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If you run a business online, then this is the show for you. Listen in as your host, Abagail Pumphrey delivers semi-ranty business strategies touching on everything from building a profitable offer to scaling sustainably to growing an ethical culture and everything in between.

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Semi-ranty business strategies for successful small business owners.

Hey, it’s your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m on a personal mission to help more small business owners become financially free.

I like to nerd out on all things business, marketing, and most definitely the numbers. I’m talking all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business.

I like to share it all and no conversation is off the table. We talk actionable strategies, biz challenges, and all the things life throws your way - grief, anxiety, loss, and resilience are all topics you’ll find here.

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November 2020 Profit Report: The Month We Increased Members by 8%, But Saw 11% Less Revenue (Here’s Why)

Hi! Let’s take it back to the month of turkey days! We feel like with the holidays you quickly forget how November went, because you just roll straight into the next holiday, get distracted by family, and shopping, and cookies. Emylee promises to make Abagail some marshmallows again this year, but instead of talking about marshmallows for the whole episode which we definitely could do, we are here for another profit report!

If you are new here you should know that we now have well over a year’s worth of episodes where we share profit reports with you. We made a goal at the end of 2019 to focus more on profit – keeping more profit within our business to make more money and pay ourselves instead of reaching huge, sexy revenue goals, and our business drastically changed because of that mindset. So now, every month we share with you the breakdown of expenses, profit, where the money went – a breakdown of products in our company, so you can be inspired to do the same breakdown within yours!

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Podcast, Services Guest User Podcast, Services Guest User

Behind-The-Scenes of a Full-Time Influencer with Liz Rishel of Within the Grove

Today on the show we have Liz Rishel from Within the Grove. For the last five years, Liz has grown her blog and Instagram to become an influencer to watch! We have loved observing her journey since she was a Strategy Academy student who accomplished amazing things and, in this episode, we pick her brain about what she has done to get such phenomenal results.

We’ve often talked about blogging and making money from working with brands and have given our listeners some insights into how this all works, and Liz is here to give us her perspective on the whole thing. She gives us a peek behind the curtain of her growth over the past five years, getting into when it became a full-time job, how many hours she had to put in before it became a viable financial option for her and her family, how she collaborates with brands, her engagement with followers, and creating amazing products in her own home. Be sure to tune in for an episode that might just inspire you to start your next DIY project or finally get that online business of yours off the ground!

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Utilizing the TASK Method to Streamline Prospects into Clients with Dolly DeLong

Today on the podcast we have Dolly DeLong. She is a photographer and she has been in business since 2006. In 2020 she started educating small business owners on how to go from scattered to streamlined using powerful tools like Dubsado.

This episode is jam-packed with her exact framework, the TASK method, that is going to walk you through how she utilizes it in her business to really streamline her interactions with potential clients and actually turn those prospects into clients. Abagail had a ton of fun interviewing her! If you haven’t been introduced to the wonders of Dubsado yet, after this episode you most definitely will want to. If you haven’t signed up for a free trial yet, visit this link, and upgrade when you are ready! You can get 50% off your first month or year with the code BOSSPROJECT at checkout!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

2020 Recap – Massive Growth with 32% Profit Margins

How are we able to talk about the end of 2020 already? We don’t know because this has been the fastest, craziest year in life and business for us in a while. For a while, it felt like we were having the longest months, and then things just seemed to speed up. We think a lot of people have had a similar experience. We don’t know if it was because people were home and things didn’t feel like they were changing and then suddenly it was fall and then winter. And now Christmas is around the corner! How are we at this point in the year already?

So today we want to talk about 2020 specifically and what happened in our businesses. If you look at all the goals we set for 2020, how did things ultimately shape up? We will tell you, we don’t know if there were guardian angels above us but there were a few things we did really differently in Q1 that ultimately set us up for huge success, and in today’s show you will hear all about it!

