Should You Ditch Instagram and Create New Habits in 2020?

Episode 397: Show Notes

As we all know, ’tis the season to set new goals, make resolutions, and ditch those nasty habits that were holding us back in 2019. We’ve already seen a whole range of resolutions from all of you; everything from what you want to learn, what you want to get better at, and what you want to let go of in the new year. Within those we’ve seen one similar theme constantly pop up, and that is removing or scaling down on social media, specifically Facebook and Instagram. 

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So, in today’s episode we want to dive into our relationship with social media and offer some reframes that will be truly helpful in redefining this relationship, especially as it pertains to your business. As with all trends, there are always highs and lows and the conversation we are seeing nowadays is painting social media in a bad light. So instead of being bogged down by all that is bad about social media, we want to give you the tools to refocus on your business needs. Stay tuned as we go through our top tips to help you get a head start on your resolutions for 2020!

Feelings Around Scrolling, Messaging and Social Media in General

We often hear things around people wanting to quit Instagram or social media and we understand the intent behind these statements. The majority of this comes from wanting to waste less time or be more intentional with our day. As entrepreneurs who run multiple businesses online, we really rely on our social media platforms and we personally think it is so amazing that you can run a business from a handheld device! Isn't that amazing? So when we think we are wasting time on our phones, we also need to remember the relationship between the phone, our finances, growth and serving our audience. This is not only our opinion, but many people are also reminding business owners to not feel guilty for putting time into their biz. Boundaries are really important and can help maintain a healthy relationship with your device and your accounts. At the same time, these boundaries should be completely personalized and should not be through pressure from outside. Emylee feels fine checking her phone first thing in the morning and that works for her! Abagail's boundaries are less stringent than Emylee's and she does not mind working on weekends and evenings. We all have our own needs!

New Habits and Strategies for Instagram and Beyond!

Abagail actually wants to be more active on Instagram and Facebook Live this year and show up more often for her business. She does need to figure out what makes sense for her to share on each platform though. One of Emylee's hopes is to have more off the cuff teachable moments and her favorite accounts do this so well. One of the problems they are both facing at the moment is around scheduling and trying to find the pockets of time to do all of this. For Abagail, this means showing up with less care around production quality and it is so important to stay thought leaders in this space, not just biz owners letting the community do its thing.

Daily Schedule, New Businesses and Intentions for This Year

A while ago, Abagail committed to no longer break promises to herself. This allowed her to make big changes in her life last year - she lost 60 pounds, works out regularly, walked up two mountains and ran 5km! She still feels like she needs to make some decisions around scheduling her days though, her lack of order is starting to make her crazy! The first thing she plans on doing is mapping out what she wants her week to look like and then make it happen. It is all about sticking to it and getting started. Her work boundaries have changed since her hubby started working from home too. They get to be together all the time, which is great but she wants to have more intentional breaks and time for their marriage. Emylee has some high hopes for her current side hustle, her clay earring business! The main thing is that she wants to keep it fun and easy. It has all felt so natural and impactful without her putting too much pressure on it, and that's what she wants to maintain.

What's on the Horizon for Boss Project?

Both Emylee and Abagail want to pursue their own businesses but work at Boss Project is still number one and serving our lovely audience remains a top priority! At the same time, these forays into other projects are not just dabbling, so what does it mean as they grow and how can all these balls be juggled? It seems necessary to clarify their Boss Project hours so progress can be made moving forward without any concerns. Neither of us wants to feel guilty or worried about the business and how we spend our time. Remember, talk to your people! We have been testing some different things around emails and sales pages and Abagail has realized you do not necessarily need a sales page to sell a group program! With her earring biz, Emylee is dipping her feet into the product based market and can now talk to students about that from a place of experience. The most important things for all of us are around communication, intentionality and how we use our time. If you can do all of this effectively it can be so powerful! It does require you to hold yourself accountable and you have to stick to it if you care, so don't give up halfway!


Quote This

You can set boundaries and not be on your phone less!



  • Feelings Around Scrolling, Messaging and Social Media in General. [0:04:02.5] 

  • New Habits and Strategies for Instagram and Beyond! [0:12:01.4]

  • Daily Schedule, New Businesses and Intentions for This Year. [0:19:02.3]

  • What's on the Horizon for Boss Project? [0:24:21.2]


Abagail & Emylee

The Strategy Hour Podcast

Instagram | Facebook

We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.


Social Media, Screen Time, Self-awareness, Schedule, Intentionality, Side Hustles


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