Getting Clear on the Service You Offer: Why Niching isn't Always the Answer

Episode 591: Show Notes 

To niche or not to niche? That is the question. This week we’re diving into the hot topic of whether or not to niche, so get your pros and cons lists ready because we’re about to dive into all the details of this tricky decision! Whether you’re a service-based business owner or multi-passionate with a wide variety of offerings, this question can be very difficult to answer, especially since there are benefits and drawbacks to both choices.  

We’ve seen plenty of businesses overcomplicate their offerings out of a desire to help the client. Typically folks get into business armed with an expert skill set that serves both them and their customers. But once they’ve spent some time working with their clients, they begin to increase their offerings because they recognize a growing number of services that their clients need to have addressed. The problem that usually arises from this is that it becomes difficult to create consistent processes because you’re constantly jumping from one thing to another, which creates mismanagement in the back end of your business. We’ve given this issue a lot of thought so tune in for our thoughts on how you can simplify your offerings while also ensuring that your business continues to flourish! 

Getting Clear on the Service You Offer: Why Niching isn't Always the Answer
Abagail Pumphrey & Emylee Williams of The Strategy Hour Podcast

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Learn to Tell Customers What They Need 

One crucial skill that we love reminding service providers about is learning to tell people what they need. It’s a skill that we believe everyone can afford to get better at because you are the expert in whatever it is that you’re offering, whether it’s copywriting, web development, or consulting in your niche. People hire you because they want an expert on that service or topic to tell them what they are missing and then recommend which of their packages or services they should choose to get the results they need. Of course, narrowing your focus too much can leave clients struggling to find experts to address their other needs or trying to do it themselves as non-experts. If any of this has resonated with you, you might be interested in applying to our incubator which includes training on how to create this high-touch signature service! 

Reframe Your Focus and Streamline Your Process 

Decision fatigue is a very real thing that all of us have suffered from, whether we were conscious of it or not. The modern world has become overly complicated and presents us with more daily decisions than any other time in history. One of the reasons we’re such big fans of all-inclusive vacations that plan everything for you is that you only really need to make one decision. The rest is taken care of for you! And you can trust that you’ll get what you need from it, like rest, relaxation and good food! We want you to be able to do the same thing for your clients while keeping them reassured throughout the entire process and not feeling obligated to have an entire menu of services available. One of the best ways to achieve this is by reframing your services, where the goal is your niche. This is to say that you focus on the results you will deliver for the clients when you sell the package, but how you achieve them is up to you to decide as the expert. 

How Strategic Partnerships Can Help You Offer Less and Provide Bigger Results 

Instead of sending your clients out into the world to find experts who can fulfill the needs that you can’t, you should be fostering relationships with strategic partners who can deliver on the services you don’t provide. Your strategic partners can range from once-off contractors based on a specific project, to independent contractors that you keep on retainer, to employees that you hire to provide a specific service for clients. Those who take part in our incubator can receive specific advice on how to achieve this, which is tailored to their unique business. This way you’ll be able to offer less while providing bigger results! Apply to our incubator training program to learn more about how to find strategic partners and how to optimize your business by leaning into your magic and operating in your zone of genius! 

How to Still Be Multi-Passionate and Offer a Variety of Services 

It’s tempting to go down a rabbit hole of the many services you can include in your primary package to help your clients and give them better results. The problem is that this can be a drain on your time, energy, and resources and we want to prevent that from happening! We want you to perfect your zone of genius and get the desired results you want that are both measurable and clear. One way of doing this is by systematically experimenting with add-ons. You can create amazing case studies that will help you determine what is worth the effort and streamline your systems in the process. This will also open up the door for interesting new clients! 

There are two key questions you can ask yourself to get you to a place where you are operating in your perfect zone of genius. The first is whether adding this service to your primary package will increase the transformation or results. The second is whether it reduces friction in your ability to complete the project on time. If it doesn’t do either of those things, that’s okay. You can either decide to get rid of it or continue to implement it in a mindful way going forward. You can probably afford to have one or two fun add-ons in your package, but just be sure not to overdo it! 


Quote This

You have to lean into what your magic is. And if you don't know what that is yet, I want to talk to you about it.



  • Learn to Tell Customers What They Need. [0:04:22.1]  

  • Reframe Your Focus and Streamline Your Process [0:06:43]  

  • How Strategic Partnerships Can Help You Offer Less and Provide Bigger Results [0:16:26]  

  • How to Still Be Multi-Passionate and Offer a Variety of Services [0:20:27]  


Abagail & Emylee

The Strategy Hour Podcast

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We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.


Niche, Primary Package, Expert Results, Decision Fatigue, Strategic Partnerships, Service Providers


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