How to Create a Sales Page That Converts (+ Copy That We've Used to Sell Thousands of Dollars)

When was the last time you were excited about creating a sales page? When was the last time you felt empowered to create something that was going to put your amazing offer out into the world? 

If there’s anyone that’s been around the block a few times with sales pages, it’s us. That’s why we want to spill our secrets and give you the rundown on how we create highly converting sales pages and how you can, too.

Sales pages can sound super scary, especially for someone who’s never created one before. There are a lot of things to think about when it comes to not only the copy but the design and how they work together as a whole.

How easily will visitors be able to read it? What information needs to be first? How do you coerce them to the checkout page? Do you have too much? Too little?

Who’s Your Audience?

Hopefully, if you’re at the point where you’re ready for a sales page, you already know who exactly you should be speaking to. All that’s left to do is make sure you’re touching on points that relate specifically to those people. The goal is for them to think, “Wow, are they in my brain right now?!” 

Make a braindump of certain words or phrases that would appeal to your audience. Then, create an outline of your copy that pertains to...

Their Pain Points

What is your ideal client or customer struggling with right now? Touch on those pain points. You may be used to doing this already when writing copy for other things, like Facebook Ads or social media content. Here’s a great example of how we get inside of our target audience’s heads a little in the beginning of one of our Facebook ads for Trello for Business, and then another way we did so in the sales page.

What Their Future Could Look Like

Now, just paint a clear picture for them of what their life would look like if all of those challenges could be resolved. You don’t necessarily need this to take up a whole page or to list out points in a “Picture this…” section (which you’ve probably seen a million and one times). Take this section of copy in our sales page for The Strategy Academy, for example:

Whatever way you choose to style it, the purpose is the same– to paint a picture of what life is going to look like for your client or customer after they buy your thing. How are they going to feel? Look? What will they know? Do? How’s life going to be different as a direct result from what you’re offering?

Presenting Your Solution

This is where you pull out your big guns and show them the thing they’ve been missing all along. This is the whole shebang and the one part out of all others that you really want to give your all because this is where the persuasion starts. After all, the whole purpose of a sales page is to persuade. 

Be sure you’re using clear product images or mockups here if offering a physical product. If offering a service, use professional photos and flash that beautiful smile that screams “You can trust me!” Here’s a snippet of where we present Trello for Business in its sales page:

Followed by...

Explaining Your Solution

What the heck is it going to do for them? Tell them all about its benefits and how that thing will get them to the dream life you just painted for them earlier. We do that in our sales page for The Creative Template Shop like this:

(Sidebar: We weren’t lying when we said we’ve been around the block more times than we can count with sales pages!)

Sharing Testimonials

You can’t forget to add others’ experiences in there! Gather up all of those topnotch testimonials and include them. A visitor usually won’t go for just your word alone, so show them real people who’ve said genuine things about your offer. How you choose to convey your testimonials is up to you and what you like. We’ve used varying layouts in each of our sales pages, like this:

And this:

And this: 

Clearly, we don’t discriminate on the style as long as a testimonial (or 9) is there. And don’t stress if you don’t have any testimonials yet! When we first launched our program Trello for Business, we literally used a testimonial from our dogs because it was lighthearted and added some humor.

Ask Them to Take Action

Present your pricing and button(s). If it makes sense for your offer, you may consider payment options. We usually have pay-in-full and monthly installment options (aside from Trello for Business because, well, it’s only $29). This could be a good idea if your pay-in-full price is a little higher than what your ideal customer would have on hand. Highlight if there are any savings that come from paying in full, such as this:

Add Your Guarantee

If your offer has a higher price point, it doesn’t hurt to have some sort of guarantee to help them feel better about pressing that purchase button. We do this with The Strategy Academy.

All That’s Left Is To Put It All Together

You’ve got the part down that’s the hardest for so many people. All you have to do now is lay it all out. We know that while your product or service is freaking amazing, you may not be a designer, which is precisely why we released these sales page templates in The Shop

They integrate with Leadpages, and with only a couple of clicks, it’s loaded into your Leadpages account and ready to customize to fit your branding. We even included copy mad-libs style so you can literally just fill in your own words where it makes sense, and voila! You’ve got a ready-to-go sales page. If you don’t have an account, you can snag a 14-day trial here.

This is the template in our soft collection, but we also have bright and neutral color palettes available. We laid it all out while our in-house designer made it absolutely stunning! You can snag this baby one-off for $97 or you could join our membership for only $47 a month, save that other $50, and have unlimited downloads of everything else The Shop has to offer.

Now, Make Those Sales!

We just gave you the tools, now you just have to make it happen and start bringing in those sales. Promote this page everywhere you possibly can. Add it in your social media bios, talk it up in your Instagram stories, make sure people are seeing it! As beautiful as it’s going to be, no one is going to come by just letting it sit there, so get to talking and watch those sales come in. You got this!


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