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If you run a business online, then this is the show for you. Listen in as your host, Abagail Pumphrey delivers semi-ranty business strategies touching on everything from building a profitable offer to scaling sustainably to growing an ethical culture and everything in between.

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Semi-ranty business strategies for successful small business owners.

Hey, it’s your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m on a personal mission to help more small business owners become financially free.

I like to nerd out on all things business, marketing, and most definitely the numbers. I’m talking all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business.

I like to share it all and no conversation is off the table. We talk actionable strategies, biz challenges, and all the things life throws your way - grief, anxiety, loss, and resilience are all topics you’ll find here.

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Goal Crusher Club – Part 3: How to Figure Out What to Pay Yourself

Welcome to Part Three of the Goal Crusher Club Series! Today on the podcast, we are talking about the fun side of business – getting paid! Woohoo! Getting paid should be an exciting and rewarding part of business; but who knew that it could be the cause of so much anxiety and confusion, right? We want to give you a little break here today and share with you what we have used in the past to help us define what to pay ourselves as business owners and how that works for us today since our business has grown. If you have severe anxiety around money, we totally understand the fear of not wanting to pay yourself.

A lot of the time people are either afraid money is going to disappear or it is supposed to be allocated toward something else or are just simply feeling that they don’t deserve that money. This is something to be aware of going into this episode but for the most part, we are going to be diving into the different formulas you can use in order to figure out what to pay yourself. We will also be discussing helpful tools to help you with payroll, saving for taxes, saving for retirement, how to separate your income into different bank accounts and what determines a “reasonable” salary.

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Podcast, Branding & Design Guest User Podcast, Branding & Design Guest User

The Inside Details of How to Become an Influencer with Mae Karwowski of

Today on the podcast we welcome Mae Karwowski, the Founder and CEO of, a technology-driven influencer marketing platform that launched in 2014. In this episode, we are talking all about building a business from the ground up. Mae shares how she scaled her company to over 20 employees without any outside funding, as well as her experience working as a woman in the tech industry today. But for the most part, we really hone in on influencer marketing; what it’s really like working in that space as an agency and how you, as an influencer or brand, can work with an agency like and start making a little money!

Mae is an absolute badass with heaps of insight, tips, tricks and advice. The influencer marketing landscape has truly evolved over the past four years and Mae gives us an overview of how influencer marketing started, the progressions it has made, and where it is today. This is a really exciting and rapidly growing marketing road to be on today and we can’t wait to share what Mae has to say on this. If you are a brand looking to partner with influencers, or an influencer looking to partner with brands – then you’re going to love this one!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Goal Crusher Club – Part 2: Aligning Projects with Your Goals

Today’s Goal Crusher Club episode is all about aligning your projects with your goals. The entire purpose of this episode is to get you achieving the things on your dreamy to-do list faster. We know that so many of you sit there twiddling your thumbs, hoping to get more stuff done, but are not getting more stuff done! We know it’s not because you’re not willing to get stuff done; the issue is that coming up with an end goal just feels very definite and restricting, right? Often, if we don’t have a clue what our end goal should be, then we don’t know where to start, we don’t know what goals and tasks to prioritize and we don’t know which opportunities to follow. We feel you, and we’re here to help you really hone in, define and focus on what it is you’re working towards.

In this episode, we are going to be giving you great tips to help you set your goals and break them down into small projects and even tinier daily tasks. We are also going to help you prioritize your tasks throughout the day and give you some helpful tips on how to say no to the often distracting opportunities that arise. We know you are a creative, but we also want to see your creativity turn into a sustainable and profitable business – so if we’re mean, it’s only because we care. It’s time to knuckle down and get your booty in check, so start crushing your goals today and take a listen.

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Podcast, Scaling Guest User Podcast, Scaling Guest User

Adding a Product Shop to Your Service-Based Business with Katie Hunt of Tradeshow Bootcamp

Today on the podcast we welcome Katie Hunt of Tradeshow Bootcamp. Katie is a third-time guest on the show, where she was on previously to talk about wholesale and tradeshows. Katie is a business strategist, a mentor to creative entrepreneurs and has been super helpful for us in the realm of retail and all things product based. Today, Katie brings a new conversation to the table to help all you service-based babes who are wanting to dip your toes into physical products but just don’t know where to start. She is going to talk to us about how service-based businesses, and any business really, can start having a product shop without housing an inventory.

We are going to be breaking down drop shipping, print on demand and the different software and systems that you can set up to get you going as hassle free as possible. Katie will also be giving you a bunch of vital questions that you need to be asking yourself in order to help get yourself ready for your product journey and ensure that you are setting expectations from the get-go. This conversation definitely set fire to our own booties and inspired us to get our own products listed. If introducing products is an idea you’ve been toying with for a while but just don’t know where to start, Katie is here to help us hit the ground running.

