The Difference Between Working IN Your Business Vs. ON Your Business

Episode 628: Show Notes

Are you ready for even more content? Bite sized videos, lessons, tutorials? We can’t believe it’s taken us this long, but we finally have a TikTok account! If you are a business owner looking for marketing tips, Canva tips, Dubsado tips, client-based tips, and everything in between, we are sharing everything there. That’s just a side note, our episode today is all about the difference between working in your business and working on your business. We’ve gone through many different seasons together, in life and in business, and in our usual style, we’re going to be spilling all the beans for you today!

The Difference Between Working IN Your Business Vs. ON Your Business
Abagail Pumphrey & Emylee Williams of The Strategy Hour Podcast

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Cycles of Introspection Versus Invitation

We went from a season of introspection into a season of inviting new things in. These seasons are so radically different that it almost feels like we have become different versions of ourselves. Change can be scary, but we’re super excited about it. Introspection is a season that’s about learning to relisten to yourself, becoming reengaged with your thoughts and your intuition and asking yourself questions about how you feel and where you are going. On the other side of this introspective cycle, for us there was a deep desire to add to our lives and fill them with new things. At the moment we’re inviting things in, but we probably wouldn’t have the capacity to do this if we hadn’t gone through our introspection stage; both stages are super important and wherever you are at, we’ll meet you there! 

Our Top Reading Tips to Get the Most Out of Books

We both went through a phase where we couldn’t get enough of podcasts and we were reading hardly anything at all, but then we decided we wanted to read more this year, and we’ve been knee-deep in books ever since! If you’re struggling to get back into reading, getting a Kindle Unlimited Membership gives you access to so many books, and you can just start off with the easy ones like we did to flex those reading muscles again. Once you’ve passed the early stages, you may want to learn tips to read faster so that you can take in more information. If you’re at that stage, we have a top speed reading tip to share with you today; read diagonally! Don’t worry, this sounded crazy to us at first too, but it really works! We’ve built up a pretty extensive library of business books. 

Value in Different Perspectives

Reading books has rubbed off on so many other areas of our lives; we’re finding new people to follow and making new connections. What we’re really trying to focus on now is not only reading books and making connections with people that validate the opinions that we already hold. We’re intentionally trying to absorb information that doesn’t quite align with what we’ve always believed to be true. For example, Emylee recently bought a book called REWORK which was written by the co-founders of BaseCamp, and even though she really doesn’t like using BaseCamp, she bought it so that she can expand her mind by reading about a new business perspective. 


Quote This

Fill your mind with things that are going to be helpful to you.



  • Cycles of Introspection Versus Invitation. [0:09:00] 

  • Our Top Reading Tips to Get the Most Out of Books. [0:12:03] 

  • Value in Different Perspectives. [0:22:12] 


Abagail & Emylee

The Strategy Hour Podcast

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We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.


Introspection, Learning vs. Doing, Phases, Books, Speed Reading


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