The Best Strategies to Avoiding Burnout in 2022

We know how easy it is to feel totally burnt out in your business. In fact, you may not have even realized that you’re burned out! You may have convinced yourself that this is just the hustle and grind that it takes to get your business going or to scale past where you’re currently stuck.

In reality, this isn’t effective nor ideal. Growth and progress don’t happen during burnout, so you have to come up for air and create a clean slate. Keep reading to find out the best strategies to help you avoid burnout in 2022, so you can continue to grow and scale your business sustainably.

Our Three Strategies to Avoiding Burnout in 2022 and Beyond

Ultimately, avoiding burnout (or getting yourself out of it) boils down to three key principles:

  1. Staying in your zone of genius,

  2. Knowing and sticking to your client capacity and utilization, and

  3. Setting boundaries

Without practicing these three things, you’ll continue to spin your wheels and wonder why you aren’t moving forward.


As easy as it is to fall into burnout, it’s even easier to start offering services that you don’t even like or aren’t that good at. Focus more on the things you are really skilled (otherwise known as your zone of genius), and stick to those things only. Don’t feel like you need to offer services you don’t know how to do just because that’s what you “should do” or what you see other service providers doing.


Your client capacity and utilization are, simply put, the hours that you have to dedicate to client work. Nine times out of ten, you’re spending way too many hours per week on these things. Most of the service providers who come for us to help in the Incubator are working 60-80+ hours per week, and that just isn’t healthy nor sustainable. Once you’ve figured out and understand your capacity, then you’ll feel much less overwhelmed and able to prioritize your time more efficiently.

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Setting boundaries is actually one of our favorite pastimes, and it’s something we will continue encouraging everyone and their mama to do! You are allowed to set boundaries with your clients and in your personal life. It’s how you’re able to maintain and protect your own energy, wellbeing, personal safety, and much more. You don’t have to respond at the very same minute you get an email from a client. They don’t need to know every detail of the way you work. In all actuality, they just need to know what’s next, what you’re actively working on, and when they can expect the next communication from you! We highly recommend listening to this podcast episode to learn more about setting boundaries in your personal life as well.

Creating a Clean Slate in Your Business

Inside the Incubator, we help our clients create their dream week. The only twist is that we prioritize putting life first in that schedule (like, actual time blocked off on your calendar). We also help them create a solid project management system that’s built around their life instead of vice versa. Whereas most people start with business and try to squeeze life into it, we do it the other way around.

Already, we’ve helped our clients design their 20-hour work week, learn how to set boundaries, set up their project management system, start performing time studies (which are crucial to streamlining your work week!), and so much more. You can get access to those lessons right now inside the Incubator, so you can start actively preventing or coming out of burnout. Just apply here and let us know in our DMs on Instagram @bossproject!


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