How to 2x Your Income With Affiliate Marketing with Jill Stanton

Episode 309: Show Notes

Today on the show we welcome Jill Stanton who is the co-founder of Screw the Nine to Five and certified affiliate marketing badass! She and her husband, Josh, have built a massively successful business helping other businesses partner with yet more businesses! Everyone wins and everyone earns! Their mission is to transform unsatisfied employees into dangerously successful entrepreneurs and build skills and resources to help them with their growth, so they can work as much as they want to, wherever they want to!

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This is such a hilarious and insightful episode, we know you are going to love every minute of it. We sure did, and by the end of it you will be at least one step closer to doubling your income through affiliate marketing. Jill’s brand of affiliation is not slimy and gross and is so simple to start today, no matter the size of your biz. We all know the bad reputation that these kinds of partnerships can have but this is not that, trust us! Jill is here to help you better serve your audience, stay inclusive and engaging, and make more money doing it!

The Four Strategies of Affiliate Marketing

Jill assures us that your marketing does not need to feel pushed! She has strategies that make affiliation natural and mutually beneficial and the first is to leverage your content. This is something we have spoken about at length on the podcast! You can drop affiliate links in your blog posts, videos, podcasts or whatever content you are creating. It can also be a casual mention of something; it does not have to be a huge formal sounding ad. Social media and Facebook groups are also great for this because people ask so many questions in Facebook groups and you can offer so much value by suggesting good products to them (just make sure you’re following the group rules if it’s not your own). There are also easy ways to bake links into your emails that are not pushy and can be super helpful. The next strategy from Jill is to think about product reviews, doing these purposefully and intentionally can lead to massive amounts of revenue and YouTube videos are a great way to get a lot of exposure. Jill reminds us to think about the buyer’s intent when creating these and that YouTube is now the second biggest search engine on the internet! She also emphasizes the importance of resource pages on your website, e-books and lead magnets. Take notes ladies!

How Much Can You Make Starting Out?

An extra two hundred dollars a week can sometimes feel life changing, so there is really no harm in humble beginnings. You can start small and build from there into a much bigger deal.

The chances are that as an online business owner you are not an expert in everything! By bringing other experts into your world, creating partner webinars, or social takeovers you can create evergreen channels to earn a little extra. Most of us do not have time for everyone else’s audiences and pitching to them constantly, but by partnering you can align and experience instant trust and get the buy in. The most important thing here is resonance, more so than the numbers. We all have our people and there is no need to spread yourself too thin, all you have to do is find people with a few shared beliefs who want to work together!

Reaching Out and The Tools to Use

There are so many tools for finding affiliate marketing opportunities people! Too many to even mention, so just get searching! Jill advises goggling you niche and ‘affiliate program’ or ‘partner program’ to find appropriate offers. Remember it is always best to affiliate yourself with things you believe in or trust. These are typically companies or products that you are already familiar with. You can also reach out directly to people, most of the time they will be excited to cross over and gain some more exposure themselves. A win for everyone! The internet is getting busier and you do not necessarily have to create more content when there is so much great stuff out there already! You can serve your audience and others by just connecting the dots.

Pre-Launches, Participation and Partnerships

There are really clever ways to incorporate other business owners into your process. It is a great idea to introduce them to your audience and there are so many possibilities for running traffic and creating affiliate hype. You want people to make the right decision for them, so keep it real with them! Be clear about who something is for and serve them as best you can. When we are honest about what we know, like and trust, it can be really easy to sell others’ products as we have seen ourselves numerous times! When starting out with affiliation and partnerships, Jill just found that she loved it, it came naturally for her and connecting her audience to people doing great things made her feel amazing. It can be such a great service and showing up for your tribe in this way can be a wonderful experience for everyone. Likewise, a bad experience for your audience can reflect really badly on you and credibility and trust is the most important currency in affiliate marketing. Guard your rep with your life! So shine the light on what you use and what you believe in!


Quote This

There are so many opportunities for this kind of stuff. Just taking what you know and looking for affiliate opportunities.

—Jill Stanton



  • The Four Strategies of Affiliate Marketing. [0:04:08.5]

  • How Much Can You Make Starting Out? [0:16:40.2]

  • Reaching Out and The Tools to Use. [0:26:40.2]

  • Pre-Launches, Participation and Partnerships. [0:31:01.6]

#TalkStrategyToMe [0:39:32.3]

  1. Start A Resources or Tools Page.

  2. Link Things In Your Content.

  3. Locate Product Reviews.


Jill Stanton

Screw the Nine to Five

Website | Instagram | Facebook

YouTube | Twitter

Jill Stanton is the co-founder of Screw The Nine To Five—her and her husband, Josh’s slice of the Internet where they help transform unsatisfied employees into dangerously-successful entrepreneurs and give them the skills, resources and inspiration they need to grow their online business so they can work whenever they want from wherever they want! She’s a new mom, has an inappropriate love for trashy tv and isn’t afraid of a tall glass of gin.


Marketing, Income, Affiliation, Strategy, Access, Collaboration


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