Top 3 Ways We Nurture Our Audience and Get High Conversions

It’s one thing to launch a product or service (Go you by the way!), but it’s a whole other beast to actually maintain that offer after it’s all said and done. You want to make sure no one forgets about your offer and that you’re still tending to the leads that are cold, warm, hot, and everything in between. Otherwise, how would you convert anyone?

A big piece of getting conversions is keeping your audience engaged and providing value, AKA nurturing them. You’re nurturing your audience about 80% of the time, or at least you should be, which means it’s important to find ways and avenues to talk to them that work best. Here at Boss Project, we have three top ways that we nurture our people to increase our conversions, and that’s what we want to share with you today!

Engaging on Social Media

Social media is key to us not only sharing quick tips with our audience and promoting our offers, but it’s also the simplest and most effective way we’ve found to engage with them, too. You’re able to show your face, personality and mannerisms, and really let your audience get to know the person (or in our case, people) behind the business. Naturally, people will start to like you and trust you more, making them more likely to convert.

When it comes to engagement, we see great success in posting shareable graphics on Instagram. These are usually quotes, cool mock-ups, and generally graphics that encourage people to share them (hence where the “shareable” comes from). For instance, it’s unlikely that tons of people will share a post of your face to their Stories, but they will share a powerful quote that resonates with them. From there, a snowball effect takes place because now your post has reached a broader audience who’s begun to share it as well, and so on.

We love to use our Highly Shareable Social Graphics from The Creative Template Shop. All we do is edit the colors, fonts, and text to our liking, and then we’re ready to schedule to social!


We also own a public Facebook group where we’re over 30k members strong, and growing every day. We love it because we’ve built a more controlled audience that is in our target niche of creative business owners. Not only are they able to go to a safe space to find support and ask questions from each other, but we’re also able to directly provide value in more ways than just a post or a Story. We can host fun events, go live with guest experts, give exclusive content to just our group members, etc.

Another great aspect of Facebook groups is that your people who’ve already purchased something from you can do the selling part for you. A lot of the time, all someone needs in order to convert is to hear word-of-mouth what your offer has done for someone else. If someone loves it, they just might post on their own in your Facebook group where others can see!

The only downside to Facebook groups is that they’re a lot of work. You have to be prepared to moderate the heck out of it, and find a great team of moderators to help when it grows beyond just your control. Facebook has rolled out some awesome moderation tools to help you set some automated moderation rules, but it’s always awesome to have a team of real people who can provide support and answer questions to posts when you aren’t available.

Nurturing via Email

We have no clue what we’d do without our sacred email list! The difference between email and social is that the audience is yours. It’s much more controlled than social media where there’s no guarantee who your posts will reach. With email, you know exactly who you’re emailing, and you’re able to organize those people even further with tagging and segmenting. (Check out this podcast episode for more email marketing and customer engagement tips!)

Having an email welcome sequence is so powerful because A) It’s automated so you can set it and forget it, and B) Your audience is getting to know you, what you’re about, and your offer while they’re still a warm lead. We have a main welcome sequence that anyone who signs up for one of our freebies gets filtered into. Since they’ve shown that they’re interested in what we teach, it’s important that we follow up on that as soon as possible while we’re still top of mind, which is what our welcome sequence accomplishes. We break down how to write a welcome sequence in this blog post.

The ability to segment those people even further is a godsend because you should never be talking to everyone about the same thing all the time. If you can break your people up even further, like people who seem interested in this product over that one based on their engagement habits with your emails, you can then target them specifically for certain promotions. We talk more about segmenting in this list of dos and don’ts for email marketing.

Aside from promotional emails during a launch or inside a sequence, we provide value to our audience regularly. They know that every Sunday, they can open their inbox to find an email from us going over various business and mindset tips. This is a huge way we show our expertise and make sure we’ve instilled that trust with our audience that we know our shit and can help them with their problem.

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Providing Value with Blog Posts

Our blog is another huge way that we share our expertise with a much wider audience. The best decision we ever made was outsourcing an SEO expert to help make sure we’re using the right keywords in our posts. This opens up the doors for more people to come to our website— first for business advice, and secondly to see what we offer. We’re also sure to share our blog content on Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook + our group to get as many eyes on it as possible.

As with everything we put out, there’s a strategy and goal behind everything we write about. If we’re having a specific launch, we’ll tailor our content across all our channels to prepare for it. If we want to focus on increasing traffic to a particular product, we’ll do the same for that as well. This just makes sure that everything is cohesive and that we come full circle with what we’re putting out there.

So, those are our top 3 ways we nurture, engage with, and provide value to our audience! We’ve found so much success with our holy triad: social media, email, and blog. Remember, though, that whatever methods you choose should work for you and your audience.

We know that our people are active on those platforms and we find results from it, which is why we consistently post there. Know where your people are, and then base your strategies on your results. Follow what works, and you’ll soon be a pro at nurturing your audience!


How to Talk About Your Offer (Without Wearing Out Your Audience)


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