The Quick Start Guide to Launching Your Next Big Thing

For someone with an extensive marketing background, launching something, anything, may feel like a walk in the park. But for others, regardless of what it is you want to put out into the world, you become frozen. You have awesome ideas, and perhaps have even developed an amazing product, and yet you are still sitting on it, scared it won’t go well. 

Today we are debunking the process by hand holding you through your first or next launch and cause we super love you am throwing in a launch guide freebie that you can find more about at the end of the post.

Decide on Your BLANK

So I could have said product instead of “BLANK”, but I feel like that could be misleading. See launching isn’t just for things you put up for sale. Launching is the process you should go through for every part of your business that is public facing. Some launches may be miniature - like every time you write a new blog post. And others may last for months - like when your high-end product hits the virtual shelves. Either way, the steps are the same. The speed you execute and the amount of time you prep for the launch may be different.

Now that we’ve debunked that crazy nothing, let’s picture this together. What do you want to launch next? A social media channel, a new product in your shop, a blog post, a book, the best thing you’ve ever done ever? 

Got it in your head? Awesome. Hold onto that picture as you keep reading. 

Who’s It For?

Who needs what you got to offer? Who do you want to be singing your praises when this hits the airwaves? Who would die to have this waiting for them under the Christmas tree? Got them in your mind?

Perfect. Now for the rest of the launch, whether this is your normal audience or a subset super specific niche of your normal audience, every time you go to write, talk, yell, whatever, picture this person (or group of people). Talk to them like they're your BFF. Touch on their pain points. Show them why your s*** is the best thing ever.

No more excuses, you know who you need to chat it up with. 

Visualize Your Success

You need to leave doubt at the door, babe. You got this. No matter how scared, nervous, or vomit-worthy you may feel, you have got to leave it behind. Confidence sells. You have to walk in the room (literally or otherwise) like you just got your hair done, your makeup is one point and those shoes, man they make you look boss. 

You have to go into this launch knowing you are going to do awesomely. Set expectations. Write down your actual goals - sales, views, engagement, whatever.

What do you want as a result of this launch? Where do you want to be because of it? What other opportunities would you like to have because you put in the work?

If confidence isn’t your strong suit, then let’s practice. Walk away from your computer for a minute. Stand in front of mirror and stand like Superwoman with your eyes to the sky for 2 whole minutes - yes, I’m counting! Psychologists have done numerous studies around open postures - babe this works - still don’t believe me, read this

Generate EPIC Buzz

It’s time. You know what you are launching, who it’s for and you’ve seen the chocolate-covered donuts falling from the sky. It’s time to put this thing that you’ve worked so hard to create out into the world. 

The number #1 reason we see launches fail is because people don’t tell anyone else that they’re launching.

If you are launching - anything - you need to tell someone about it at least 7 times before they remember. So no, you aren’t a broken record. No, you aren’t being annoying. No, you won’t lose all your people.

Everyday people are served hundreds if not thousands of ads (the jury is still out on exactly how many, but you can read about it here). This all just adds to the confusion, and the sea of messaging. People do not remember how many times you told them something. And they definitely don’t see EVERYTHING you put out there. Even your mom does not see everything you do online.

So stop worrying about it. Put yourself out there again and again.

And then ask for help! I cannot express enough the power of asking for cheerleaders. Tell people to spread the word. Email your friends and ask them to share. Ask people to tag their besties. This alone will do amazing things for you, but if you read more on the freebie below we got even more BUZZ ideas. 

Analyze Your Results - Tweak & Repeat

You just launched!! How awesome was that? Now before you hang up your coat and pour yourself a glass of wine, I want you to do a little reflecting. What part of your launch went off like sriracha sauce and what fell a little flat?

Can you pull up actual numbers? Can you analyze analytics? Did a certain part of your campaign work better than another part? Whatever your results may be, you need to reflect. 

See what needs tweaking and keep track of all the things worth repeating.

Ok, now, we both need a glass of wine. I’ll take a Moscato. Thanks, boss! 

Still need more help? We feel ya. We’ve put together a handy dandy 7-day free email course and it’s waiting right here for you. You’re going to figure out how to generate some hefty buzz so you can freaking launch baby!


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