We Don't Set Goals Anymore, Here’s Why

Episode 654: Show Notes

Today, we’re going to fill you in on our hot take on setting goals! We are now seven years into our business and have hit tremendous milestones. That being said, our feelings towards goals have evolved over time, and we’re about to give you some insight into our retrospective thoughts on setting them, not setting them, and whether we feel worthiness is connected to goals. For six-figure earners who want to continue to scale their business, there’s a mindset shift that needs to happen in terms of your relationship with goals, and we’re here to tell you what that is! Tune in to hear our current take on goal setting, and find out about the TikTok that inspired this conversation.

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When Goals Are Necessary and When You Can Do Without Them 

Initially, it’s natural to set goals to push yourself, but once you hit a certain point in business, goals can actually deter your progress. Especially if you’re setting yourself up for failure by making your goals too aggressive! Our goal setting evolution went through multiple phases, and our first three years were heavily goal-focused, which for that period was absolutely necessary in order to reach the important milestones of establishing a business. Beyond that, goal setting became really difficult as the company grew and motivation either shifted or dwindled. As your business grows and evolves, it becomes tricky to set benchmarks and milestones when the objective doesn’t actually matter. The initial life-altering goals matter, but beyond that, it’s the smaller moves that count.

The Problem with Society’s Model of Setting Goals

Our beliefs around goal setting are driven by cultural influences. For example, big corporations put a lot of focus on profits and progress, but that’s because they have to report to stakeholders, you don’t! If you’re the only stakeholder in the business, what do you have to prove? Society might pressure you into believing that you have to keep growing, but the model of annual report-style earnings and objectives wasn’t designed for independent business owners, and you don’t have to stick to it. Just because you’ve ticked all your boxes, doesn’t mean you have to invent new goals for the sake of it! Instead, focus on what feels aligned with who you are and where you’re going.

Shifting From Goals to Objectives

Money can act as motivation, but at a certain point, bumping up your income won’t make much of a lifestyle shift, and the money will become less motivating. For those who have gotten to a healthy plateau, it might feel like the motivation factor is lacking, and that’s totally normal! Checking off easily achieved goals scratches the entrepreneurial itch and feels better than maintaining something we’ve already built and designed. Goal chasing is addictive but could be to the detriment of your business! Instead, we encourage you to shift away from the mindset of setting a string of goals, and set objectives instead. Why start something with the end already in mind? Having a life-first business means enjoying the journey, and having an objective opens the lid on possibilities, allowing the goal to set itself! If you move in alignment with your values, your outcome can exceed your expectations. There is no ceiling if you have no fixed goals.

Leading With Fluidity and Vision

Fluidity needs to happen at the leadership level. On the team level, however, you still need to have very clear objectives (goals, even) to work towards! You’re setting the overall objective, but it’s your job to break down how team members are going to help reach that objective. Being rigid doesn’t pay off and a fluid approach reduces stress, allows for trial and error, and keeps your team motivated and engaged. The objective can remain the same, but the strategy can change! You are your own boss for a reason and there really is no need for imposing rigid rules on yourself. Therefore, ditch your goals and focus on your objectives; you’ll soon realize that you have far more options than you could ever have imagined!


Quote This

Initially, it’s natural to set goals to push yourself, but once you hit a certain point in business… goals can deter your progress.



  • When Goals Are Necessary and When You Can Do Without Them. [0:05:54] 

  • The Problem with Society’s Model of Setting Goals. [0:08:42]

  • Shifting From Goals to Objectives. [0:11:00]

  • Leading With Fluidity and Vision. [0:23:54]


Abagail & Emylee

The Strategy Hour Podcast

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We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.


Business objectives, Goal setting, Fluid leadership, Mindset shift, Motivating factors 


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