How to Take Action When You’re an Overthinker

We’ve talked before on our podcast about what it means to be the type of person who immediately takes action versus someone who tends to overthink before doing something, if they even do it. In the past, we’ve used the terms “be-er” and “do-er” to describe these two types, and then we learned there’s actually a more scientific Scholarly-level phrase– having a cognitive bias towards action or thinking.

If you have a cognitive bias towards thinking (a be-er), you’re someone who needs to, well, think. A ton. We believe that be-ers need to believe something specific about themselves first before they take action. (Like that you’re actually a productive or organized person before purchasing a planner. Or that you are the type of person who goes to the gym before you actually go to the gym.)

Is it possible to change your cognitive bias and become an action-taker when you’ve historically been an overthinker? Keep reading as we dive into the how-to!

The Ideal Balance Between Action & Thinking

The thing to understand about be-ers and do-ers is that we all fall on a spectrum like anything else. As you and your business grow and evolve, you’re bound to lean into one side more than the other. One thing about having a cognitive bias towards thinking is that you’re prioritizing deeper problem-solving processes and taking the time to come up with an informed solution that takes into account multiple perspectives.

But on the other hand, it can be really good to just take action and do the thing that you’ve been overthinking about. It’s important to remember that just reading a book about the thing or listening to a podcast won’t actually achieve it (or make you any money). It may make you feel better about doing it, but you can have the same reflection after you’ve done it.

Use External Motivators to Take Action

If there’s one thing we’ve learned in our lives and business, it’s that accountability is one of the most powerful ways to take action. For so many of us, it’s easier to keep promises we’ve made to other people than to ourselves. We have a human fear of disappointing others that we sometimes just don’t hold ourselves to. 

If you’ve been wanting to start hitting the gym, find a gym buddy to give you the extra push to go. If you’re needing to make moves in your business to reach your goals, find cheerleaders or a support group to keep in your corner that you can regularly check-in with.

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Take Small Baby Steps Toward Action

With almost everything, there are baby steps you can take to start becoming more of an action-taker. These can be really small decisions that you follow through with regularly to warm yourself up to not overthink. Even if it’s as small as deciding to floss twice a day (hey, we don’t judge your personal hygiene– only 30% of people floss everyday after all), these tiny actions can help you perceive yourself as an action-taker. You may be surprised by how effectively that can transcend through the rest of your life and business.

Maintaining Growth Through Action & Thinking

We don’t want you to think that there’s anything wrong with being more focused on how you feel and see yourself, but you can’t let it keep you in a stationary position. Growth comes from both taking action and reflecting on the effects of those actions. We encourage you to find the healthy balance between the two, so you can finally start seeing the results that you strive so hard for, no matter what kind of results or what size they are.

How has being an overthinker affected you? Do you need a little more motivation or insight? Just send us a DM over on Instagram @bossproject so we can talk about it!


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