How to Start a Business With ZERO Audience

Episode 850: Show Notes

In today's episode, I’m sharing what you need to know about the strategy of kickstarting your business from scratch, even if you think you have no existing audience. I’ve found that we tend to underestimate our existing network. From family and friends to colleagues and acquaintances, you likely have a web of up to 1,000 connections waiting to be tapped into. You’re probably not actually starting from zero— it's just a matter of using those connections to build the life and business you’re wanting.

In reality, the size of your audience doesn't actually dictate your revenue potential. I encourage you to put yourself out there and show up authentically, despite feeling vulnerable. Fear of judgment often holds us back, but stepping into the spotlight isn't just about gaining followers— it's about creating genuine connections and building a supportive community. 

Shifting my focus from numbers to nurturing meaningful relationships has not only been eye-opening but also empowering, and I'm eager to share this transformative journey with you on the podcast today!

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Convert Strangers to Buyers With a Digital Product 

You don’t need to have a huge audience before you start selling. Digital products offer an easy starting point for sales right from the start. Even if you don’t see immediate sales, introducing people to your offer and actively promoting it draws the right crowd to you. And they’ll start paying attention to what you’re putting out there! By offering value to these people, you can earn their trust and create a strategic pathway for how they can take the next step with you at the same time. 

How to Build Your Perfect Audience

If your goal is to generate some money as quickly as possible, then you need to be visible! Strangers need to be able to find you and figure out if you’re talking about what they’re looking for. Instagram is currently my favorite visibility channel. Why? Because right now it’s a great way to connect with people who aren’t following you and don’t know who you are– for free! You can either use an account you already have, or start with a brand new account and grow your followers. The main focus of this strategy is to build your following by leveraging your existing connections.

Leverage Digital Products & Increase Your Audience 

Choose a highly specific topic that zeroes in on your ideal client's primary issue and how to solve it. Concentrate your content and posts on this subject for the initial 30 to 90 days to build consistency. By maintaining this focus, you'll establish yourself as an authority in this area. Next, introduce and promote an affordable digital product to attract buyers. If you don’t know where to start, don’t panic! I outline the steps to this process in Digital Product Jumpstart, so be sure to check that out.

Once you've got your digital product ready, it's time to nail down the messaging that boosts engagement and sales. Reels are fantastic for reaching new audiences, exposing your content to users who've never seen it, and getting some free organic reach! The best part? You can use your "B-roll footage," filming everyday moments to post. While you're creating content to attract new viewers, make sure to tap into your network, share your updates, and ask for their support. 

Cross-promoting your social media channels is super effective and something you should definitely ramp up!  Our course, Instagram Profit Playbook is a great resource for marketing on social media.  

And you can easily attract new followers and buyers with our Cold Audience Instagram Reel Covers Canva Template. It was specifically created to help you optimize your feed and profile for cold audiences. You can also save time creating engaging, viral-worthy videos with our 22 Viral Instagram Reel Prompts & ManyChat Keyword Funnel Setup. We tested these prompts on our own social media accounts and saw a 1000% increase in engagement in just 7 days! 

Use DMs to Communicate Directly With Your Followers

One of my favorite tactics is DMing followers who show interest in your offer and sending them a direct link to a specific product. They're much more likely to follow through with a personal message from you. Manychat is an awesome tool that can automatically send the link to followers who comment on your reels, even when you're sleeping. With spam filling up emails and text messages, DMs stand out because of privacy restrictions, making it hard for spammers to get through. This means open rates are nearly 100%! Jump on this strategy now before it changes and costs money. It's so easy! 

Try Manychat for free here

Balance Attracting New Followers With Nurturing Your Audience

Consistently creating content is awesome, but watch out for this trap! While Reels boost your visibility, posts and stories handle the “nurture” side of Instagram. They’re perfect for converting cold buyers with your content. Customers who've already bought from you are much more likely to buy again compared to cold leads. So, when you're ready, build a list of buyers and email them regularly using storytelling and compelling marketing. This helps you share your journey and remind them how you can help. It’s a great way to keep the nurture cycle going. You can grow this email list while continually adding value! What you sell and how you talk about it can provide value, and reminding people to take action is a good thing. Be more vocal. Consistently talk about what you do. Take people on a journey! It’s your job to tell them how and why to work with you.

For step-by-step instructions, check out Digital Product Jumpstart today.


Quote This

It is your job to tell people that they can work with you, how they can work with you, and what steps to take next.



  • Convert Strangers to Buyers With a Digital Product  [0:14:11] 

  • How to Build Your Perfect Audience [0:16:57]

  • Leverage Digital Products & Increase Your Audience  [0:22:05]

  • Use DMs to Communicate Directly With Your Followers [0:29:41]

  • Balance Attracting New Followers With Nurturing Your Audience [0:33:47]


Abagail Pumphrey

Abagail on Instagram

Boss Project on Instagram | Facebook

Abagail Pumphrey, the Co-Founder & CEO of Boss Project, has been a driving force in the creative entrepreneur industry since 2015. With a passion for empowering service-based business owners around the globe, she became internet-famous after the launch of the transformative training, "Trello for Business." This innovative system revitalized the operations of over 10,000 business owners, making a significant impact on the online business landscape.

Under Abagail's leadership, Boss Project has been featured in prestigious publications such as Forbes, Marie Claire, INC, and HuffPost. Her twice-weekly podcast, The Strategy Hour, is a staple in the business community, continuously topping Business and Management Charts on Apple with millions of listeners from around the world.

Abagail's superpower lies in her ability to break down complex concepts into easy-to-implement, duplicatable systems. As an expert in online sales and a data-driven strategist, she has turned a layoff into a 7-figure work-from-home business. Abagail's mission to help more female founders become financially free, without letting their businesses take over their lives, continues to inspire and guide entrepreneurs on their path to success.

Key Topics:

Social Media, Content, Marketing, Visibility, Building an Audience, Digital Products, Network, Community, Follower Growth


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