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If you run a business online, then this is the show for you. Listen in as your host, Abagail Pumphrey delivers semi-ranty business strategies touching on everything from building a profitable offer to scaling sustainably to growing an ethical culture and everything in between.

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Semi-ranty business strategies for successful small business owners.

Hey, it’s your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m on a personal mission to help more small business owners become financially free.

I like to nerd out on all things business, marketing, and most definitely the numbers. I’m talking all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business.

I like to share it all and no conversation is off the table. We talk actionable strategies, biz challenges, and all the things life throws your way - grief, anxiety, loss, and resilience are all topics you’ll find here.

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

SEO for Newbies: How to Get Ranked with Meg Clarke of Clapping Dog Media

Guys, you better get ready and put your thinking caps on because today we are hanging out with our good friend Meg Clarke from Clapping Dog Media. She is an SEO expert who works with creative entrepreneurs to help them get their businesses found by Google. We know sometimes SEO can be a bit confusing and make you want to run for your life. But don’t let it scare you, and don’t let it intimidate you, because Meg is breaking everything down super simply today and she is going to give you some awesome tips on how to move forward.

In today’s episode we are talking about what the heck SEO even is, how you can do it yourself, and diving into some of Meg’s favorite links to get reporting tools and data back on your own website to see your ranking. Then, we talk through when it makes sense to hire an SEO expert, the kind of SEO expert you should be looking for, and when you should run for the hills. So stay tuned, bust out your notebooks, and get ready for an epic show.

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Why We Say No to Opportunities and How You Can Get Us to Say Yes

Today, we are super excited to talk about some stuff that might surprise you guys. We are telling you all the reasons why we say no to “opportunities”. Most opportunities, honestly. Plus, we get into the thought process behind our no’s and how you can begin to ask yourself different questions when you get thrown various opportunities in your own business. We’re chatting about how to figure out whether an opportunity is the right fit for you or not, if it’s going to pay off, and whether or not it is going to be beneficial for both parties and all of that fun stuff.

Now, the things we are saying no to may be either big or small — we don’t agree to anything that might not be right for our audience and our business. But perhaps you are on the other side of this fence, and you are using other businesses, companies, or brands to promote your own product. We are going to give you some tips on how you can make your process even better by sharing the types of pitches we’ve loved and said yes to. So you are going to get some inside scoop today and we are pretty pumped about it, and if you want us to say “yes”, then you should definitely listen to this episode!

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

Become a Sales Superhero with Terry Dean of My Marketing Coach

Today on the podcast, we have Terry Dean of Terry considers himself one of the grandfathers of internet marketing, and he even referred to himself as a dinosaur! But one thing is for sure, this guy knows his stuff! Terry started out as a pizza delivery driver for Little Caesar’s making $8 an hour and transitioned into online marketing in 1996. This guy generated over $96,000 from one email in front of a live studio audience. Talk about crazy!

In today’s episode Terry shares some great tips on how to get emails opened more frequently, how to sell to your email list even if it is teeny tiny, and how to get people on your list quickly. He has some really cool tricks for turning those subscribers into buyers within 24 hours and two really awesome formulas to help you grow your sales pages, your landing pages, and even the format of your emails. Terry also goes over what he calls “the superhero method”. For all you nerds out there, you are really going to get a kick out of this one. We can’t wait for you to dive into this episode, so get comfy and let’s get started.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Money Blocks, Mindsets and Mantras with Jessica Eley

We are pretty super pumped because we have Jessica Eley on the show today! Jessica is the resident emotion bringer upper of all things regarding icky feelings, money, success, and thinking we’re not good enough. She shows exactly how they affect the growth of our business, our mindset, our relationships with our families and all of that good stuff.

We are diving into some pretty deep shit today and in fact, Emylee got the opportunity to chat with Jessica a few weeks ago to chat about a plateau that she felt like we had hit in our business and Jessica helped her see that she was bringing up some money block issues. So go sit on the couch and get a glass of wine, because this episode is going to be as close to business therapy as possible!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Visualizing Your Dream Week & How Our Business Changed

Today, we are going to talk about some dream weeks, some not so not so dream weeks, and how we have transitioned in our business. We chat about our journey, and how our lives and work days evolve as our business grows and changes and as our lives grow and change. We also discuss the kind of questions we begin to ask ourselves when we want to strive towards a different or better ideal week. We go over how to start working through some of these challenges yourself.

In this episode we are going to walk you through the process of what it looked like when we were scaling a multiple six figure business, and how we kind of hit a brick wall at the beginning of 2017 and had to learn a whole new world of how to run a business through health struggles and being a new mom. We dive into how managing life and business was completely different and why always keeping in mind what we wanted along the way was super important to us. Instead of letting the world just slip away from us, we kept our hopes and dreams actively in front of us and that’s what we want for you as well.

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

How to Get the Best Organic Referrals and Network Like a Boss with Josey Stafford of Six Pence Events

Guys, we are super excited to have on our friend, Josey Stafford from Sixpence Events on the show today. She is a wedding planner and we know there are a lot of you in the wedding industry listening in today. We know nothing about the industry other than the fact that we both have gotten married. So, we are super excited to have someone on who actually knows what she’s talking about with regards to service based industries and wedding industries, and we are kind of getting into some meat and potatoes on all things referrals.

On today’s episode you are going to learn how to ask for a referral without sounding super creepy, and you are going to figure out the best and most organic ways to get clients and vendors to refer you. We are jumping into incentives, giveaways, and prizes and whether or not they work. If you are brand new to the business, we get into exactly how you go about finding these people, and the right and the wrong ways to network. We also talk about how things work for you in your business and even if you are not in the wedding industry, I want you to stay tuned because all of this has super specific takeaways that are applicable to every single one of you.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

This Industry Standard Made Us Feel like Our Products Sucked

Today, we are getting a little nerdy with you guys. We are geeking out on some numbers and giving you the same slap on the face we got when it came to conversions of our peeps and making money. If all of this numbers stuff kind of freaks you out and makes you want break out in hives and throw your phone out the window, it’s okay. Take a deep breath. We are not going to turn you into a mathematician over the course of the next 45 minutes, and that’s fine. But if you feel like you need some help with that, we’ve got you covered. So don’t you stress about it.

We are going to be talking about the icky feelings we get about money, about disappointment in sales numbers, and about what that really means, especially for businesses like ours. We also dive into a bit of background on how we transitioned rather quickly from a client based business to a course based business in a matter of months. What that did along the way was teach us a lot of things about what we didn’t know about conversion rates and how many people you actually need on your list in order to make money. So if you find yourself in that same La La Land right now, put your socks on and get into this episode!

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

How to DIY Your Website Copy with Claire Swinarski

Today on the podcast, we have Claire Swinarski, a copywriter and content marketer for creative entrepreneurs. She has been featured on the Washington Post, Seventeen Magazine, Bridal Guide, and many other amazing magazines and publications around the country. Claire is based out of Wisconsin and she pretty much loves burrito bowls, so we like her. She is a girl after our own burrito loving hearts.

In today’s episode, Claire is going to break down a lot of stuff that many of us need help with, like copyrighting. First, we are figuring out how to dive into knowing your ideal client, because you have to start there before you even know what to write in the first place. Next, Claire walks us through the pages that you probably should have on your website and others that you shouldn’t even worry about, as well as how to actually break down what goes on that website itself.

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