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Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

How to Build a Team that Allows You to Scale

Building a team is an incredibly powerful tool that will take you to the next level… that is, if you get it right. When it comes to hiring, the more you know, the more equipped you’ll be to face whatever comes your way. Over the years we’ve hired a slew of part-time contractors, contractors that felt like extensions of our team, part-time and full-time employees. We’ve literally hired ‘em all! Through all of that we’ve learned a lesson or 37 that we’d love to share with you.

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Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

10 of Our Favorite Tools for Team Productivity & Communication

We love systems and tools (surprise, surprise). We’re always upgrading a process, trying out new tools that we think will benefit our team, and generally seeing what’s helpful and ends up sticking long-term. In doing so, we’ve accumulated a small staple collection of tools that massively benefit our team productivity and communication, which are two of the most important aspects of managing a team.

Stepping into our roles as not only managers but leaders, learning how members of our team work best, how they prefer to communicate, and ensuring that we have the necessary tools to aid in that has served us and our team members so well.

There are 10 tools that are our absolute couldn’t-live-without-them favorites, and we’re so excited to share them with you today! If you don’t adopt some of these exact tools for your team, hopefully the goal behind them inspires you to create something similar.

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Grow, Scaling Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Scaling Abagail Pumphrey

How to Use Systems to Scale Past 6-Figures in Your Service Based Business

We bet you’re thinking that if you start using a certain software, tool, or marketing mechanism, that’s going to be the thing to soar you past 6 figures in your service-based business. (You can probably tell where we’re going with this, but…) In all actuality, it isn’t.

After working with 5-, 6-, even 7-figure clients who are charging anywhere from $750+ on retainer to $60k one-time projects, we know a thing or two about helping service providers scale past 6 figures without the stress, overwhelm, or taking up all of their precious time.

We know you’re so close to finally reaching that point in your business, too, but you just don’t think you have the time or capacity to make it happen. So, in our own experience working with these clients, here are the 3 things we’ve noticed are required for service-based business owners wanting to scale past 6 figures and beyond.

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Grow, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey

The Problem With Burnout (And Why It’s Not Actually The Problem)

If you’ve been following Boss Project for a while then you know we like to reclaim words and then redefine their meanings to what aligns with us AND for you (business owners). We’re at it again and this time we want to take back the word “burnout”.

Burnout has been given a negative reputation and business owners are running away from it as fast as possible. However, we’ve come to find out that burnout isn’t this big, bad thing everyone makes it out to be. In fact, burnout has helped change our business for the better.

In this blog, we’re going to tell you what burnout means to us and how you can reclaim it into something productive and powerful in your business.

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Grow, Customer Relationship Management Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Customer Relationship Management Abagail Pumphrey

The 3 Best Scripts to Use With Existing Clients to Increase Revenue and Get More Leads

You probably hear ten new sexy strategies to increase revenue every single day. But, if we’re honest, at the end of the day there are TWO main routes you can take.

One is with brand new, cold leads that you nurture and hope that you can convert into a client. The other is to take what’s already available to you with your existing clients to generate more revenue and super warm connections (that will take a heck of a lot less time to convert.)

Why don’t service providers do this more often? From what we see time and time again, it’s because you’re scared or just don’t know how to start those conversations with your clients. Introverts thrive on avoiding as many uncomfortable conversations as possible, but they don’t have to (and shouldn’t) feel that way. Here’s why.

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Learn, Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey Learn, Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey

The Art of the Customer Experience

When talking about the customer experience, there’s one word in particular that should come to mind: feelings. After all, that’s what it revolves around– how you make your customers or clients feel before, during, and after working with you.

But because the experience is based around feelings, that raises a ton of questions. How can you track feelings as a measurable KPI? What parts of your process should you focus on to invoke those positive feelings? Why the heck is all of this so important to begin with?

Keep reading for the answers to all of your questions as it relates to the art of the customer or client experience!

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Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

5 Reasons Why You Need to be in a Mastermind Group

Running your service-based business essentially isolated and getting your advice and resources from freebies, Facebook groups, or short courses was great when you were first starting out. Now that you’re trying to scale beyond measures that were even conceivable in the beginning, having other brains to feed off of each other is a value unlike any other growth method.

This is technically called a mastermind group, and many successful entrepreneurs have credited their success to the collective of minds they’ve been a part of. Keep reading to learn 5 reasons why you should seriously consider joining a mastermind group!

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This Simple Title Shift Can Drastically Increase Your Average Client Value

It’s a no-brainer that if you really pay attention to the language and messaging you use, you start to attract your ideal clients. As a niche service provider, you know that you have the power to change lives and businesses with your service.

But one of the most important pieces of messaging that, with a simple shift, could change how you feel, your lead generation, conversions, pricing, and how you show up as an expert is what you call yourself.

We’re inviting you to try a new phrase to use outside of the usual “one-to-one service provider,” “creative entrepreneur,” “small business owner” terms that are so common in this tightly knit space.

Instead, what if you called yourself a “consultant” (whether that’s a marketing consultant, operations consultant, or [insert industry type] consultant)?

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Optimize, Leadership Guest User Optimize, Leadership Guest User

Work Less, Make More: How to Streamline Your Work Week & Increase Your Client Capacity

It probably wouldn’t be too far-fetched to say that a common dream amongst business owners is to be able to work less but make more money. It sounds like a contradiction, but it’s actually entirely possible to achieve. By streamlining your work week and increasing your client capacity, you’re able to get back more time in your business and make more money.

There are really only two levers to pull in order to do this: 1. Increase the price of your package, and 2. Decrease the amount of time it takes to complete a client project. In this blog post, we’ll break down what it means to accomplish each of these, so you can finally reach your “work less, make more” goal.

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Free Website Audit

What’s your website’s grade? Your grade will give you insights into the most impactful changes you can make in order to see improvements in your prospect journey, keyword ranking, usability, and more.

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Are you ready to increase your capacity without sacrificing your client experience?

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We help our clients renovate their business systems and structures in order to increase revenue, design a Life-First business and scale sustainably. You really just want to design a life and business that works for you. That serves you and impacts others. A business that runs like a well oiled machine, delivers an incredible experience and thrives without you having to touch everything.