How I Make Sales Every Day Using Email

Episode 871: Show Notes

I want nothing more than for y’all to get real results in your business, create revenue, have real connections, and ultimately leverage email marketing to build your business. I’ve been on an email kick lately. It’s all I want to talk about. I have seen the results! Today, I want to talk to you about how I make sales every single day using email.

But before we dive into today’s topic, I want to let you know about a brand new case study I put together. I have been on a mission to get more visible. In the first six months of this year, I built nearly 10,000 new leads into my world via my email list. You can get the step-by-step roadmap of how I’ve done that right here.

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The Start of My Story (And Why It Might Look a Lot Like Yours)

I started just like so many of you! I was doing primarily one-on-one services, and the only time I got paid was when I completed a project. While it’s totally possible to be profitable as a one-on-one service-based business, it can be a lot of up and down. I was able to replace my corporate salary super fast, but not long after that, I had a month where I only made $75. Luckily, we had wiggle room at the time, but I needed a more consistent way to bring in sales. It felt like my only options on this entrepreneurial path were to thrive or to struggle, with nothing in between. There had to be another way!

I craved a reality in which sales happened all the time. And I still remember the day this happened. It was almost a full year into the business, and before it happened I didn’t even think it was possible. If it had been something I was working towards, how much sooner would this moment have arrived? There is a reality in which you can build something once and get paid for that work again and again and again. I looked back and realized that there was at least one sale every day. Digital products literally changed the trajectory of my entire business and allowed me to earn money all of the time.

Making It Sustainable with an Evergreen Approach

Next, I needed to find a way to make this sustainable. The point of an evergreen approach is that it doesn’t matter the date or time in which someone becomes a part of your offer. It wasn’t until three years later that we built which now has hundreds if not thousands of templates and digital products inside of it that someone can purchase on any given day. Plus, they can become a member and unlock all of it. There’s so much in there, but it was that future that made me realize I can do this! I can scale. Now, every day is different, but on average we are doing eight to sixteen transactions each day.

Where to Start If You Dream of Making Sales Every Day

I want to help you to bridge the gap between what you have now, and what you dream of having. Ultimately, you can’t make sales every day if you don’t have something people can buy every day. If you don’t have anything available that people can buy on an ongoing basis, that’s got to be your starting point. If you need help with that, I would love to hold your hand through that process. That is the reason I built One Day Launch. Plus, you’ll see a whole slew of other people who have successfully built products on the website, and I would love to promote you in the same way.

Overcoming the Fears that Keep Your Business Small

So often, there’s a lot of fear around asking for the sale in the first place. But it’s important to remember that if the things you are selling are of value and they are solving real problems for your client, then selling can equal serving. I’m in the business of using my expertise to help people sell, and part of that is teaching them to share their knowledge with others. If we start to see that selling can be a positive experience, we start to see that it’s totally okay to ask for the sale, present the offer, and sell. Maybe you are worried about being a burden. I’m just as susceptible to it as you! I don’t know who planted that idea in our minds.

What We Can Learn from Big Businesses

In reality, there are big businesses that shamelessly sell all the time every day. Many of those companies do not hesitate to email their customer list every single day. I dare you to take a look at just how regularly they are contacting you. If you were to open those emails, do all or most of them include sales messaging? I would venture to guess that you are not getting them daily and that 90% of them are sales-based. With all of the things being thrown at people with social media, advertising on the internet, streaming, and more, people are being presented with sales messaging all the time. Because people are seeing so much more, if you’re not loud enough, they’re not listening.

The Art of Being Consistent Without Leaning Into Overkill

You have to be consistent. You have to keep showing up, and you have to keep engaging. The idea of sending an email every day from the beginning seems like overkill, and I get that. But don’t forget, your primary goal as a business owner is to keep it operational. It will not stay operational unless there is cash flow. It’s helpful to start with quality over quantity along the way. How are people responding? What has made one email more successful than another? An email is one part of a bigger machine, but it is a very critical part, if not the most critical one. For me, this starts with the welcome email, where I have a one-time offer built into that email.

Using the Curiosity Factor to Create Consistency

Sometimes my sales are soft sells. It’s not a hard push or launch. It’s just casually built into the conversation. I do it all the time on this podcast! The same is true on email, I could write an email that is telling a story or teaching someone something, and then I could mention that I dive deeper into this, and you can find it here. It’s not ‘join now!’, it’s the curiosity factor. Sometimes those soft sells are a way to build consistency and expose your audience to your offer enough times. You will always sell more when you are hard selling something because a soft mention is not setting them up for the sale. However, I absolutely get sales from my soft sells. I also have funnels. I also have lead magnets that have funnels built into them.

Some of the (Many) Ways You Can Communicate Using Email

I also do promotion-based emails. I don’t do it often, but they can definitely be effective if you are running things on the lower end. Sales-based emails tend to convert higher on lower cost items. I generally use sales emails for a special offer or a last chance to buy before my pricing goes up. There are so many different ways to show up in your emails. There are different ways to present the information and incorporate sales language into your content. Some of my highest-converting emails are very straight and to the point. Here’s the offer, where to find it, your choice – yes, or no! Sometimes I share case studies or my students’ stories. What’s been effective for your client? I’ve shared free resources with paid products in between. I also do this as secondary messaging, pointing people in the direction of this podcast, for example!

Your Ultimate Goal with Email Marketing

Email is a means to an end. A way to reach your ideal clients. It is one of the easiest ways to consistently get in front of the most people. Sure, you could have a post on social media that goes viral, but what percentage of those viewers are viable customers? The people on your list are your most engaged users already. Email is how you target the right people. You can have live emails and emails in a funnel. I have done entire launches while out of office! The end user would not have even known I wasn’t there. I know you have the opportunity to make sales every day. You just need something that they can tangibly purchase, and a viable audience on an email list. Get help creating your digital product and support on how to build your email list. I’m so excited for your future!


Quote This

If you are providing real value then selling can equal serving.



  • The Start of My Story (And Why it Might Look a Lot Like Yours) [0:02:48] 

  • Making It Sustainable with an Evergreen Approach [0:10:26]

  • Where to Start If You Dream of Making Sales Every Day [0:13:50]

  • Overcoming the Fears that Keep Your Business Small [0:16:01]

  • What We Can Learn from Big Businesses [0:18:35]

  • The Art of Being Consistent Without Leaning Into Overkill [0:22:48]

  • Using the Curiosity Factor to Create Consistency [0:26:08]

  • Some of the (Many) Ways You Can Communicate Using Email [0:30:15]

  • Your Ultimate Goal with Email Marketing [0:36:45]


Abagail Pumphrey

Abagail on Instagram

Boss Project on Instagram | Facebook

Abagail hosts the twice-weekly podcast, The Strategy Hour, which is recognized by INC and Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs.

Key Topics:

Sales, Business Planning, Digital Products, Email Marketing


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