You Can Scale Your Service-Based Business Without Adding Courses or Digital Products - Here’s How

When we count to 3, we want you to name the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of scaling your service-based business beyond just growing a team. Ready?

1.. 2.. 3..

If you said anything along the lines of “creating courses or digital products”, then this blog post is for you. Because— real talk?— we would basically get on our knees at this very moment and beg you to not go down that path right now.

We know what all of the popular gurus and coaches are saying. It’s likely you already have an ear worm wiggling its way to your brain to try to convince you that if you want to make more money while working less hours, you have to create digital products. But— real real talk?— that’s as much of a myth as the Lochness Monster.

We’ve been around long enough to know when the elusive “passive income” started becoming the go-to trend for small business owners to chase. This also means we’ve been around long enough to know how to actually scale without creating courses or digital products, and we’re going to explain how in this blog post!

Creating Digital Products = More Work and Less Time

Not just more work but more stress and headache, too. You’re having to constantly rely on social media, trying to grow your followers and engagement, spending money on ads, and trying to get in front of everyone everywhere. And that’s before you even make a sale!

What about your buyers? Your students? The people who are going to need support, advice, coming to you with questions, needing feedback and giving you feedback on your product? If you want to get great reviews and referrals, you have to make sure those people are feeling supported and taken care of. You have to work to keep them engaged with your program.

The dream circumstance where you can just create a digital product, then kick your feet up and relax while the dough comes rolling in by the thousands? It’s a sham, unless you’ve already built the following beforehand or are ready to spend some serious cash on paid advertising.

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The Sustainable Method of Scaling Your Service-Based Business

If you’re ready to cut the crap and pull back the curtain on how you can actually grow your service-based business to 6-figures and beyond without having to worry about how many people are on your email list, then we invite you to apply for our advanced private training!

We saw that eye roll and heard that scoff. And it’s absolutely OK because we would have done the same thing if we’d read this post about 6 years ago. Granted, that was before we did the exact same things we teach in this training and landed a $20k client but nonetheless, we get it.

So if you’re serious about cutting your todo list in half, finally finding a way to make money that aligns with where you are right now in your business, and getting a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to grow a 6-figure business sustainably, then take just 5 minutes right now to go apply for an invitation to our private training.


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