Blog Boost Anatomy (BONUS: Blog Planning & Analysis Printable)

Blogging has been key to my small business growth. I started blogging full time in March to build a community of like minded people and become a resource for small businesses. My viewership went from a couple hundred visits a week to thousands in just a couple of months. This exponential growth has come as a result of my planning, tracking and analysis strategies. 

Last week, I revealed how I doubled my blog traffic month over month and released the Blog Boost Weekly Worksheet. The worksheet helps you better plan, track and analyze all your blog content. In the days following the release, I received numerous requests to talk about how I would use the worksheet. So today I am breaking out the how to in a little infographic just for you. 

Your Free Blog Boost Weekly Worksheet

At Think Creative I want to continue to help you grow and reach your potential. I want to see you succeed and be proud of how far you have come. I want you to go after a life and a business that you love.

And because I just love my readers and want to encourage them (that's you) I have created a printable perfect for keeping your blog on track. You can use it as your planning tool to title new content. Keep it around to check off your engagement across social media platforms. And assess the results every week - "hearting" your favorites and seeing the real traffic numbers. I would suggest printing one a week and using it to track for the next month. See if it helps you stay on task. See if there is new growth. Use it to see what is and isn’t working. Keep it in a binder so you can come back and look at it later. 


Proven Ways to Grow Your List Overnight (BONUS: 101 Opt-in Headlines that Convert E-Book)


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