What Most People Get Wrong About Their Digital Product Offers

Episode 916: Show Notes

Are you solving real problems or just slapping on Band-Aids? In this episode, I dive into the ONE question you absolutely need to ask before creating or selling your digital product and the test I use to ensure that digital products deliver fast, tangible results, not just quick fixes that only address surface-level symptoms. I also offer a practical explanation for why quick wins are the key to building trust, driving sales, and setting up future success.

Whether you're reworking an existing offer or brainstorming a new one, I’ll help you simplify your solution, focus on small but impactful wins, and avoid the overwhelm-trap that most creators fall into! This episode is your guide to creating offers that sell and position your business for long-term growth. Remember, the goal is to make your solutions so simple and immediate that clients can’t help but say, “Oh my gosh, this works!”

What Most People Get Wrong About Their Digital Product Offers
Abagail Pumphrey of The Strategy Hour Podcast

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The Quick Win Test: How Fast Does It Work?

The ultimate question you need to ask yourself about your digital product is this: how quickly does your offer help your client solve their problem? If your response isn’t minutes, hours, or maybe even a few days, it’s time to hit the brakes because it will prevent you from reaching your ultimate goal.

Now, I’m not opposed to developing offers with a longer timeline for transformation. That’s not the issue. The issue is how those long-term offers are framed. Transformations that take weeks or months should be positioned as signature offers with mid-tier or high-end price points. The point of an entry-point digital offer is to raise awareness about your business, bring in someone who's likely cold, and give them a quick transformation to win their trust. If your offer fails this test, simplify it or reframe the solution to ensure results happen FAST!

How Instant Results Lead to Instant Trust

If you’re still in the ideas and creation phase, I don’t want you to get too caught up in this. A common pitfall for creators is thinking too big too soon. Because you care, you’re attempting to overhaul someone’s entire business or entire life with a single course or toolkit. While the intention is good, overcomplicating it can overwhelm your audience, create hesitation, and dilute the effectiveness of your offer. Instead, focus on solving one specific problem quickly. Your job is to make your solution so simple that it feels like you’ve already done the work for them.

How can you make it so easy that they can essentially plug and play? I love templates, readymade resources, or simple step-by-step processes because they provide the instant results your audience is looking for. Take my ChatGPT Prompt Vault as an example. Delivering quick results not only boosts sales but also builds trust and momentum, which are critical for nurturing long-term relationships.

Why the Simplest Tools Deliver the Most Impact

It’s often my simplest tools and templates that offer the fastest, most impactful results. My Digital Product Sales Page Copywriting Blueprint has been downloaded so many times because it removes friction for my clients and has a singular purpose. The brilliance of templates lies in their simplicity, specificity, and speed. Instead of trying to teach someone everything, focus on solving one problem with a tool that clients can literally copy-paste from and run with. Immediate leave them wondering, “If this is what I get for just a small investment, what else is possible?”

Striking the right balance between product specificity and holistically attracting the right audience can be tricky, but it’s where the magic happens. The mistakes I most often see are either going too broad and diluting the offer's effectiveness or so niche that it’s too specific to a kind of person and doesn’t reach your ideal audience. My advice? Keep the transformation focused and simple. Ask yourself what is one problem you can solve quickly that feels valuable to the people you want to attract, then tweak and experiment as you go. The key is to be clear and intentional about the result and who it’s for. Simple solutions, big impact. That’s what works!

Indoctrinating Someone into Your Way of Thinking

When I talk about indoctrinating someone into your way of thinking, I know it can sound a little intense, maybe even culty, but stick with me here, because it’s not what you think! What I mean is that you have a philosophy, a methodology, or a process that you know works, and your job is to help your audience see the world through that lens. It’s about getting them to trust your approach by offering them a quick win that delivers immediate results.

As I like to say, people buy outcomes, not effort. Buyers want immediate value. They don’t want to work harder. That’s why templates and ready-to-use resources work so well because they minimize the heavy lifting. When they experience that win, whether it’s a lightbulb moment or an instant solution, they start to believe in you, in your process, and in what’s possible for them. It’s not about convincing or hard selling. It’s about showing up authentically, providing real value, and giving them a taste of how your way of thinking can transform their lives or businesses.

Brainstorm Without Judgment

When you’re brainstorming ideas for your digital product, don’t filter yourself right out of the gate. Write down every problem your audience faces and every potential solution, big or small. This is not the time to judge or overthink. It doesn’t have to be the “right idea.” Everything you write down could be a potential product one day. It might be something you create now, something you build on later, or even a piece of a larger transformation you’ll break down.

Once you’ve got your list, the next step is to run each idea through this filter: Does this fix the real problem in a tangible, meaningful way, or is it just a Band-Aid? Band-Aids are quick fixes that only address surface-level symptoms, like offering a content calendar to someone who is actually struggling with creating the content itself. Sure, it might sell, but it won’t deliver the transformation they need. Instead, focus on solving a real problem that moves your audience forward. If a solution feels too big or too slow, break it down into smaller, significant steps. Your goal is progress, not a patch. When you create something simple, clear, and results-driven, you build trust, deliver real value, and set the stage for bigger wins!

This is the kind of stuff I walk people through in Digital Product Jumpstart. What are you going to create or change for your ideal clients and how are you going to do it quickly and concisely? I can’t wait to see what happens when you start getting more immediate results!


Quote This

Often, my simplest tools, my simplest templates, are the ones that offer the most specific results.



  • The Quick Win Test: How Fast Does It Work? [0:02:14] 

  • How Instant Results Lead to Instant Trust [0:05:51]

  • Why the Simplest Tools Deliver the Most Impact [0:12:52]

  • Indoctrinating Someone into Your Way of Thinking [0:16:15]

  • Brainstorm Without Judgment [0:22:06]


Abagail Pumphrey

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Abagail hosts the twice-weekly podcast, The Strategy Hour, which is recognized by INC and Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs.

Key Topics:

Digital Products, Transformation, Templates, Product Specificity, Quick Wins


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