Just Launched Your First Digital Product: What Next?

Episode 886: Show Notes

The feeling never gets old: it makes me so happy when our clients post in our community and tell me that they’ve launched their very first digital product! I want to make sure that you get the most out of all the time, work, and energy that you put into your offer. Ultimately, it’s only going to perform if you have access to the people who are going to be the most interested in what you have to offer. So, in today’s episode, I want to talk a little bit about what comes next.

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Your First Order of Business: Celebrate!

Before you do anything else, you need to celebrate! So often, people skip this. People blow right past it and start worrying about the next step. I need you to pause for a second and think about how far you’ve come in such a short time. You deserve to celebrate that! Get a pedicure, go out to dinner with your partner, delegate your laundry for the day. All of these things are fantastic ways to celebrate your achievement. Go as big or as small as you want. It’s just important that you do it.

The very next step is to ask yourself, how do I maintain this? Ultimately, we both know that you’re going to need more qualified leads: people who can afford your offer, are interested in what you do, and are a good fit moving forward. Those leads are only possible if you have enough traffic to your free or paid offers. There are two ways you can do that: get them on your list for free by downloading something like a lead magnet or have them pay to join your list by purchasing a low-priced entry-point digital product.

How to Actually Get Traffic to Your Offers

People need to know that your offers exist. This comes down to marketing and generating traffic. If it’s converting, then all you need to maintain it is more traffic. It all comes down to the volume of people who know about your offer. You need to get at least 1,000 hits before you make any decisions about changing anything. I would suggest that you only put time and attention into one awareness strategy that is going to help bring in traffic to generate free and paid leads. Whatever you choose, stay super consistent with it before you add on or adjust anything else.

Active ways to get leads and generate traffic include producing content on social media, paid advertising, and warm or cold outreach. Passive ways to get traffic include optimizing for search to ensure that people who are looking for what you have to offer can easily find it. You could use something like a funnel with a lead magnet on the front end. Or you could implement ways to get leads on autopilot. I created Launch-in-a-Box for those of you who want to fast-track this. Check out the course on bossproject.com/courses if that’s you!

Finding the Right Channels to Get Organic Reach

We’re ultimately looking for one way to drive awareness. Now, some platforms are inherently good at this. Others are not so good, at least not in the short term. I want to get you the most free organic reach possible in the quickest amount of time possible. At the end of the day, the thing that is doing the most right now is short-form content in the form of video. IG Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok are the fastest ways to generate free and organic content for whatever it is that you’re offering.

If you’re going to stick to one of these discoverability channels, I recommend posting at least three to five times per week, minimum. If you want to rev it up, post once a day and even up to three to four times a day. I know it sounds like a lot, but in the beginning, you need quantity so that you can understand what’s going to perform well. You simply don’t have enough information yet. Don’t get overwhelmed by this! It isn’t necessarily more work. You can optimize it to get it done in a couple of hours a week, but it’s going to take some time to get there. And remember: you don’t have to be on this content hamster wheel forever. 

Take a Break from the Content Hamster Wheel

Long-term strategies tend to have a more compound effect where it’s going to take time. My favorite way to do this is through SEO content. I want people who are searching for what I have to offer to find it. The two biggest ways to do this right now are through long-form content like blog posts and YouTube videos. Don’t overthink what a blog looks like. You can post shorter content, you can reuse content that performed well on social and beef it up. You can also take the content you are writing elsewhere, like in a newsletter, and permanently put it on your website. You can also add more evergreen channels over time.

Retargeting and nurturing will allow you to funnel people who have been interested in the past back to your offer. The three main ways to do this are by building a community on Facebook, School, Slack, or Circle; through your email list (your most valuable retargeting tool); or through something like a podcast where you’re getting value but you’re also hearing about offers. Retargeting and nurturing is about creating trust and bringing people together. One awareness strategy, one platform, 30 days of commitment. That’s all I want you to be doing! The more things you layer on, the more divided your attention will be. 

Two Things to Keep in Mind When You’re Building Awareness

What is currently performing best in your niche or industry? It’s necessary for you to keep tabs on it, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to follow suit. You get to be YOU online. If you’re doing what feels good, that’s going to show through! The more excited you are about your content, the more people will be attracted to that. Maybe you’re going to commit to posting an IG Reel for 30 days for a minimum of five posts per week. The goal is not to get a certain number of followers. It’s just to learn.

You’re going to see what other people in your industry are posting about. Go to the platform and search for that topic: what has the most views and engagement? Take note of those things, try to understand why they are working, and don’t copy them, but model your own content around them. I would do a mix of B-Roll with no audio, songs, and trending audio. I would try voice-overs and talking heads where you speak directly to the camera. My goal for you is just to TRY. This is about consistent effort to create traffic and finding out what works best. Your only goal is to learn how to create better content, speed up your process, and do more of what’s working!

How to Make it All Easier Than Ever Before

I don’t want this to be difficult for you! If you just want to get my method, you can grab my one-off course, Instagram Profit Playbook. But if you want more, I have a ton of additional support for you inside the Co-Op, including post graphics and other marketing materials that you might need, as well as a ton of other trainings. The one I want to highlight today is my top-performing short-form content. I packaged all my most viral content and you can access all of it inside my membership. I have the exact hooks you could use, the formula and the caption laid out for you, and example posts linked up. This content is only going to continue to grow!

You can spend time, effort, and attention to learn this on your own, but if you want my help fast-tracking it, I would love to be there for you. Whether it’s through my Instagram Profit Playbook Training, through my actual hooks and captions inside the membership, or whether you just want a whole launch that’s ready to go at Launch-in-a-Box, we have options that can help. I want to see you move forward in a really meaningful way.

Let go of all the fluff! If your goal is to grow your digital product, you want to learn to create consistent quality content and the only way you’re going to learn to do that is by practicing. We’re going to pick one awareness strategy, one marketing channel, and stay super consistent for 30 days. I believe in you, I know you can do it, and I know what’s possible on the other end of this. When I started to make visibility my goal this year, I saw 1,000x in engagement. I went on to bring in between $8,000 to $10,000 in just sales from social in January. You can too.


Quote This

If your goal is to grow this digital product, you want to learn to create consistent, quality content and the only way you’re going to get better is by practicing



  • Your First Order of Business: Celebrate! [0:02:10] 

  • How to Actually Get Traffic to Your Offers [0:04:11]

  • Finding the Right Channels to Get Organic Reach [0:08:24]

  • Take a Break from the Content Hamster Wheel [0:11:32]

  • Two Things to Keep in Mind When You’re Building Awareness [0:15:42]

  • How to Make it All Easier Than Ever Before [0:20:10]


Abagail Pumphrey

Abagail on Instagram

Boss Project on Instagram | Facebook

Abagail hosts the twice-weekly podcast, The Strategy Hour, which is recognized by INC and Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs.

Key Topics:

Marketing, Lead Generation, Digital Products, Traffic, SEO, Targeting, Retargeting


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