Getting Out of Your Creative Funk and Making White Space with Mary Hyatt

Episode 073: Show Notes

Today on the podcast you’re going to hear from Mary Hyatt. Mary is a personal life and business coach who helps people get into the raw side of themselves, fall back in love, and believe in their potential. She believes that every person has the ability to create the life they love and helps her clients to wake up, find their voices, and become fully alive. Creative entrepreneurs, seriously, this one was recorded for you!

Getting Out of Your Creative Funk and Making White Space
Mary Hyatt

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We talk about how to stay in a place of inspiration so you can keep putting out valuable content, why you may be in a creative funk, and how to get that creative white space back. Mary also breaks down the bare methods, and we talk about believing in something so it actually happens. We dive into the mythical balance, how you can blend your life, and really what you need to have at the front and center of your mind before you can tackle anything in your business. We are super excited! Seriously, it was such a joy to hear from Mary, and you are going to love this episode.

Staying In a Place of Inspiration While Delivering the Best Content Possible

As entrepreneurs (especially at the beginning), you are doing everything yourself. There is a lot going on - to be at a place where you can stay inspired for the craft that you are doing and what you are passionate about gets harder and harder the more you shift into the business side. There are two parts of moving forward into your business; you have your passion and what you are naturally good at, and then there is the business side of actually selling it and getting it out in front of people. It is kind of like a formula: you have to have inspiration plus motivation to actually get what you want.Like lighting a fire, the inspiration is that spark and the motivation is the fuel to keep that going. Everybody’s personal inspiration that brings them to a place of motivation is going to be unique, like their own internal inspiration trigger. It is important to get clear on what it is that inspires you.

Identifying The Feeling That You Are After

Everybody who is working at achieving a goal is not actually after the achievement of the goal itself; they are after what they think the feeling is that they are going to get from achieving that goal. On some level, we are actually just trying to get ourselves out of the place of desperation. We think that by achieving something new, it will shift how we feel and the state that we are living in, in our lives. Our state is just how we operate in our world, the energy at which we come at the world, and we want that to shift to move towards our goals. The first piece of connecting to that inspiration is saying, “Okay, how do I want to feel?”. You have to figure out that deeper level piece. Then the second exercise is understanding your leverage. Deepening your leverage is one of the most powerful things that you can do as an entrepreneur. If we get too comfortable, there’s no leverage to motivate you forward.

Believing In Something So It Actually Happens

When it comes to making things happen in your life, you have to be convinced that the action you are going to take is actually going to give you what you want.

It reverts back to the model that Mary uses, the acronym BEAR:

  • B for belief

  • E for emotions

  • A for actions, and

  • R for results.

It is a linear model where, what you believe or how you interpret something is going to generate an emotion or a feeling. Then you are going to take action based on that feeling, which is then going to produce the result of what you are doing. The more you say it on repeat, over and over again, the more new neurological pathways within your brain are created where you end up believing it even more. No result happens outside of our beliefs and our thoughts. When you are looking at creating something, ultimately, it starts with the vision and the thought. It is the thought that births the creation. You cannot create anything without the thought that you can do it or that it’s possible.

Tackling Your Business With the Right Mindset

In order to step into your business with the right mindset, you have to step up level and you have to shift or else you get stuck or become stagnant. The key is taking yourself out of the game before even stepping off the field: it is realizing that you cannot do something, and therefore not even attempting it in the first place. Ultimately, the leverage is not strong enough. When you are committed to something, you take all of the other options off the table and it shifts from a hobby to a profession. When you get to that place you realize that you are not just going to try this out and see if it works and then decide to continue or not. You will do it until it works, and that is a really subtle mindset shift which will make or break your success.

Finding the Mythical Balance in Life

it is important to determine exactly what the quality of life is that you actually want. The belief that you can essentially have it all has to be the fundamental belief at the beginning of the day. Once you have determined the quality of life you desire, you deconstruct it from there. In order for you to strive for more time for yourself and still be able to get to that level of success you are after, you need to slow down. It truly is a balance between hustle and flow because you have to have both. It is blending masculine energy which is the achieving and making it happen mindset, and then you have the feminine energy, which is being able to sit, breathe, and bring beauty into something. We have to bring those energies together. The joy should be a part of the process. However, if you are not feeling joy through the process then it is not worth it. There has to be the belief that there is more to life than just work.

Believing in Your Potential

Often, as individuals we carry a fundamental belief that we are not enough and that we are not lovable. So much of this process leads to trying to earn love and so you are working harder than you might want to or you are doing things that are not in alignment with who you really are. However, the fact is that you are no more lovable today than you were than you were born. You cannot earn love and you cannot lose love. It is super important that you spend time on yourself in cultivating more of that self-love, self-acceptance, and knowing that you can’t lose love. You, by just being you, exist in love already. You are loved and, when your work, if your inspiration and your creativity can come out of that place, you can move freaking mountains! It is magic and we all have the ability to do that. It takes work and it takes a lot of healing to come back to a place of self-acceptance and love. But there is no more important journey than that because it allows everything else to just click, and it just ends up being an incredible, beautiful, and result-ended product.


Quote This

There has to be the belief that there is more to life than just work.

—Mary Hyatt



  • How to stay in a place of inspiration while being able to deliver the best content possible. [0:03:53.1]

  • Identifying the feeling that you’re after to help create the action and the goal you want to achieve. [0:07:23.1]

  • Believing in something so it actually happens, and letting your thoughts meet your actions. [0:13:58.1]

  • What you need to have at the front and for center of your mind before you tackle any of your business. [0:23:35.6]

  • Finding the mythical balance in life, between working hard and fostering self-love. [0:32:15.3]

  • Why it’s important to believe in your potential and understand that you cannot earn love. [0:44:59.8]

#TalkStrategyToMe [0:48:43.8]

  1. Slow down and ask yourself in the moment, “What do I need right now?”

  2. Reconnect to your vision.

  3. Anchor into that feeling, journal it out, and commit to yourself.


Mary Hyatt 

Website | Instagram | Facebook

Mary Hyatt is on a quest to feel alive and to live a life full of gratitude, joy, authenticity, and abundance in body, mind, and soul. Mary believes that every person has the ability to create the life that they love. She lives in the heart of Nashville and her days are spent juggling the roles of holistic lifestyle advocate as a Presidential Diamond wellness advocate with doTERRA essential oils, and personal life and business coach. She helps her clients wake up, find their voices, and become fully alive. You can join Mary every Wednesday at 1 PM CST on her Facebook LIVE show where she dives into raw topics and helps her audience fall back in love with themselves and believe in their potential.


Staying in a place of inspiration, Identifying the feeling that you’re after, Believing in something so it actually happens, The right business mindset, Finding the mythical balance in life, Believing in your potential


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