Beginner Business Series – Part 5: Launch, Launch Baby

Episode 184: Show Notes

In this episode, we’re addressing the stage where most people give up and why you are not going to be one of those people. So let’s recap – by this point in the Beginner Business Series, you’ve created a product from something you are already amazing at doing. You’ve got it out the door and up quickly, you’ve validated your dreamies, you’ve packaged it, you’ve priced it, you’ve created a plan to market it and you’ve created a website landing page so that someone can pay you. (Wow! You’re crushing it, babe!)  This is also the point where sometimes, for SOME people, their plan fizzles and they lose motivation after all their hard work and planning.

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Sounding like you? Well, guess what? This is NOT the time to scrap everything and start over! You are so close to seeing success and in this episode, we’re going to help you get through this last leg of the journey and recognize your worth. Sure, it might be easier to quit but you can push through! We are going to help you get over your fear of re-launching by giving you actionable steps that you can implement. A lot of that comes back to your personal attitude about your own product or service and today, we’re here tell you why you have to believe in your product and yourself, just like we do.

Why You HAVE To Believe In Yourself And Your Product / Service

If you don’t believe in what you are selling, you are going to be the one preventing sales. And so we need you to get very clear right now - what you are selling is legitimate and you are of value and so is your product or service. You have to believe it. What so many of us forget is that it is our job to let the people who need our thing know about our product or service. This is our job, to serve other people. The second big mistake y’all are making is that you get into this routine of planning and you put that on repeat. But do you know what’s more fun than planning? It’s makin’ money, honey! Making money from the people who you want to serve and the people who you want to see happy.

Welcome To The Rinse and Repeat Party! What To Do After You’ve Launched

So you’ve worked your booty off, put in all this effort, you’ve launched, and now there’s crickets. Maybe no one has given you feedback or you’re not selling and now you’re wondering what the heck to do? This is the time not to panic. This is the time to take in the information that you’ve been given. You know how many emails you’ve sent out, how many people you’ve talked to, you’ve seen the comments or questions that have been submitted about your product, you know how many sales you got or didn’t get. This is the part where you have to go and decipher. And this is where a lot of people get stuck. Welcome to the rinse and repeat party! We have spent so much time re-launching, re-learning, re-launching and re-learning our products rather than creating something entirely new. But rather, we spent that time perfecting. So we want to encourage you whether you’re seeing is awesome success or devastating un-success – it doesn’t mean that your thing is broken and that you should move onto something new. The truth is if you want to get better at sales – try selling the same thing over and over again and give your products the shelf life that they deserve.

Time Frames For Re-Launch And Having An Intentional Gameplan

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to when you decide to re-launch. This really depends what you have the space for and on your product or service. Let’s say your product is not seasonal and available 365 days a year, you could still pick holidays, a quarterly launch time, or even your birthday to make a bigger deal about a specific product. Make a reason up to have a hyper-focused mega launch and treat it like a balls-to-the-walls launch!

We want you to be trying different methods to boost product sales but ONLY if you are paying attention to the results RIGHT after you launch. You need to know what made people buy your product? Where did they go? Who were those people? When did they buy? It is this information that will arm you for a successful launch. So, don’t play a guessing game. Know how your launch will differ from your last launch and why you made those decisions. Be intentional with your game plan, because if you don’t, you will not improve, and you will continue to go into your re-launches completely blind. (You should only be going into a launch blind once....ever.) Once you’ve gathered your data and studied it, this is your time to set your next launch.

Homework: Questions To Ask Customers And Setting A Re-Launch Date

We want you to identify three of your dreamies, three people from your audience that you can reach out to (on the telephone) after you finish your launch. At least one of them has to be someone who bought your product and then the other two have to be two people who didn’t. Some questions you may ask them should be about your messaging, your product, what their hesitations were. You can ask them: “Aside from cost, why do you think this product [insert name] wasn’t a good fit for you?” You could also ask, “What would this product or service need to include to make it an easy ‘Yes’ for you?” and “If you were close to purchasing, what made you change your mind? Was it something we said or something you read?” And the last thing to ask is “If you are open to giving us further feedback, please include your email address.”

Part two of your homework is that you set a date for the re-launch after gathering your data and setting a new gameplan. We want you to go into the Think Creative Collective Facebook Community and post: “I am going to reach out to three of my dreamies on [insert date] and I am going to re-launch on [insert date].” Because we are holding you accountable. We are excited and ready to support you in this, so start believing in yourself! We do.


Quote This

If you don’t believe in what you are selling, you are going to prevent sales more than anything else.



  • Why You HAVE To Believe In Yourself And Your Product / Service. [0:04:40.1]

  • Welcome To The Rinse and Repeat Party! What To Do After You’ve Launched. [0:07:30.1]

  • Time Frames For Re-Launch And Having An Intentional Gameplan. [0:16:30.1]

  • Homework: Questions To Ask Customers And Setting A Re-Launch Date. [0:27:00.1]


Abagail & Emylee

The Strategy Hour Podcast

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We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.


Launching, Re-launch.Launch dates, Analyzing data, Customer feedback




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