How to use Link Triggers in ConvertKit to Allow Subscribes to Skip Registration Pages

I’m back with a NEW ConvertKit tip because #iloveconvertkit.

Today I want to teach you how to use link triggers in ConvertKit to make things crazy easy for already-existing subscribers. Obviously there are 1.493723 billion things you could use a link trigger for so this is just an example.

Let’s say you’re hosting a webinar and you want to send an email to your list telling them about it and asking them to sign up but because they’re already on your list (aka, already given you their email address, name, etc) they could really skip the whole sign up page thing.

What you’ll do is go in to ConvertKit and create a new automation [very top blue bar, click automations].


So, you’ll just click the “add rule” button as shown above and create a new rule where

If a link is clicked, they’re added to a form (sequence or tag).

Something super important to remember here: you want to send the people who click this STRAIGHT TO a thank you page. So, in my example, I say if the link is clicked that I’m calling “TCC Test post” which goes to my webinar thank you page for a webinar I’m doing, then add them to the form “webinar” that corresponds.

Now, you’ll just go in to your broadcast and link some text or a button or whatevs to this link trigger and waa-laa, when they click it, they don’t see the registration page but they’re automatically registered for the awesomeness that you’re putting out.

This is a crazy easy tip that will make you look like a ROCK STAR to your subscribers...honestly.

Piece of cake.

Want the video? Here ya go!


Jessica Stansberry is THE Jessica behind Hey Jessica, LLC, an online content machine designed to help you figure out the moving parts of the technical systems needed to run your business.

Jessica Stansberry, Hey Jessica, LLC

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