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Grow, Systems & Automation Guest User Grow, Systems & Automation Guest User

How to Use Dubsado When You Don't Have a Website

“Do I need a website to use Dubsado?”

“How will I be able to use it for all the things I need to launch my business?”

We get these questions tons. The short answers are no, you absolutely do not need a website in order to make Dubsado work for you. And yes, you will be able to use it for every aspect of your launch and beyond. In fact, Dubsado could actually completely replace your website.

Evenmoreso, although Dubsado is a CRM, it can serve the same purposes as many other softwares, especially for someone who might be new to being in business and doesn’t have the extra income right now to invest in other tools.

So, keep reading if you want to deep dive into all things Dubsado, how to use it if you don’t have a website, how to use it to launch your business, and how to bypass the headache and set it up in just one or two days.

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Marketing Guest User Marketing Guest User

The Dos and Don'ts of Email Marketing

The great thing about having an email list is that it’s yours, and you’re able to market to people who you know are interested in hearing more about you and what your business is up to. It’s amazing for building lasting relationships with your audience, which is the key to making consistent sales and seeing growth.

However, like many aspects of business, there are a few dos and don’ts that are important to remember. Otherwise, it’s super easy to break down your relationships and see a large increase in unsubscribe rates and, ultimately, sales.

That’s why, today, we’ll be going over these do’s and don’ts. Some we’ve experienced ourselves and others we’ve seen firsthand with other businesses. And if you really want to up your email game, stick around till the end!

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Optimize, Marketing Guest User Optimize, Marketing Guest User

How to Create a Sales Page That Converts (+ Copy That We've Used to Sell Thousands of Dollars)

When was the last time you were excited about creating a sales page? When was the last time you felt empowered to create something that was going to put your amazing offer out into the world?

If there’s anyone that’s been around the block a few times with sales pages, it’s us. That’s why we want to spill our secrets and give you the rundown on how we create highly converting sales pages and how you can, too.

Sales pages can sound super scary, especially for someone who’s never created one before. There are a lot of things to think about when it comes to not only the copy but the design and how they work together as a whole.

How easily will visitors be able to read it? What information needs to be first? How do you coerce them to the checkout page? Do you have too much? Too little?

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Learn, Branding & Design Guest User Learn, Branding & Design Guest User

Why are My Canva Images so Blurry and What Can I do About It?

There’s no worse feeling than pouring your heart and soul into a graphic you’ve made in Canva that you’re so proud of, only to see that it ends up blurry and overall just crappy quality when you upload it to your website or social media channels.

You try again to no avail. Still blurry. Still suck-y.

So, why are your Canva images blurry, and what can you do to fix it?

We’re here to walk you through how to make sure your creations look clean and crisp every time (and don’t worry, we tried to limit the language to normal-person speak).

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Learn, Leadership Guest User Learn, Leadership Guest User

How to Tell The Future of Your Business: Find Conversion Rates, Lifetime Value, Profit Margins and More

Conversion rates. Analytics. Measuring growth. Lifetime value. There are so many business buzzwords that get thrown around that can feel really intimidating to the average creative business owner.

However, knowing this information is super crucial to your profits, your growth and the decisions you make every single day in your business.

Keeping track of your business’ numbers allows you to make strategic decisions instead of just saying, “Well, I feel like this is going well, so I’m going to keep doing it” or “I feel like this new thing could really help, so I’m going to try it.”

Honestly? We’d rather make business decisions rooted in facts and data instead of basing everything soley of feelings. We love us a good “gut instinct” and we like to back it up with cold hard facts.

Knowing how much weight a product or service is pulling for you or if it’s time to let it go, the rate of growth across all of your channels, and your overall progress is so important in order to plan and set goals realistically in your business, both short and long term.

So how do you find this information (or sexy math as we like to call it)? Where do you begin?

It all starts with your analytics.

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Grow, Marketing Guest User Grow, Marketing Guest User

The Complete Guide to Webinars: Lessons We've Learned from Hosting 50+ Webinars

Hosting webinars is a super fun way to engage with your audience, pitch your product or service and add amazing value. But there’s also a lot to think about!

It can be both crazy-exciting and super duper scary to host a live webinar. There are probably tons of thoughts and what-ifs floating around in your cute little brain.

“What if I forget what I want to say?”

“What if no one thinks what I’m talking about is interesting?”

“What if…?”

These are totally normal fears to have, especially if you’re someone who was scared to ever even show your face in a video, let alone host a live webinar for a group of people. This is a big step to take in your business, and we applaud you for coming this far.

We’ve hosted countless webinars (literally.. we lost track somewhere around 50), so we’ve picked up a few tips along the way that we’d love to share with you. Stick around for the end because we have a treat that will help you knock your first webinar out of the park!

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Optimize, Leadership Guest User Optimize, Leadership Guest User

Do This Before You Pitch Your Business to Brands

You’ve been doing this business thing for a little while now, and you feel like you’ve finally found your footing. Everything seems to be going great, except for one thing.

You don’t have any features, collabs, partnerships, or PR opportunities in general!

Opportunities for exposure could be so many different things, but they all circulate back to working with another brand. This could be writing a guest blog post or being featured in a blog post, collaborating with another brand on an upcoming launch, being a guest on a podcast episode, having your story told in a popular magazine, landing an interview on a daytime talk-show program, etc.

Some of those examples seem far more reachable than others, but in order to land any of them, it all starts with the steps you take before and leading up to pressing send on that pitch (and don’t worry, we’ll be going over that, too!)

A few of these steps you might not even think twice about, especially if you’re DIYing this whole pitch-your-biz-to-other-brands thing, which is why we’ve made sure to give you a solid plan to put yourself out there confidently.

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Optimize, Marketing Guest User Optimize, Marketing Guest User

Top Tips to Boost Your Social Media Marketing Game

There’s no denying that social media came into our lives and completely took over. For both personal and business use, 7 in 10 Americans are on some form of social media platform.

Businesses are turning to social media as their main source of traffic with most solely focusing their marketing efforts on platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. I mean, can you blame them? Just take a look at the numbers.

Facebook has 2.5 billion active users every month.

335 million people are using Pinterest each month.

1 billion people are active on Instagram every month.

That’s a LOT of people and a huge pond to swim in that will only continue to grow , but that just means that nailing down your social media marketing game is as important as ever. Luckily for you, you have us!

If you want to learn how to boost your social media marketing game, we’re here to give you our top tips and a little surprise at the end!

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Welcome to My Blog

Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!

You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!

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