it into something productive and powerful in your business.

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Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

5 Reasons Why You Need to be in a Mastermind Group

Running your service-based business essentially isolated and getting your advice and resources from freebies, Facebook groups, or short courses was great when you were first starting out. Now that you’re trying to scale beyond measures that were even conceivable in the beginning, having other brains to feed off of each other is a value unlike any other growth method.

This is technically called a mastermind group, and many successful entrepreneurs have credited their success to the collective of minds they’ve been a part of. Keep reading to learn 5 reasons why you should seriously consider joining a mastermind group!

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Free Website Audit

What’s your website’s grade? Your grade will give you insights into the most impactful changes you can make in order to see improvements in your prospect journey, keyword ranking, usability, and more.

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Are you ready to increase your capacity without sacrificing your client experience?

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We help our clients renovate their business systems and structures in order to increase revenue, design a Life-First business and scale sustainably. You really just want to design a life and business that works for you. That serves you and impacts others. A business that runs like a well oiled machine, delivers an incredible experience and thrives without you having to touch everything.