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Identifying Your Customer Journey to Make More Money with Mia Graves of Honey Bee Clay

Today we are talking to Emylee’s good friend, Mia Graves. She is another maker from a tiny town in Northern Alabama but she is now a Louisville transplant. She has a background in politics, philosophy, and economics but she has a maker-based business where she makes jewelry called Honey Bee Clay. She specializes in handmade and 3D printed clay cutters and, as a total side note, she also has a talking dog named Gus! But we are not talking about Gus today, we are talking about marketing strategies, and while Mia isn’t formally trained in marketing, she is really smart when it comes to this side of business. We are talking about how she uses the magic of call to actions anywhere and everywhere she can to direct her clients, customers, fans, and followers to go from one platform to another with the end goal of making her money.

She shares all of her customers’ journeys and the different things she uses like Instagram, DMs, comments, TikTok, and email to get people to follow her and buy from her on a continued basis. We also talk about an exclusive Facebook group that she just recently started and her opinions on sellout launches and everything in between. Regardless of whether you have a physical, product-based business or not, the marketing strategies taught here today are going to help your business and give it a new life if you have hit a wall in your growth or engagement, so be sure to take notes during this one!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Getting out of a Creative Funk, Overwhelm, and Comparisonitis

Emylee is back from a much-needed break, but now she feels like she has forgotten how to do her job! Getting back into business mode with Boss Project is also different from returning to her side hustle, since the more creative tasks use another side of the brain. It got her thinking about overwhelm and taking breaks and thought it’s high time they did an episode on honoring your creative process. Abagail, on the other hand, is in the middle of a big house move and, as they both want to take a break over December, they find themselves in an interesting place. Abagail finds that, after a busy day, it is more relaxing and energizing to do something creative rather than vegging out on the couch. Once Emylee got back into her clay-making studio, she also had an idea for a pair of earrings she wanted to get out, surprising herself with creativity she didn’t even think she had at that point.

If you feel like you lack creativity, feel overwhelmed, and get stuck comparing yourself with everybody else, this episode will help you navigate these ‘meh’ situations and get your creative fire going again! At the very least, you will walk away encouraged by the knowledge that others also go through dry spells. Tune in!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and a Million-Dollar Mindset with Rachel Rodgers of Hello Seven

On today’s show, we talk to Rachel Rodgers, the CEO of Hello Seven. Previously, she was an intellectual property lawyer but today she is a business coach who helps women hit seven figures without sacrificing their home lives and sanity. Rachel works with entrepreneurs and helps them create and protect their own intellectual property to scale their business to $1million and beyond. She has worked with The New York Times bestselling authors, tech startups, coaches, consultants, doctors, accountants, nutritionists, and more.

In this episode, we talk not only about a healthy growth mentality and seven-figure mindset, but also about diversity, inclusion, and equity, and how deciding to have those as a priority in your business is smart and strategic. Rachel gives heaps of takeaways for listeners to implement in their businesses today, and suggests some resources for finding people to begin to expand your circle.

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Podcast, Client Experience Guest User Podcast, Client Experience Guest User

Using a Welcome Email Sequence for Your Business

Hey everybody and welcome back to The Strategy Hour! We hope you’re as excited for today’s episode as we are because we have something special for your earbuds that we know you are going to love. Today we will be talking about email welcome sequences and how to do them right. It took us some time and a few missteps to get our’s where we are today and we are happy to share all the blunders we made with you for you and your business’ benefit! We want to help you get your welcome sequence just right for your needs and most importantly to make it profitable, so buckle up!

During this discussion we’ll be guiding you through our history with our email tools and ideas and showing all our listeners just what worked and what didn’t. And at the end of the chat we will be sharing something extra special that can take you one step further in your marketing so make sure to listen out for that. We cover the purpose and reasons for having a welcome sequence that is the bomb, we also do a deep dive on why our first welcome sequence was so bad! Imagine that! From there we share some of the reasons why it can be so difficult to get this right, especially in the beginning and we finish off by emphasizing what you should be focussing on when you are putting your sequence together. So let’s get all the way in!

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