Going Back to Work After Chaos: Returning to Business as Usual

Episode 891: Show Notes

If you are ever torn between life and business, you do not need permission to choose YOU! When you build your business with intention, it will work for you, even when life surprises you. It’s more than okay to prioritize yourself over your business with zero guilt. A few months ago, I got a call saying that my dad had a stroke. The following weeks unfolded so dramatically as his condition went from bad to worse. It became very clear that this wasn’t just a typical stroke. Eventually, we found out he has a very rare autoimmune disease that caused him to require around-the-clock care all of a sudden. I was simply not prepared for this. Keep in mind, during all of this, my business still had to keep running.

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Why September Was My Best Financial Month of 2024

During this difficult time, I was in the middle of developing a new course and writing and recording curriculum. I would record new lessons and then drive to the hospital. It sucked (and it still sucks), but something truly extraordinary happened. I didn’t do anything fancy like writing new launch emails or even posting on socials, but somehow, September was my best financial month of the year! It’s sort of like my business was telling me that it can handle itself while I deal with my priorities, and I’m so grateful for that. All the work I had done in the months prior showed up and worked in the way I needed it to when I needed it most. The truth is, this is why I built the business the way I did. 

Building A Business That Works for YOU!

Life is unpredictable. When something impacts you and you’re such a critical part of your business, you are at huge risk of losing your income! You deserve the freedom to focus on what really matters without fear, guilt, and hesitation. If you build your business the right way, you too can have the freedom to step away to prioritize the things that life throws at you. I still have a super long way to go. Even though I’m still trying to get back to “normal,” I am getting there. Building my business intentionally so that it works for me has helped me through this. 

How to “Go Back to Normal” After Life’s Chaos

I’ve been around long enough to have learned a thing or two about returning to “business as usual” after strange events have occurred. The most important thing I want you to remember is: don’t fight your feelings! It’s so easy to focus on work and push aside all of your overwhelming feelings. The thing is, very little of what you do in your online business is urgent, essential, and emergent work. So, if you feel like crap, don’t just keep working! You aren’t going to feel good about it, it probably won’t be your best work, and you’re going to put yourself through so much pain. Step away, rest, and realize that your life and how you show up for family and friends is far more important! It’s also important to know what the bare minimum that you need to get done is and be kind to yourself when your capacity isn’t as high as it used to be. I want to help you come up with a plan; a simple plan to help you ease back into things. And even when you make the plan, you have to be willing to pivot. 

I might not know you personally, but I do know that you need to figure out ways to make your business run during times when you can’t be there. During chaos is not the time to figure that out. Now is! Write down your weaknesses, your breaking points, what could destroy your business, and what your bare minimum tasks are. Let this be your sign to rebuild your business in a way that will work for you more long-term. I know you’re capable of so many incredible things and I need you to know that I’m walking alongside of you and want the best for you. You’ve got this!


Quote This

If you’re ever torn between business and your life, you do not need permission to choose you.



  • Why September Was My Best Financial Month of 2024. [0:10:49] 

  • Building a Business That Works for You! [0:12:11]

  • How to “Go Back to Normal” After Life’s Chaos. [0:15:11]


Abagail Pumphrey

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Abagail hosts the twice-weekly podcast, The Strategy Hour, which is recognized by INC and Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs.

Key Topics:

Rebuilding Business, Self-sustaining Business, Crisis Management, Strategic Planning


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