Creating Marketing That Feels Fun and Converts with Shunta Grant

Episode 451: Show Notes

Hey everybody, we are thrilled to bring you this episode with our good friend Shunta Grant! You might remember our Episode 441 that was all about tiny offers and why they might not be for everyone. Well, our guest today is the founder of the Best Today Brand and Guide and more recently the Right Now Routine™, which is the bombshell tiny offer she developed. The way she is marketing this pocket product (with cool gamification aspects!) is just next level, so we talk about that and how we swiped the idea for our own marketing for the Creative Template Shop. We also get into how creating a low-priced offer was right for her in her business at this moment and what kind of groundwork she had to do before she could even begin creating it. She shares how leaning into something that is fun, simple, and feels good produces miraculous results and how you can implement it in your marketing strategies. Be sure to give this episode a listen: you will not only love it but also walk away more inspired and much better equipped! 

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The Tiny Offer That Is Doing Wonders For Shunta’s Biz

Shunta’s winning tiny product, called Right Now Routine™, is an online tutorial developed to teach women to create realistic routines that work for their life right now. She emphasizes the ‘right now’ aspect since so many people put off creating a routine since their lives are too busy, promising themselves to do it later or tomorrow—which seldom happens. Shunta’s offer is all about creating a short, easy-to-do routine that anyone can do. It comprises a 40-minute video and a 4-page workbook, and it is changing women’s lives and businesses. She is still surprised by how well this offer is selling, and it is a little more than three weeks old! We often talk about things being easy, fun, and simple, and Shunta’s tiny offer is a testament to that philosophy. Things you take on in your business do not have to be hard, stressful, and expensive to be successful; in fact, cool things happen when you decide on things that fit easily into your life and that do not require the world of attention. What is so inspiring is seeing Shunta continue to live the mission she talks about daily while managing to put together this amazing new product. 

How She Managed to Do It Amidst All The Craziness

The most insane part about Shunta’s successful tiny offer is that she created it in the midst of global chaos and a complete disruption of life as we know it. She had just started teaching a workshop—in response to a growing need in her audience—in which she was teaching women the system and helping them one-on-one. But, of course, she can only help so many women on an individual basis and realized that she had to find a way to communicate the information at scale. This resulted in her creating the Right Now Routine™, which is something easy, actionable, and did not take up a lot of time. Creating this felt right because she knew it was answering a question many people have and struggle with. The only way Shunta has managed to thrive in the crisis and through all its repercussions was by having a routine in place and she wanted to share it with her audience. Having a routine helps her to keep the peace, take care of herself, and take care of everybody else. She knew that creating this routine would solve many women’s problems and answer many of the DMs and emails that were streaming in, so the high demand for such a solution was the driving force behind her developing it in the first place. And take note: it comprises a video and a workbook. It is not an eight-week intensive program. It did not take months to create. It is something concise, simple, effective, and immediately implementable—and this is where it's magic lies. Be careful of trying to add bells and whistles just for the sake of trying to make it look more legit. Serve the solution straight-up and move away.    

The Super Risky Marketing Strategy Shunta Pulled Off 

Shunta did a crazy thing. She launched her tiny offer and told her audience everywhere what her sales goal was and the date by which she wanted to reach it. She had never done anything like this before, so it was new to her too. When she was getting ready to launch Right Now Routine™, she thought selling a total of 100 would be great since she did not put a ton of work into it—she already had the material in her head and had been teaching it in her workshops. So, she was excited to see how it would perform and how it would address people’s problems. And then, on Day 1, it exceeded 100! Before a week had passed, she had so many messages from happy customers and one after the other testimonials of how well her routine advice had worked. By the end of the first week, they had almost 250 women signed up, and they were telling all their friends about it. When she realized how viral it had gone, Shunta decided to publicly announce that she wanted 500 women signed up for the Right Now Routine™ within the next seven days, after which she would create a bonus and give it to everyone who was in by that date (July 3rd). Bananas! So, she got on Instagram and shared the news, despite how scary it felt. She showed everybody the progress as the days passed. The reason she was willing to put herself out there was based on what people were saying about the tutorial. She was confident, and they ended up exceeding the goal!   

Fun and Vulnerability Gets Everyone on Board 

It’s been the most fun seeing her audience join in the goal of getting to 500. People were tagging others and even sending it to their own email lists! Because she tracked her progress and made it fun for people to watch, everyone wanted to join in the fun and be part of the adventure. It became a game they wanted to play. Women started taking ownership and wanted to be part of the first 500 to be signed up. Some people wanted in simply because they wanted to know what the TACO was all about! Shunta also showed her excitement about the tutorial and the crazy goal they set, so being vulnerable paid off. And, of course, she had no way of knowing whether it would happen or not, but she took the chance anyway. Had she not posted so publicly about their internal goal, who knows whether they would have reached 500 by the date they wanted? The interesting thing was that people started talking to her about where ‘we’ were in the race of getting to 500, so they saw themselves as being part of the journey—they bought in. We thought Shunta’s idea of gamifying the race to the goal was so brilliant that we applied it to our Creative Template Shop membership marketing strategy, and we are seeing amazing results. We have had to update our goal four times. Our Trip the Moon campaign involves getting 500 members into the Shop by the end of July. Be sure to get in on that too! 

