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Learn, Grow, Marketing Guest User Learn, Grow, Marketing Guest User

6 Free Ways to Market and Promote Your Blog

So you’ve created a stylish blog with a beautiful layout and creative content. You have all of your social media accounts linked and a brand new subscriber list ready to be filled to its capacity, and your feelings of accomplishment are out of this world! After being in a world of blogging bliss, few months or so go by and you realize with a quick look at your analytics that nothing is happening on your website.

Want to know the worst part? It’s actually true. Ain’t nobody reading your blog but your momma and maybe your best friend when she has the time. This is the painful reality for the majority of bloggers. It’s a vicious cycle that happens continuously and that I see all too often, even having been there myself. It's frustrating to think that you're actually an amazing blogger who has a powerful message to share and the only thing holding you back is an audience. In this day and age, it isn’t enough to put up a blog and post content.  You need a strategic marketing plan to get people to come to know who you are and read what you have to say. 

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Learn, Grow, Marketing Guest User Learn, Grow, Marketing Guest User

Your Small Business Social Media Needs Work and Here's Why

Your business is missing its marketing department: let’s talk social media for a minute. When was the last time you sat down and looked at your social media efforts with the eye of a business boss? Are you able to look at your posts on the various platforms you’re on and tell us the data? Do you have reasons as to why you posted that image or that caption on that day or time? Or is what you’re doing on social media similar to your mindset when you’re strolling through the Dollar Spot at Target?

Look, we’ve all been there. We create accounts for our business on all the platforms and post here and there thinking we’ll unlock the code. We keep half-assing our presence and wondering why we’re not A) growing, B) making sales, and C) enjoying it. We look at everyone else’s account and think that they’ve must have found the magic pill for social media success.

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Learn, Marketing Abagail Pumphrey Learn, Marketing Abagail Pumphrey

(Re)Fall in Love with Your Pinterest

Pinterest can be pretty overwhelming, especially if you started pinning long before you started your own business. Instead of ditching your account, capitalize on the content you do have and (re)fall in love with Pinterest all over again. Today we will cover how how to go from Pinterest “hater” to Pinterest-proud and give you tips on how you can too!


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Learn, Grow, Branding & Design Guest User Learn, Grow, Branding & Design Guest User

Biz Graphic Reno: Home Styling Tips that Work for Your Visuals Too

A well-decorated and well-designed home is about so much more than good looks. Your everyday spaces can boost your energy, lift your mood, and promote your overall happiness, not to mention affect your productivity. And, when your home is well organized, you're pretty much unstoppable (or at least that little bit more able to stop showing up late to brunch or your kid’s soccer practice).

On the other hand, a home where the design is less than stellar, a space that’s just a little short of pulled together, has the opposite effect: it can leave you feeling overwhelmed, disorganized, stuck, and beyond frustrated.

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