Getting in the Essentialist Mindset: How to Create Whitespace in your Small Business with Jamie Larson and Anna Bartell of the Snap Society

Episode 009: Show Notes

When we first connected with Jamie and Anna, it was like scary voodoo magic. They understood our business and what it was like to be partners better than anyone else ever had! We have finally found our soul sisters in the entrepreneur world. Luckily for you, as much as the 4 of us really get each other, we were able to really pivot that partnership strategy and help solopreneurs just as much. If you want to walk away with some great insights on how to create white space in not only your life, but your business, then this episode is definitely for you. 

We discuss all the ins and outs of creating your own retreat so that you can start setting goals and getting in the mindset that you need to rock it in 2017. We jump into Essentialism and figuring out how to find your strengths. So get ready for some awesomeness!

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Stop, and think!

As an entrepreneur, it is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and the go, go, go that you often forget to just take a second to stop and think. This is exactly how it was for Jamie and Anna for most of 2016. They are such go-getters that every time they got together, all that mattered was getting work done and being productive. When you’re constantly doing, you get stuck at this point where you simply can’t think ahead into the future. Not taking the time to think limits you from taking your business forward to it’s true potential. Those long-term game plan strategies are what will truly take that frazzled hustle off of your chest and level up your business.

Do Less, Better

Jamie and Anna scheduled time on their calendars specifically to go away and do one big business trip. The motto for their trip was to “do less, better”. All of their brainstorming and planning was focused on how they could do less, better for the next year. This motto acted as a guiding light and became the center of all of their planning and the strategic time spent working on the business. 

Be Intentional With Your No’s

One thing that Jamie and Anna focused on going into their business retreat was figuring out exactly which opportunities to say yes to, and where it would be better to say "no”. This includes things like speaking gigs, conferences, interviews, and all those media outlets. They came out of their retreat with the decision to only say yes to podcasting invitations. For them, the bottom line was that every opportunity for their business needs to be something that they can be doing together for the new year.

Brainstorming Through Your Business

When going through the planning and strategy process, it is important to brainstorm intentionally through each aspect of your business. Do not simply do a huge brain dump on everything. Break up your brainstorming into sections, and then whittle that down further. Then look at your calendar and find a time of focus for each element of your business planning. Perhaps even coming up with a theme for each month to give you some guidance so you are not just flying by the seat of your pants. 

The Benefits of Knowing Your Strengths

When it comes to capitalizing on your strengths, the first step is identifying what the heck they are. You have to know your strengths in order to best utilize them to your benefit. For Jamie and Anna, they had to learn to accept the strengths that they identified. Oftentimes we want what we do not have, and this includes possessing certain character traits. But instead of fighting it, fully embrace and accept your strengths so that you can actually grow stronger. In a business partnership, knowing each others’ strengths can also be beneficial in knowing how to react to and encourage each other.

Brainstorming Without A Sounding Board

When you do not have a business partner, it can be tough to get the brainstorm going. One of the best tricks of the trade is to escape for one night (or three!) for a little getaway to spend time with yourself, and really get into a brainstorm rhythm. At home, there can be so many distractions and things that scream for your attention. If you’re not intentionally taking yourself away from all of those distractions, then the brainstorming can't ever really happen in the same way.

Focus On What is Important for YOU

It can be so easy to look over at what other business owners are doing and think that you have to copy exactly that, and sort of keep up with the business Joneses. All of the sudden, you think you need to do every single thing that every other business owner is doing. Unfortunately, it is just physically impossible to do everything and to do it well. You have to be intentional about the strategies that will work for YOUR business. Every business is different, and you have to make sure that the strategies you implement are actually in line with the effort that you are going to put in, and the end goal that you want to achieve.



  • Learn why it is important to take the time to stop and think! [0:03:05.7]

  • Find out why Jamie and Anna’s motto for their getaway was to do less, better. [0:06:14.4]

  • Understand why being intentional with your no’s will align your goals with your strategies. [0:10:19.0]

  • Hear Jamie and Anna’s tips on why brainstorming through each aspect of your business is key. [0:16:20.3]

  • Understand how identifying and embracing your strengths can benefit your business. [0:21:15.4]

  • Learn why it is important to get away from your everyday distractions. [0:26:58.4]

  • Find out why focusing on what is important for your business is key. [0:31:57.3]

  • Learn how to make sure that whatever you’ve planned and whatever your motto is, that all of those things are very visual and they’re right there in your face. [0:33:55.8]

#TalkStrategyToMe [0:37:23.8]

  1. Read the book, Essentialism.

  2. Take the StrengthFinder test.

  3. Look at your calendar and plan an intentional getaway.

  4. After your getaway, show someone your plan to be held accountable.


Jamie Larson & Anna Bartell

The Snap Society

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Jamie Larson & Anna Bartell have been running their own successful Family Photography businesses since 2008. While they are passionate about Photography, their true calling is to help other women ABANDON their excuses CONQUER their fear, and ACHIEVE their full potential in their businesses. They do this through their business, The Snap Society. This is a place for Photographers to learn, grow and be inspired through insightful blog posts, engaging web shows and excellent courses.


Taking time to stop and think, to align your business goals, Doing less, better, Being intentional with your no’s and which opportunities you pursue, Brainstorming through each aspect of your business, Embracing and capitalizing on your strengths, Removing yourself from everyday distractions to be productive, Focusing on what is important for you and your business


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