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Podcast, Project Management Guest User Podcast, Project Management Guest User

Goal Crusher Club — Part 1: 7 Habits for Productivity

In this episode we dive into seven habits that we believe lead to a more productive life and a more productive business. These seven habits will ultimately help you achieve the goals and dreams you are seeking – whether those are personal or financial. You are one person, with multiple facets, and you can’t play blind to the fact that you have a life outside of work! We want to incorporate that into living a lifestyle that gets you where you want to go. These seven habits have been monitored over time in our own business. Whenever we are incredibly productive, we take a look at everything that we were doing over that time and ask, “What was a constant? What habits combined aided our productivity?”

A lot of people ask us what is it that makes us so productive, and everyone seems to be waiting for that miracle answer. But the reason why we are covering seven habits is because it is never just one thing. It’s never just one thing you do that helps you sell more, or get more people on your list, or land more clients. It is a combination of things that helps to create a successful business and a successful human being. So take a listen and learn more about the seven habits we focus on that have led to more productivity in our lives and how it can lead to more productivity in your life too.

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

Utilizing LIVE Video with Facebook & Instagram with Jenny Melrose

Today on the podcast we welcome Jenny Melrose. Jenny is a former reading specialist who retired from her teaching career and started blogging. She is the owner at, the lifestyle blogger over at The Melrose Family and has worked with brands that are nationally recognized, such as Neutrogena, Smuckers, Glad, Costco, Stanley Steamer, Sarah Lee and many more. In this episode, we are talking to Jenny specifically about live video broadcasting and how to utilize this fantastic new tool for Facebook and Instagram.

We briefly touch on topics like sponsored posts and sponsored live content, but for the most part we are talking about how to get over the fear of live video, how to get started, how to create engaging content and how to get people to interact with you so that you can increase your organic reach, which ultimately leads to sales! We will also be discussing how you can pitch to brands and how this has been crucial to Jenny’s business success – and the good news is, it’s easier than you think! If you have been on the fence about live broadcasting, are not sure how to structure your video or what topics to cover – no matter what industry you an in, this episode will help you find your voice.

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

March 2018 Review

Today on the podcast we are bringing you another monthly review session. This time around we will be taking a look at March 2018: everything that happened, everything that didn’t happen, why things happened and ultimately, what this all means! More specifically, we’ll be walking you through the nerve-wracking spending freeze that we had to place on the company this month, as well as the goal that changed course, how we quickly adapted and implemented the new goal which led to our exciting new course you see today – The Goal Crusher Club.

We’ll also be sharing with you how we shifted to a new email service provider and the benefits of getting your systems in order, even when it draws you away from those money-making activities. We take a dig at the areas we want to improve on, like our personal internal leadership capabilities, our upcoming hotel spa strategy and why we need to have weekly check-ins with one another regarding our individual decision-making progress. In addition, we have some sexy new numbers to dazzle you with and will be sharing why our April affirmation is to realign. By the end of this episode, you will certainly have seen our flaws and be reminded that we, of course, are only human too. We know that you are coming up against these challenges in your own business and we are here to tell you that sometimes, you’ve just got to live and let be!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Creating a Workspace that Inspires You with Desha Peacock of Sweet Spot Style

Today on the podcast we have Desha Peacock. Desha is an international retreat leader, lifeSTYLE Design Coach and the Founder of Sweet Spot Style. Desha works with creative entrepreneurial women to upgrade their lifestyle and live fully in their sweet spot. She is also the author of Create The Style You Crave and Your Creative Workspace. Today on the podcast we are diving into how to create a work environment that inspires you.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Introducing The Goal Crusher Club

Before we dive into anything, can we just have a moment of silence for the phenomenal fact that this is episode 200! And guess what? We’re not going anywhere – hopefully we will be around for another 200 episodes. If you’re listening to this right now, we’re sending you a big fat thank you. Your time, energy and ears really mean a lot to us. Now that we’re done jumping up and down in celebration of this 200-episode milestone, let’s move onto the topic of today’s episode…Spoiler alert, there’s something new in TCC land, it’s called the Goal Crusher Club, it’s available right now and it’s fricken’ incredible! We know that you’ve got more biz ideas than you know what to do with and what you need is someone to help you organize the chaos and hold you accountable. That’s what we’re best at, babe, and that’s what The Goal Crusher Club is all about – accountability.

We created The Goal Crusher Club to help you go from that frazzled hot mess to a master-of-systems goal crusher. This is going to be a super unique way to interact with us, other creatives and allow you to get elbow-deep into the mechanics of your own business. In this episode, we are going to walk you through why we created The Goal Crusher Club, how it will help you, how it is organized, what you can expect, the insane benefits and why it is the most unique course on the block! This club provides the perfect opportunity for people who are wanting to get more stuff done, get some hardcore focus, get some support and in-depth feedback and finally start reaching their goals. And did we mention it’s just $29 a month?

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