How to Develop a High-Touch Signature Service on Autopilot

We’ll go right out and say it: If you’re a 1:1 service provider, you need to develop a High-Touch Signature Service (on autopilot). That’s the easiest, cheapest, and most stress-free way to scale a service-based business.

Don’t waste your time pivoting to something like courses or digital products. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: The “make money while you sleep” trend is a joke unless you have already built a very sizable audience to market to.

The one true, sustainable way to scale a service-based business is to develop a High-Touch Signature Service because it means you can make more while working less (but, like… actually). You’re able to replace 5+ clients per month with just 1 or 2 depending on the size of your packages. 

Keep reading to learn how you can develop a High-Touch Signature Service on Autopilot, plus manage your clients and business with a streamlined process!

Get Clear on the Math

We see so many service providers work their butts off 40-60+ hours per week, only to bring in enough income to barely break even. More often than not, the root of this issue is because they aren’t doing the math on what they actually should be charging in order to raise their profit margins.

It just isn’t viable to have an annual take home goal of 100k, yet your highest package is only $700. If you think you can take on 11 clients per month (assuming they all go for your highest package) without struggle, great. But the reality is that your highest package includes the most work, and to try juggling 11 clients at that package will quickly lead to burnout and resentment towards your business. 

Instead, figure out how many clients you could realistically take on each month and still have time to put your life first, go on vacations, treat yourself, take mental health days off, go to your kids’ school recitals or parent conferences, do all of the things that make you YOU. Take that number, multiply it for the year, and then divide it by your annual income goal. That’s roughly how much you should be charging. (ex. 3 clients per month x 12 months = 36 clients/yr. With a 100k annual goal, that means you should charge at least ~$2,750)

Craft Your High-Touch Signature Service

9 times out of 10, you already have a base for a high-ticket package. As a matter of fact, we’d venture to guess that you’re extremely undercharging for your highest package now. Take what you have inside of your package now that you love doing, and throw away the rest. If you’re a Social Media Strategist who’s been offering copywriting services because you feel like you need to in order to be able to charge more, but you actually hate copywriting, then just don’t offer it anymore. It’s simple. What does Marie Kondo say? Ask yourself if it sparks joy. If it does, keep it. If not, dispose of it.

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The Value Doesn’t Come from Just Your Services

Remember that the overall value of your packages that make it worth the investment to clients aren’t just the services you offer. The other half of the value comes from the experience that you’re providing to them. People just want to feel good after working with someone! If you can deliver on your promises of the results they’ll see, that’s just the icing on the cake.


But in order to provide a great experience, you first need to have your own systems in check. Not only should things run smoothly on the business side but you should also have time scheduled into your work week to enjoy the things outside of business that make you happy.

Our personal favorite tool for streamlining our client processes is Dubsado. We highly recommend listening to this podcast episode all about selling high 4-figure packages with Dubsado.

We’re able to automate all of our emails, texts, and forms that are sent out to our Incubator clients thanks to Workflows in Dubsado. There are manual steps involved, like chatting with each person who applies so that we can decide if they’re in the right space to work with us or not. This can take up a lot of time with new applicants coming in regularly, so having everything automated that can be is a HUGE help.


Even though a large portion of our client processes are automated, we’re still able to provide a wonderful experience for our clients through personalization. It takes literally 1 minute to add personalization to a canned email before it sends off, or to create beautiful Client Checklists or questionnaires in the form of Onboarding Guides to really uplevel the experience and ease of working with us.

The flow of working with you from inquiry to onboarding to working to offboarding should be a seamless process where clients aren’t left guessing what’s going to happen next. Heck, Client Experience 101 is all about overcommunicating and keeping clients in the know of what to expect at every step in the process. 

Want to Go from High Level to In-the-Mud with Us?

Everything we’ve told you in this blog post is what we teach inside of The Incubator, plus tons more. Over 12 months, we’ll teach you how to:

  • Only work with dreamy clients while providing more value and better results (less clients, more money)

  • Get your time back and stay in your zone of genius (let’s ditch the parts of your business that you don’t enjoy)

  • Build and grow sustainably with predictable income (no more guessing games)

You can expect weekly coaching sessions, video critiques, a private community, and 1:1 milestone coaching calls. Not only will you have access to us, but also the other amazing support and client success coaches we have on Team Boss Project.

We’d love to have you apply now, so you can get invited to watch an exclusive private training we put together only for approved applicants! This training is all about How to Double Your Income While Working 20 Hours per Week or Less. So, if you’re ready to finally, actually get to spend your time doing things outside of your business, just fill out this quick application and then let us know you applied over on our Instagram DMs @bossproject!


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