Our Master SEO, Affiliate Program and Social Media Plan for Massive Growth in 2021

Episode 512: Show Notes

Okay, we are finally here for the episode we have said we were going to give you. Today we are going to share a sneak peek behind the scenes of what we are doing and what we are focussing on for Q1, including not just big projects, but also some exciting shifts we’ve had in our team! If you have been following us for any length of time, you know we do a big planning dream-dump and break down our quarters into these “sexy chunks,” as we refer to them. 

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Historically speaking, Q1 has always been a time for us to reevaluate and to really clean up and optimize our existing systems. That’s worked for us because, in terms of outside obligations, we are home the most in Q1. We also have the least going on with others in our business and we can really focus on what’s going on internally. It’s a great time to hole in and not go anywhere, especially because it’s the worst part of winter. So when we have no choice but to be cooped up inside, we use it as an opportunity to perfect everything for the rest of their year so that when spring blooms, we can come out of our shells ready and prepared. Join us today and get the three-step blueprint to our 2021 Q1 masterplan.

Step One: Rethinking The Way We Do Content

We’ve been making content at crazy volumes for years. Although we have eased up a little, we still produce two podcasts and one blog post every week. So what have we decided to do? Double it. That’s right: twice as much. Hear us out though, because there’s method to our madness. We go balls-to-the-wall for three to six months, and then we scale back a little just to maintain our presence. What so many people don’t realize is there is the opportunity that content can create if you’re building it in a way that gives it a longer shelf life. To do this, you need to put some of your attention toward SEO; something we’ve done for many years. There are loads of ways you can implement SEO, like going back and cleaning up old content, and dressing up new content with all the right keywords that will come up in search. The reason we do this with our own blog content is to drive traffic to one of our affiliate relationships. Another goal is to push yourself up in the rankings. When last did you go to page two when you Googled something? Exactly. By boosting your rankings you should find yourself on page one, where you belong, and hopefully near the top. All this can be tricky, if not a little daunting, so one of the best ways to overcome all the adversity is to make use of an industry expert who can help you see returns in less than a week. The first step in our 2021 Q1 master plan is all about setting long-term goals that’ll have a snowball. Trust us, you’ll be so glad you did it when December comes around.

Step Two: Our Amazing Affiliate Referral System

First up, we can’t give you all the details of our amazing affiliate referral system, only because we’re still ironing them out ourselves. But! There is still loads to be said about it. Just like how we are using SEO to freshen up our content, our affiliate referral system is also a long-term goal that should give us exponential returns by the end of Q4. We started out with this system last year on a very small scale and identified that it could give us some awesome returns if we invested more time into the project. The goal is to have our existing members become affiliates. One of the biggest commonalities between this idea of ours and the way SAS companies work is the time spent on marketing, which is very little in fact. This is because these companies give that marketing power to the people and it becomes the people’s company and these people are the marketing tool. The result is that you spend less money, time, and attention on marketing because these people are the marketing. It’s also a win-win too because you’re still rewarding these team members and their focus; it’s all about loving your existing people. With that, we leave step two on this note: If you were willing to invest in advertising and spend x-number of dollars to bring in a new customer, why are you not willing to give that back to your existing customers instead of paying for advertising?

Step Three: Social Media Perfection

Alright, one of our most exciting changes for Q1 2021 is our social media, because for the first time, we are bringing on a whole team of creative, fun experts who will help us grow, streamline, and perfect our social media. Up to now, we haven’t been able to answer some questions like how to grow our social media without focusing too much on ourselves, but rather the brand itself. Although we touch on our real-life experiences, we don’t want Boss Project to be a personal brand when it’s actually about you guys. Our experiences aren’t scalable, and that’s what our social media agency is going to bring to the table. The balance is: you can have the knowledge but you can’t be the focus. That’s not to say you can’t access us at all, because we love sharing stories about ourselves on our personal pages. After talking about our grand plan for social media, we finish off our conversation by talking about business, efficiency, and not letting go of ideas. One thing people lose sight of in business is that any project that has to be done either turns into part of everyday maintenance, it gets delegated, or we could just decide it’s not part of our focus and it doesn’t need our time or energy. Many people also don’t understand that hours spent cannot equal money made, as we are all in a different phase of our business. What it comes down to is deciding what you want to achieve and what the means to achieve that success looks like. 


Quote This

People don’t realize the opportunity that content can create if you’re doing it in a way that it is going to have a longer shelf life.



  • Step One: Rethinking The Way We Do Content. [0:05:57] 

  • Step Two: Our Amazing Affiliate Referral System. [0:16:58] 
    Step Three: Social Media Perfection. [0:28:55]


Abagail & Emylee

The Strategy Hour Podcast

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We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.


Strategy, Planning, Q1, SEO, Social Media, Affiliate referral system, Marketing


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