What Happens if You Don’t Make the Goal?

Yes, of course, it is daunting to think about not achieving the goal you set out to. But in the end, it is so much more about the process than it is about the end result. If you get some people on board and you enjoy the process of collaborating with your audience and playing this game with them, then you have already succeeded in increasing engagement and connection with your audience, even if you do not get to that number. You have taken the chance, put yourself out there, and showed your audience who you are. If you fail to reach the goal, you can think of what to say when it happens, but until then, have fun with it! Rest assured that you have done far better than if you had stayed silent. 

Why the Right Now Routine™ is Great Even for the Most Organized Among Us

The tutorial is not only for those whose lives are chaotic: it is just as applicable to those who think they have a fairly firm grip on their schedules and lives. Some of you might be home right now with no kids and no spouse and still not know what you did with your time. And even if you have a routine, it might still be a good idea to brush it up and see where there is room for improvement; to upgrade from feeling good about your time to feeling great about it! This program will give you a simple and fun system that you can start doing right now. This is not a one-size-fits-all either: you can tweak it to suit you and everyone’s routines will look different, yet it uses the same method (TACO) and framework. What is great is that this pocket product will not break the bank either, so getting it is a no-brainer.

Shunta’s Thoughts on the Pros and Cons of Tiny Offers  

Considering her runaway success with a tiny offer, we wanted to hear what Shunta had to say about it. In episode 441, we made a case for why the tiny offer was unlikely going to bring you major success when you are first starting your business. We used our Trello for Business course as a case study example, and talked you through all the reservations we have with a low-priced item. And Shunta agrees with us! The problem of starting your business with a tiny offer is that you stamp yourself as the small-priced affordable brand when you might be out to do much bigger things. Therefore, you could be creating the wrong first impression. You want people to take you seriously after all. Shunta advises listeners not to focus on a pocket product when starting your business since you want your audience to shop your more solid offers first and perhaps get the smaller items as add-ons. The reason she decided to create a tiny offer is that her main thing is a physical product that already performs very well. Creating the low-priced offer was a way to address an immediate need while her audience waited for another larger offer that was in the ordering phase. She also did not want to create something that would detract from her bigger, more significant product, which is her Best Today Guide. If you create the small thing first, you haven’t given them an appetite for the bigger thing, so you want to create a small offer to also point to the bigger one. Your tiny offer should feed into the bigger one and they can be used to cross-promote. 

Build Credibility and Solve Problems One At A Time 

It is necessary to first build credibility before selling something as successfully as Shunta has. She had to prove to her audience that she could solve the problems they experienced. The fact that she had already established the Best Today Guide and had built a loyal following meant that she had the reputation and credibility to sell something else. Her audience was already comfortable with sharing their problems with her and there was a well-established channel of communication, which set her up for success with consequent products. The wonderful thing about Instagram stories is that your audience can also see you do the things you talk about and practice what you preach. Shunta also decided to tackle one problem at a time instead of promising to solve all her audience’s problems in one course. This makes getting quick results much easier. When business owners launch something in response to a need in their audience, it does not happen all at once but systematically. Develop one thing, wait, and listen. Once you have solved one problem, another pops up for you to solve. 


Quote This

Your small offer should be about the bigger picture that your company is there for. I didn’t want someone to take the small thing and say, ‘Now I don’t need the big thing.’

—Shunta Grant



  • The Tiny Offer That Is Doing Wonders For Shunta’s Biz. [0:06:52.1]

  • How She Managed to Do It Amidst All The Craziness. [0:09:34.1]

  • The Super Risky Marketing Strategy Shunta Pulled Off. [0:14:27.1]

  • Fun and Vulnerability Gets Everyone on Board. [0:25:47.1]

  • What Happens if You Don’t Make the Goal? [0:30:49.1]

  • Why the Right Now Routine™ is Great Even for the Most Organized Among Us. [0:32:26.1]

  • Shunta’s Thoughts on the Pros and Cons of Tiny Offers. [0:36:42.1]

  • Build Credibility and Solve Problems One At A Time. [0:43:16.1]


Shunta Grant

Best Today™ Brand

Best Today™ Guide

Website | Facebook | Twitter

Because of Zoe | Because of Zoe Instagram

In a world telling women to “do it all,” Shunta Grant teaches women to joyfully decline a life filled with the overwhelm, tension and discontentment brought on by a constant state of busy-ness. Shunta helps women live life (and build businesses) on the OTHER side of busy. Shunta is the creator of the Best Today™ Brand which equips women with resources to be proactive and intentional with their time.  Her signature product, the Best Today™ Guide, helps women get clear on what they want and provides a simple three-step process to guide women toward their vision for the future one today at a time. Shunta also teaches business owners and leaders through her coaching program, Peace Pace Progress. 


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