How to Have Your Best Today Using The Best Today™ Guide with Shunta Grant

Episode 418: Show Notes

Today we are joined by our badass biz bestie, Shunta Grant! Shunta has released something amazing that we think so many people in our audience need and in fact a bunch have already started using and loving! It is called The Best Today™ Guide and it is all strategy and no fluff! We will be going over the ins and outs of the guide today, so you can get a sneak peek of what is inside and the strategy behind its creation. 

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Shunta is a great example of someone who has taken her business to the next level and is now letting her audience in on some of her wisdom. She is the mind behind Because of Zoe Designs and her new foray into online education promises to be just as successful as what has come before. So without further ado, let's hear what she has to say!

How The Best Today™ Guide Came to Be

Shunta's guide is a paper planning system that lasts for 14 weeks and she created it to help women get clear on what they want. This means defining their vision, identifying hurdles and being more proactive and intentional with their time. The idea is to show up at your best every day and design the life you want, one today at a time. We often lay out a vision board and choose our word of the year but sometimes we forget that what makes up our year is a whole lot of todays! Shunta wants to help women live life on the other side of busy and find the time they think they do not have; she sees this guide as the transformational tool that can make the difference in so many lives, and we think so too! Shunta does journal, which is one of the main reasons she believes so strongly in paper planning. Something different happens when you put pen to paper! It has a different effect on the brain and we are almost always more committed when we write it out. Shunta has written things she did not know she was feeling and the honesty of the medium is just so vital to her.

The Three-Step Process of Shunta's Guide

Shunta has laid out a three-step process for getting going on your Best Today™! The first thing is to preview the upcoming week before it starts. This is a very manageable piece anyone can do. It allows you to think about what your focus for the next five days will be and write down your most important task to have done by Friday. Shunta insists on having one priority in order to make sure it is accomplished. The second step is to plan every day the night before. This makes such a difference in setting up for the future and you can go into every day with a strong commitment that you set out before. It means you do not have to think about what you are going to do when you wake up, you have already given yourself a roadmap for the day! The third step is to begin every day with the Best Today™ Morning Practice. This means asking yourself, "What does my best today look like? What are the self-destructive things I need to avoid?" And finally, write out your vision for the future including one thing you can do today towards that. This is what really separates Shunta's product from the rest and makes it life-changing. These three steps in combination are so powerful for your long term goals as well as your actionable steps for the immediate present!

Small Changes Every Day Can Have a Huge Impact

Shunta is a big fan of the book Atomic Habits and included in her guide is a group study of the book! She believes it is the small habits we create on a daily basis that amount to big success. You do not just lose 100 pounds overnight, it starts with something small. What we should all be aiming for is to get better over time and stop looking for immediate results! One of the tools included in Shunta's framework is the red, 'no more distractions box'. Shunta designed this as a way to ward off distracting thoughts when we need to concentrate. We all have thoughts that pop into our head and these can lead us down a path of time-wasting and non-productivity. Shunta's method is to stick these ideas in the box as soon as they come up and then return to them either at the end of the day or end of the week. That way we are not constantly wandering off on different tracks, but also remember the things we think of during our work. It keeps us away from the time-wasting rabbit hole and the more you do it, the more you train your brain. It does take some practice but you will soon get it! Lastly, Shunta likes us to list outcomes and not to-dos. Rather focus on your outcome than the action you need to do to get that outcome. This means writing down, 'get shower fixed, instead of 'call plumber'. This can help you transform how you show up and will give your brain more information when entering into a task. Why have we not been doing this already?

Self-Destructive Habits That Can Waste Away Your Precious Time

We all have self-destructive habits that can steal the most precious of resources from us, time. For Shunta, this means moving onto things without completing something she was already working on. She knows it is better to close the door on a particular task but sometimes struggles to do this. She also aims to stay fully present in the space she is in. She does not want to be scrolling on her phone when she is chatting with a friend or picking up her daughter from school. She wants everyone to get the best version of her! Social media can be so useful but once it has been used, we have to move on and not linger! How you do one thing is how you do everything, so cutting out bad practices in one area of your life can have far-reaching results. If you waste time here, you will probably waste time there and if you can identify these troubling habits you can make a lot of really important shifts in your life!

Carrying These Lessons Forward as You Plan for the Future

It is always so rewarding to see progress in the areas you address. When you write down goals and plans, you get to map how you approach things and then look back on past strategies. Our means for dealing with mental and emotional health are almost always evolving and you will likely be surprised and interested if you were to glimpse what you were doing a year or two ago! In all these endeavors you need to know your priorities, and when you do you will show up differently. As you build healthy and productive habits it will all accumulate over time, as these new habits become the norm. When we take care of ourselves and are more proactive and intentional with time, our most valuable resource, we start to see results! So what are you waiting for? Go join Shunta's tribe, sign up for the guide and put in the work! We promise you will not regret it!


Quote This

I think we forget that what makes up your year are your todays.”

—Shunta Grant



  • How The Best Today™ Guide Came to Be! [0:02:57.3] 

  • The Three-Step Process of Shunta's Guide. [0:10:51.7]

  • Small Changes Every Day that Can Have a Huge Impact! [0:20:49.2]

  • Self-Destructive Habits That Can Waste Away Your Precious Time. [0:34:50.7]

  • Carrying These Lessons Forward as You Plan for the Future. [0:40:04.3]

#TalkStrategyToMe [0:43:09.2]

  1. Join the community.

  2. Think about habits.

  3. Clarify your vision.

  4. Commit to showing up!


Shunta Grant

Best Today™ Brand

Best Today™ Guide

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Because of Zoe | Because of Zoe Instagram

Shunta Grant is the creator of the Best Today™ Guide, Because of Zoe Designs, host of The Business Life & Joy podcast and a business educator teaching entrepreneurs how to build and grow successful businesses that keep customers coming back time and time again. Leaving the practice of law for full-time entrepreneurship, Shunta is an ardent advocate for enterprising women who want to take control of their lives by turning their talents and abilities into satisfying and profitable businesses. Shunta teaches entrepreneurs how to confidently prioritize their life all while putting in the work that is necessary to see tangible and measurable results in their businesses. Her commitment to helping entrepreneurs choose harmony over hustle shines through all that she does. When Shunta isn’t helping women run businesses they love, she can be found reading a good book, taking a class at the gym or walking the aisles of Target and TJ Maxx with her daughter, Zoe. If you are ready to create more joy in your life and sustainability within your business, Shunta’s your girl!


Intentionality, Proaction, Discipline, Strategy, Journalling, Paper-planning, Scheduling


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