Your Launch Can Be Simple

Episode 446: Show Notes

Before we get into today’s strategy, we want to tell you about our podcast party because there are awesome prizes up for grabs! Simply head over to your podcast app, find our show, and leave a five-star rating and review. Take a screenshot of your review, post it in your Instagram stories, and remember to tag us @bossproject so we can see and share it on our stories too. If you do that, you can win one of two amazing prizes, either our Trello for Business course or a month free to the Creative Template Shop, and we pick a new winner every month! The more times you share, the bigger chance you stand, so what are you waiting for? 

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In this episode, we talk about launching. We recently posted a fill-in-the-blank about how the idea of doing a launch made you feel, and you guys made us laugh! You came up with such funny descriptions ranging from super excitement to wanting to jump off a cliff—and we totally feel ya! The majority of you expressed some degree of anxiety, though. And we get it, because for so long, launching felt like this burden that put so much pressure on who we were and how our business was performing, it never used to feel good to us either. Fortunately, that’s changed a lot over the years and today we’re sharing how you can adjust your mindset about launching, so that it becomes a fun and profitable thing to do. 

Don’t Allow A Launch to Have Power Over You

While the butterflies in your stomach and the magic of launching never go away, we do feel like the scary part has largely vanished from our launches. Many business owners tie their launch results to their identities as people and the make or break of their businesses. For them, each launch could potentially be fatal, and so they approach a launch with the sense that everything hangs in the balance, waiting for the thing that will make it all come apart. When you do this, you give a launch an unhealthy amount of power over you. When you allow it to determine your worth as a person or, even more directly, the future success of your business, you are giving it far too much of a foothold in your life. When we stopped doing this, we experienced so much freedom and we could finally breathe because we realized that a launch did not have to make or break us. Over the years, we learned that, no matter how much you try to run the numbers, the results of a launch are never predictable. 

Be Careful of the Launch “Gurus” and Their Methodologies  

There are many people out there who promise to teach you their way of launching, and while there isn’t anything wrong with a step-by-step approach, be careful not to be pulled into having to do their courses and of dogmatic descriptions such as that you need a webinar or certain email sequences to make it work. Other people might tell you that it’s all in the DMs while others swear by growing your email list. And guess what? We’ve tried every single one of these “surefire” strategies and we can honestly say that there is no one formula! We strongly advise you to identify what specifically fires you up and what feels good. Don’t do anything that produces severe anxiety or, worse yet, shame and guilt! Then you know something is out of alignment. With our side hustles, we have had to do some launches recently, and we both take different approaches. We also know by now what we like and what’s our natural launch styles, and we only do small tweaks where necessary. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do just because you think it’s what should happen. Pick the one strategy that is going to be the easiest for you, and try that one first.  

Simple and Easy Can Produce Amazing Results 

In the past, we’ve had the tendency to want to “improve” a launch but then we run into the problem of changing so much that we had no way of knowing what was effective or not. We tried to do too many things instead of giving one thing a real shot and tracking its performance. We want you to know that it does not have to be complicated. You can do something simple and easy and still be successful. Just take our Creative Template Shop as an example. We didn’t have a big impressive launch for it, and yet we are seeing incredible success. And before you think it’s because we already have a big audience and a large email list, it plays a far smaller role than you think. Our conversion rate of people who are members of the shop to our email list is 0.32%. That means that our email list (our warmest leads) only converted into very few Creative Template Shop members. 

Don’t Compare and Stick to What Is Already Working

It’s easy to get caught up in what the people you are listening to in the business space are getting up to and compare your results to theirs. And this is so unhelpful not only because they’ve been doing it for far longer than you but also because you don’t really know what happens behind the scenes. We’ve talked about this before: someone’s social media activity is not an accurate reflection of their success. You don’t know their true numbers. Keep doing what is already working: don’t change anything if you are having success with your current strategy. 

How We Will Help You Launch

As we mentioned earlier, we’re going to be hosting a free live workshop on launching soon. Just go to to sign up! But in addition to that, we are dropping four things in celebration of our unofficial month of launching in the Creative Template Shop. First, we’ve got you sorted with all graphics you might need for talking about your launch on social media. Then we’ve got a Launch Planning Doc—the first Google Doc that is being released in the Shop. This is the exact template that we fill out to organize our launches and it is equally applicable to small and bigger businesses. At the end of this document we also have a checklist to ensure that you tick all the boxes. Since we don’t have an internal project manager, this document is what keeps everything organized. For those who want to do a launch event such as a webinar, we are creating opt-in/registration pages for Leadpages. This will allow you to explain more about the event to your prospects, and we’ve modeled this off of our own webinar registration pages that get really good conversion rates. And if you are running a clients-based business, we want to give you the same opportunities for launching. You can create a waitlist, for example, to attract and line up some clients for when you can go ahead with your services again. Inside Dubsado, we are helping you create a waitlist that will be pretty, simple, and easy to use.  All of this is going to drop in July, on the second Tuesday of the month. It should all be there on July 14th. If you’re a member, you automatically get access to all of this. 


Quote This

You can do something simple and easy and still be successful.



  • Don’t Allow A Launch to Have Power Over You. [0:05:36.1]

  • Be Careful of the Launch “Gurus” and Their Methodologies. [0:09:04.1]

  • Simple and Easy Can Produce Amazing Results. [0:14:38.1]

  • Don’t Compare and Stick to What Is Already Working. [0:25:09.1]

  • How We Will Help You Launch. [0:27:07.1]

  • A Super Exclusive Bonus For Current Members. [0:34:04.1]


Abagail & Emylee

The Strategy Hour Podcast

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We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.


Launching, Leads, Simplifying, Launch Planning Doc, Waitlists, Opt-ins, Registration pages, Conversion rates, Bonus offers, Email list


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